摘  要


首先,本文介绍了系统的开发背景和意义,分析了当前消防器材销售市场的现状和存在的问题,并指出了电子商务对于消防器材销售的重要性和作用。其次,本文阐述了消防器材销售系统的总体架构和设计思想,详细介绍了系统的功能模块、数据库设计以及前端界面的设计。本文基于Spring Boot开发消防器材销售系统,采用Java语言、HTML和MySQL数据库实现基本业务。在系统实现部分,本文重点介绍了如何使用Spring Boot框架进行系统开发,如何通过Java语言实现系统的主要业务逻辑,如何使用MySQL数据库进行数据的存储和管理。该系统的实现有助于提高消防器材的销售效率和用户的购物体验,具有一定的实际应用价值和市场前景。

关键词:电子商务,Spring Boot,消防器材,在线销售,数据库



In recent years, frequent fire accidents have posed a serious threat to people's lives and property safety. As an important means of fire prevention and control, the sales and popularization of fire-fighting equipment are particularly important. However, the traditional sales model of fire equipment has many problems, such as information asymmetry, single sales channels, and inadequate after-sales service. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate and optimize the existing fire equipment sales system. The fire equipment sales industry, as an important component of ensuring public safety, has enormous market potential. This article will explore how to improve sales efficiency and seize market opportunities through innovative fire equipment sales systems.

Firstly, this article introduces the development background and significance of the system, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the fire equipment sales market, and points out the importance and role of e-commerce in fire equipment sales. Secondly, this article elaborates on the overall architecture and design ideas of the fire equipment sales system, and provides a detailed introduction to the system's functional modules, database design, and front-end interface design. This article is based on Spring Boot to develop a fire equipment sales system, which uses Java language, HTML, and MySQL database to implement basic business. In the system implementation section, this article focuses on how to use the Spring Boot framework for system development, how to implement the main business logic of the system through Java language, and how to use MySQL database for data storage and management. The implementation of this system helps to improve the sales efficiency of fire-fighting equipment and the shopping experience of users, and has certain practical application value and market prospects.

Keywords: e-commerce, Spring Boot, fire equipment, online sales, database

目 录

摘  要 1


第一章  绪 论 5

1.1研究背景 5

1.2国内外研究现状 5

1.2.1 国外研究现状 5

1.2.2 国内研究现状 6

1.3课题意义 7

第二章  相关技术简介 9

2.1 JAVA技术 9

2.2 MYSQL数据库 9

2.3 Vue.JS前台技术 9

2.4 Spring Boot框架技术 10

第三章  系统分析 12

3.1可行性分析 12

3.1.1 经济可行性 12

3.1.2 技术可行性 12

3.1.3 法律可行性 12

3.1.4 社会可行性 12

3.2系统需求分析 12

3.2.1性能需求 12

3.2.2功能需求 13

3.3系统UML用例分析 13

第四章  系统设计 15

4.1系统架构设计 15

4.2系统功能设计 15

4.2.1系统后台设计 16

4.2.2系统前台设计 16

4.3数据库设计 17

4.3.1 数据库E-R图 17

4.3.2 数据库表设计 19

第五章  系统的实现 25

5.1前台功能模块的实现 25

5.1.1 用户注册界面 25

5.1.2 用户登录界面 26

5.1.3 个人资料界面 27

5.1.4 消防器材详情界面 27

5.1.5 购物车界面 28

5.1.6 我的订单界面 29

5.2后台功能模块的实现 30

5.2.1 管理员登录界面 30

5.2.2 公告管理界面 30

5.2.3 消防器材管理界面 31

5.2.4 消防器材分类管理界面 32

5.2.5 进货管理界面 33

5.2.5 销售订单管理界面 33

5.2.6会员管理界面 34

第六章  系统测试 36

6.1测试目的 36

6.2测试用例 36

6.3测试分析 38

第七章  总 结 39

参考文献 40

致  谢 41







