Introduction to Performance Tuning
This guide provides information on tuning an Oracle Database system for
performance. Topics discussed in this guide include:
■ Performance Planning
■ Instance Tuning

■ SQL Tuning






Performance Planning

Before starting on the instance or SQL tuning sections of this guide, make sure you

have read Part II, "Performance Planning". Based on years of designing and

performance experience, Oracle has designed a performance methodology. This brief

section explains clear and simple activities that can dramatically improve system

performance. It discusses the following topics:

■ Understanding Investment Options

■ Understanding Scalability

■ System Architecture

■ Application Design Principles

■ Workload Testing, Modeling, and Implementation

■ Deploying New Applications



Instance Tuning

Part III, "Optimizing Instance Performance" of this guide discusses the factors

involved in the tuning and optimizing of an Oracle database instance.

When considering instance tuning, care must be taken in the initial design of the

database system to avoid bottlenecks that could lead to performance problems. In

addition, you need to consider:

■ Allocating memory to database structures

■ Determining I/O requirements of different parts of the database
■ Tuning the operating system for optimal performance of the database
After the database instance has been installed and configured, you need to monitor the
database as it is running to check for performance-related problems.