

Build path specifies execution environment JavaSE-1.7. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment. dubboxdemo-serviceBuild pathJRE System Library Problem


  1. 右键当前项目,选择 properties,在新窗口中选择 java build path,然后切换到 Libraries 选项卡,移除“JRE System Library[J2SE 1.7]”

  2. 单击“Add Library”,在新窗口中选择 JRE System Library

  3. BuildPathSpecifiesExecution environment JavaSE-1.7_path

3.最后选择 “Executin Environment” 或默认 Workspace default JREBuildPathSpecifiesExecution environment JavaSE-1.7_path_02

5.点击Apply andclose,成功后:BuildPathSpecifiesExecution environment JavaSE-1.7_path_03