VMvare克隆虚拟机导致网络不能使用: 例如报错:bringing up interface eth0: device eth1 has different mac address 例如报错(执行service network restart时):device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization. # mkdir mytest; cd mytest # ln -s /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules rules # ln -s /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ net # echo '' > rules # start_udev # vi rules //将 NAME="eth1" 改为 NAME="eth0" # cd net; vi ifcfg-eth0 //删除 HWADDR , 多个网卡 cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth1 ,每个网卡都有一个配置文件,ifup、ifdown等命令依赖ifcfg-ethX配置文件 ifcfg-eth0 对应 DEVICE=eth0 ifcfg-eth1 对应 DEVICE=eth1 # dmesg | grep eth //搜索驱动 # ethtool -i e1000 //查看驱动 # modprobe -r e1000 # rmmod e1000 //网卡驱动卸载,让修改后的网卡名生效 # modprobe e1000 //重新加载网卡驱动,让修改后的网卡名生效