老李分享: Oracle Performance Tuning Overview 翻译 1 性能优化概述

This chapter provides an introduction toperformance tuning and contains the following sections:


1.1 性能优化简介

This guide provides information on tuning anOracle Database system for performance. Topics discussed in this guide include:



Before starting on the instance or SQL tuningsections of this guide, make sure you have read Part II, "Performance Planning".


Based on years of designing and performanceexperience, Oracle has designed a performance methodology. This brief sectionexplains clear and simple activities that can dramatically improve systemperformance. It discusses the following topics:



Part III, "Optimizing Instance Performance" ofthis guide discusses the factors involved in the tuning and optimizing of anOracle database instance.


When considering instance tuning, care mustbe taken in the initial design of the database system to avoid bottlenecks thatcould lead to performance problems. In addition, you need to consider:


  • Allocating memory to database structures

  • 给数据库分配内存

  • Determining I/O requirements of different parts of the database

  • 确定数据库的不同部分的I/O需求

  • Tuning the operating system for optimal performance of the database

  • 调优操作系统使数据库系能达到最佳

After the database instance has beeninstalled and configured, you need to monitor the database as it is running tocheck for performance-related problems.


Performance tuning requires a different,although related, method to the initial configuration of a system. Configuringa system involves allocating resources in an ordered manner so that the initialsystem configuration is functional.

对于系统的初始化配置来说 性能调优需要一种与之不同的尽管相关的方法。要以有序的方式分配资源来配置一个系统,这样系统的初始化配置才能起作用。

Tuning is driven by identifying the mostsignificant bottleneck and making the appropriate changes to reduce oreliminate the effect of that bottleneck. Usually, tuning is performedreactively, either while the system is preproduction or after it is live.


The most effective way to tune is to have anestablished performance baseline that can be used for comparison if aperformance issue arises. Most database administrators (DBAs) know their systemwell and can easily identify peak usage periods. For example, the peak periodscould be between 10.00am and 12.00pm and also between 1.30pm and 3.00pm. Thiscould include a batch window of 12.00am midnight to 6am.



It is important to identify these peakperiods at the site and install a monitoring tool that gathers performance datafor those high-load times. Optimally, data gathering should be configured fromwhen the application is in its initial trial phase during the QA cycle.Otherwise, this should be configured when the system is first in production.


Ideally, baseline data gathered shouldinclude the following:


  • Application statistics (transaction volumes, response time)

  • 应用程序统计信息(交易量,响应时间)

  • Database statistics

  • 数据库统计信息

  • Operating system statistics

  • 操作系统统计信息

  • Disk I/O statistics

  • 磁盘 输入输出 统计信息

  • Network statistics

  • 网络统计信息

In the Automatic Workload Repository,baselines are identified by a range of snapshots that are preserved for futurecomparisons. See "Overview of the Automatic Workload Repository".


A common pitfall in performance tuning is tomistake the symptoms of a problem for the actual problem itself. It isimportant to recognize that many performance statistics indicate the symptoms,and that identifying the symptom is not sufficient data to implement a remedy.For example:


  • Slow physical I/O

  • 缓慢的物理输入输出

Generally, this is caused bypoorly-configured disks. However, it could also be caused by a significantamount of unnecessary physical I/O on those disks issued by poorly-tuned SQL.


  • Latch contention

  • 闩锁争用

Rarely is latch contention tunable byreconfiguring the instance. Rather, latch contention usually is resolvedthrough application changes.


  • Excessive CPU usage

  • CPU使用率过高

Excessive CPU usage usually means that thereis little idle CPU on the system. This could be caused by an inadequately-sizedsystem, by untuned SQL statements, or by inefficient application programs.

过高的cpu使用率通常意味着系统会有很少空闲的cpu。这可能由系统规模不适当 或未经优化的sql 或者 低效率的应用程序导致。何时调优

There are two distinct types of tuning:
