Your database is open in archive mode.

LOG_archive_DEST is set to Fast Recovery Area (FRA) and It is 100% full when a log switch takes place.

No alternative or optional archive destinations are defined.

What is the outcome?

A)Obsolete backups are automatically deleted and new archivelogs are generated.

B)All active sessions hang until the database administrator (DBA) makes space available in the FRA.

C)The archivelog entries are made in the diagnostic destination and when space is available, new archivelogs are generated.

D)All active sessions are disconnected and their transactions rolled back.

E)No archivelogs are generated.

Answer: B



题译:LOG_archive_DEST 被设置为快速恢复区,当发生日志切换时,它是 100%满的。没有定义替代的或可选的存档目的地。结果如何?

FRA 中的保留策略 :

FRA 中的文件的保留与否由 RMAN 保留策略来决定。通过执行 RMAN configure retention policy 命令来设置其策略。




如果闪回恢复区是唯一的归档日志目标,那么 FRA 中的空间被用完时,数据库会被挂起。所以如果 FRA 是唯一 的,就必须仔细观察空间可用性。