1、  先将要升级的bin文件拷到U盘中,PC机通过console线与路由器相连。
2、  在MSR路由器Comware正常运转的情况下,插入U盘,系统会出现如下提示:
%Nov 16 15:31:36:259 2006 MSR VFS/4/LOG:
 uf1: inserted into slot 0.
3、  查看当前版本信息和U盘的文件内容
在升级之前我们要确认机器的型号和所升级的版本,通过display version和dir命令
<MSR>display version
H3C Comware Platform Software
Comware software, Version 5.20, Beta 1106
Copyright(c) 2004-2006 Hangzhou Huawei-3Com Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
H3C MSR30-20 uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 9 minutes
CPU type: FREESCALE MPC8349 533MHz
256M bytes DDR SDRAM Memory
4M bytes Flash Memory
Pcb             Version:  3.0
Logic           Version:  2.0
Basic  BootROM  Version:  2.07
Extend BootROM  Version:  2.07
[SLOT  0]CON            (Hardware)3.0,  (Driver)1.0,    (Cpld)2.0
[SLOT  0]AUX            (Hardware)3.0,  (Driver)1.0,    (Cpld)2.0
[SLOT  0]GE0/0          (Hardware)3.0,  (Driver)1.0,    (Cpld)2.0
[SLOT  0]GE0/1          (Hardware)3.0,  (Driver)1.0,    (Cpld)2.0
[SLOT  1]SIC-1FXS       (Hardware)2.2,  (Driver)1.10,   (Cpld)2.0
[SLOT  4]DSIC-9FSW      (Hardware)3.0,  (Driver)1.0,    (Cpld)2.0
[SLOT  5]MIM-2VE1       (Hardware)2.0,  (Driver)1.10,   (Cpld)1.0
<MSR>dir uf1:/
Directory of uf1:/
   0   -rw-  15990356  Oct 13 2006 14:56:46   msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin
   1   -rw-  15812716  Oct 13 2006 14:56:18   msr20-cmw520-b1106.bin
   2   -rw-  16411108  Oct 13 2006 14:57:06   msr50-cmw520-b1106.bin
255340 KB total (208244 KB free)
File system type of uf1: FAT16
4、 将要升级的文件从U盘拷到CF
<MSR>copy uf1:/ msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin cf:/
Copy uf1:/30main.bin to cf:/ msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin?[Y/N]:y
%Copy file uf1:/ msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin to cf:/ msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin...Done.
5、 更改启动文件
<MSR>boot-loader file cf:/ msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin main
  This command will set boot file, Continue? [Y/N]:y
  The specified file will be used as a main boot file at the next time!
6、 保存当前配置
The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)[cf:/config.cfg]
(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):
cf:/config.cfg exists, overwrite? [Y/N]:y
Validating file. Please wait...
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration cf:/config.cfg. Please wait...
Configuration is saved to cf successfully.
7、 重启设备
  Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait.........Checking is finished!
  This will reboot device. Continue? [Y/N]:y
#Nov 16 15:36:22:283 2006 MSR COMMONSY/4/REBOOT:
 Reboot device by command.
%Nov 16 15:36:26:312 2006 MSR DEV/4/SYSTEM REBOOT:
 System is rebooted by common cause.
system start booting......Version  2.07
Press CTRL+D to stop auto-boot
Booting Normal Extend BootRom
Ensure the baudrate is set to 9600bps!Starting at 0xa00000...
      *                                                     *
      *         H3C MSR30-20 BOOTROM, Version 2.07          *
      *                                                     *
      Copyright(c) 2004-2006 Hangzhou Huawei-3Com Technology Co., Ltd.
      Compiled date: Sep 25 2006, 19:58:23
      CPU type        : MPC8349E
      CPU L1 Cache    : 32KB
      CPU Clock Speed : 533MHz
      Memory Type     : DDR SDRAM
      Memory Size     : 256MB
      Memory Speed    : 266MHz
      BootRom Size    : 4096KB
      CPLD     Version is   2.00
      HardWare Version is   3.00
CF Card is Inserted, now is mounting...
cf:/  - Volume is OK                                   
Mount CF Card OK!
CF Card Size:256MByte
Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu...
The current starting file is main application file--cf:/ msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin!
The main application file is self-decompressing...
System is starting.....
Ensure the baudrate is set to 9600bps!
Starting at 0x10000...
8、 删除原bin文件
Directory of cf:/
   0   drw-         -  Sep 03 2006 10:24:54   logfile
   1   -rw-  15990356  Nov 16 2006 15:07:48   main.bin
   2   -rw-      1574  Nov 16 2006 15:36:06   config.cfg
   3   -rw-  15990356  Nov 16 2006 15:33:54   msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin
252344 KB total (205112 KB free)
File system type of cf: FAT16
<MSR>delete cf:/main.bin
Delete cf:/main.bin?[Y/N]:y
%Delete file cf:/main.bin...Done.
Directory of cf:/
   0   drw-         -  Sep 03 2006 10:24:54   logfile
   1   -rw-      1574  Nov 16 2006 15:36:06   config.cfg
   2   -rw-  15990356  Nov 16 2006 15:33:54   msr30-cmw520-b1106.bin
252344 KB total (205112 KB free)
File system type of cf: FAT16
1、  Bootrom与VRP捆绑升级,即升级VRP的同时Bootrom也升级了;
2、  目前MSR设备的USB 0口 和USB 1口都可以识别普通U盘;
3、  注意CF卡是否有足够容量,在升级之前可以将CF卡中不用的文件删除,确保有足够的空间存放要升级的bin文件;
4、  要确保U盘不被病毒感染。
5.    CMW5.20-B1204P03 以后的版本需要注册。