2011-09-02-------------------新增对GLOOX1.0API文档Main Page页翻译
gloox1.0API文档---个人将官方的API文档整站下载下来打包,方便本地查看,强烈建议大家详细看一下文档的Main Page页,以对整个gloox的设计有一个大的层面上的理解
xmpp协议PPT----XMPP PPT文档
补充:博主近日学习GLOOX,重读了API Main Page页,觉得Main Page页对于新手从较高层面上把握GLOOX有很大帮助,且这里往往是新手容易忽略的最直接的一手资料信息来源,于是决定花时间翻译出来。限于本人英文水平,大家可参照原英文文档查看:

GLOOX的设计遵循了所谓的观察者设计模式,含义是一切都是基于事件驱动的。使用GLOOX不如Jabber/XMPP网络有两种方式------做为客户端或组件。C++ XMPP服务器库请参考<http://camaya.net/glooxd>.
XMPP详细规格说明书(RFC 3290)的11.5小节要求,线路上交换的数据只能是UTF-8编码方式,由于GLOOX不知道输入的数据是哪种编码,所以GLOOX要求输入数据必须是有效的UTF-8编码。
Event Handlers:
GLOOX里最重要的工具就是事件处理器(event hanbdlers),当前,除了有为RFC中定义的基本协议服务的4种事件处理器,还有为XEP实现里的事件和附加功能服务的其它许多事件处理器。另外,一个日志处理器、一个一般标签处理器和一个连接事件处理器都是有效的。
  1. class MyClass : public PresenceHandler
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. // reimplemented from PresenceHandler
  5. virtual void handlePresence(const Presence& presence );
  6. [...]
  7. };
  8. void MyClass::handlePresence( const Presence& presence )
  9. {
  10. // extract further information from the Presence object
  11. }
  1. class MyClass : public PresenceHandler
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. // reimplemented from PresenceHandler
  5. virtual void handlePresence( const Presence& presence );
  6. [...]
  7. };
  8. void MyClass::handlePresence( const Presence& presence )
  9. {
  10. // extract further information from the Presence object
  11. }

  1. OtherClass::doSomething()
  2. {
  3. Client* client = new Client( ... );
  4. [...]
  5. MyClass* handler = new MyClass( ... );
  6. client->registerPresenceHandler( handler );
  7. }
  1. OtherClass::doSomething()
  2. {
  3. Client* client = new Client( ... );
  4. [...]
  5. MyClass* handler = new MyClass( ... );
  6. client->registerPresenceHandler( handler );
  7. }
几乎所以的事件处理器的工作方式都是与这个例子相似的,接下来以使用连接事件处理器(class ConnectionListener)为例,再举一例:
  1. class MyClass : public ConnectionListener
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. virtual void onConnect();
  5. virtual bool onTLSConnect( ... );
  6. };
  7. void MyClass::onConnect()
  8. {
  9. // do something when the connection is established
  10. }
  11. bool MyClass::onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info )
  12. {
  13. // decide whether you trust the certificate, examine the CertInfo structure
  14. return true;// if you trust it, otherwise return false
  15. }
  1. class MyClass : public ConnectionListener
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. virtual void onConnect();
  5. virtual bool onTLSConnect( ... );
  6. };
  7. void MyClass::onConnect()
  8. {
  9. // do something when the connection is established
  10. }
  11. bool MyClass::onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info )
  12. {
  13. // decide whether you trust the certificate, examine the CertInfo structure
  14. return true; // if you trust it, otherwise return false
  15. }

Jabber/XMPP网络中的一个组件是加载到服务器上的,它运行在实际的服务软件之外,但它有相似的权限,组件使用XEP-0114中描述的协议去连接和验证一个服务器.类Component 支持该协议并且可以用于创建一个新的Jabber component.简单的例子如下:
  1. Component* comp = new Component( ... );
  2. comp->connect();
  1. Component* comp = new Component( ... );
  2. comp->connect();

一个客户端可以是终端用户的聊天客户端,一个机器人或者是一个没有和特殊服务器绑定在一起的简单实体。类Client实现了连接一个XMPP 服务器所需要的功能。一个例子如下:
  1. class MyClass : public ConnectionListener, PresenceHandler
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. void doSomething();
  5. virtual void handlePresence( ... );
  6. virtual void onConnect();
  7. virtual bool onTLSConnect(const CertInfo& info );
  8. };
  9. void MyClass::doSomething()
  10. {
  11. JID jid( "jid@server/resource" );
  12. Client* client = new Client( jid,"password" );
  13. client->registerConnectionListener( this );
  14. client->registerPresenceHandler( this );
  15. client->connect();
  16. }
  17. void MyClass::onConnect()
  18. {
  19. // connection established, auth done (see API docs for exceptions)
  20. }
  21. bool MyClass::onTLSConnect(const CertInfo& info )
  22. {
  23. // examine certificate info
  24. }
  25. void MyClass::handlePresence( Presence* presence )
  26. {
  27. // presence info
  28. }
  1. class MyClass : public ConnectionListener, PresenceHandler
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. void doSomething();
  5. virtual void handlePresence( ... );
  6. virtual void onConnect();
  7. virtual bool onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info );
  8. };
  9. void MyClass::doSomething()
  10. {
  11. JID jid( "jid@server/resource" );
  12. Client* client = new Client( jid, "password" );
  13. client->registerConnectionListener( this );
  14. client->registerPresenceHandler( this );
  15. client->connect();
  16. }
  17. void MyClass::onConnect()
  18. {
  19. // connection established, auth done (see API docs for exceptions)
  20. }
  21. bool MyClass::onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info )
  22. {
  23. // examine certificate info
  24. }
  25. void MyClass::handlePresence( Presence* presence )
  26. {
  27. // presence info
  28. }

  1. Client* client = new Client( ... );
  2. ConnectionTCPClient* conn = new ConnectionTCPClient( client, client->logInstance(), server, port );
  3. client->setConnectionImpl( conn );
  4. client->connect( false );
  5. int sock = conn->socket();
  6. [...]
  1. Client* client = new Client( ... );
  2. ConnectionTCPClient* conn = new ConnectionTCPClient( client, client->logInstance(), server, port );
  3. client->setConnectionImpl( conn );
  4. client->connect( false );
  5. int sock = conn->socket();
  6. [...]

  1. Client* client = new Client( ... );
  2. client->connect( false );
  3. int sock = static_cast<ConnectionTCPClient*>( client->connectionImpl() )->socket();
  4. [...]
  1. Client* client = new Client( ... );
  2. client->connect( false );
  3. int sock = static_cast<ConnectionTCPClient*>( client->connectionImpl() )->socket();
  4. [...]
Roster Management
Privacy Lists
同样地,“隐私列表”也定义在RFC3921中,一个隐秘列表可以明确地禁止或允许 从联系人接收或发给联系人数据节,区分不同的联系人。你可以自己定义基于JID,节类型等的规则。类PrivacyManager 和类PrivacyListHandler虚接口在隐私列表的处理上比较灵活。
  1. PrivacyManager* p = new PrivacyManager( ... );
  2. [...]
  3. PrivacyListHandler::PrivacyList list;
  4. PrivacyItem item( PrivacyItem::TypeJid, PrivacyItem::ActionDeny,
  5. PrivacyItem::PacketMessage, "me@there.com" );
  6. list.push_back( item );
  7. PrivacyItem item2( PrivacyItem::TypeJid, PrivacyItem::ActionAllow,
  8. PrivacyItem::PacketIq, "me@example.org" );
  9. list.push_back( item2 );
  10. p->store( "myList", list );
  1. PrivacyManager* p = new PrivacyManager( ... );
  2. [...]
  3. PrivacyListHandler::PrivacyList list;
  4. PrivacyItem item( PrivacyItem::TypeJid, PrivacyItem::ActionDeny,
  5. PrivacyItem::PacketMessage, "me@there.com" );
  6. list.push_back( item );
  7. PrivacyItem item2( PrivacyItem::TypeJid, PrivacyItem::ActionAllow,
  8. PrivacyItem::PacketIq, "me@example.org" );
  9. list.push_back( item2 );
  10. p->store( "myList", list );
Sending and Receiving of Chat Messages
Protocol Extensions (XEPs)
XMPP标准基金会发布了许多核心协议的扩展,称为XMPP Extension Protocols(XEPs)(XMPP扩展协议)。一些扩展协议已经在GLOOX中得到实现:
XEP-0004 Data Forms
XEP-0012 Last Activity
XEP-0013 Flexible Offline Message Retrieval
XEP-0022 Message Events (see MessageSession for examples)
XEP-0027 Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage (see GPGSigned and GPGEncrypted )
XEP-0030 Service Discovery
XEP-0045 Multi-User Chat
XEP-0047 Used with File Transfer
XEP-0048 Bookmark Storage
XEP-0049 Private XML Storage
XEP-0050 Ad-hoc Commands
XEP-0054 vcard-temp
XEP-0060 Publish-Subscribe
XEP-0065 SOCKS5 Bytestreams , used with File Transfer and HTTP and SOCKS5 Proxy support
XEP-0066 Out of Band Data , also used with File Transfer
XEP-0077 In-Band Registration
XEP-0078 Non-SASL Authentication (automatically used if the server does not support SASL)
XEP-0079 Advanced Message Processing
XEP-0083 Nested Roster Groups (automatically used if supported by the server. see RosterManager )
XEP-0085 Chat State Notifications (see MessageSession for examples)
XEP-0091 Delayed Delivery (old spec)
XEP-0092 Software Version (integrated into Service Discovery )
XEP-0095 Stream Initiation , used with File Transfer
XEP-0096 File Transfer
XEP-0106 JID Escaping
XEP-0114 Jabber Component Protocol
XEP-0115 Entity Capabilities (used automatically internally)
XEP-0124 Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH)
XEP-0131 Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata
XEP-0138 Stream Compression (used automatically if gloox is compiled with zlib and if the server supports it)
XEP-0145 Annotations
XEP-0153 vCard-based Avatars
XEP-0172 User Nickname
XEP-0184 Message Receipts
XEP-0199 XMPP Ping
XEP-0203 Delayed Delivery (new spec)
XEP-0206 see BOSH
XEP-0224 Attention
XEP-0256 Last Activity in Presence
File Transfer
对于文件传输,GLOOX实现了XEP-0095(流初始化协议)和XEP-0096(文件传输)协议的信号机制;为传输实现了XEP-0065(SOCKS5 Bytestreams 流字节)和XEP-0047(带内字节流)。参考 SIProfileFT类
HTTP and SOCKS5 Proxy support
gloox 有能力穿过http及SOCKS5代理,即便是连锁代理。参考ConnectionHTTPProxy类 和 ConnectionSocks5Proxy类.