







[root@Ansible scripts]# vim auto_authorization_mysql_db.sh


1. #!/bin/bash
2. #Date:2020-7-15 16:28:10
3. #Author Blog:
4. # https://www.yangxingzhen.com
5. # https://www.i7ti.cn
6. #Author WeChat:
7. # 微信公众号:小柒博客
8. #Author mirrors site:
9. # https://mirrors.yangxingzhen.com
10. #About the Author
11. # BY:YangXingZhen
12. # Mail:xingzhen.yang@yangxingzhen.com
13. # QQ:675583110
14. #执行脚本之前请执行命令:grant all on *.* to admin@'%' identified by 'CRDEP7X2zHUJCG^eZu2T*Wny' WITH GRANT OPTION;
15. # flush privileges;
17. source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
19. User="admin"
20. Passwd="CRDEP7X2zHUJCG^eZu2T*Wny"
22. function query (){
23. Code=""
24. whiletrue
25. do
26. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要连接的Mysql主机IP[多个IP以空格分隔]:\033[0m")" IPADDR
27. if[-z ${IPADDR}];then
28. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,主机IP不能为空...\033[0m"
29. elif["${IPADDR}"="q"-o "${IPADDR}"="Q"];then
30. Code="break"
31. else
32. whiletrue
33. do
34. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要查询的用户名:\033[0m")" USER
35. if[-z ${USER}];then
36. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,用户名不能为空...\033[0m"
37. elif["${USER}"="q"-o "${USER}"="Q"];then
38. Code="break"
39. else
40. whiletrue
41. do
42. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要查询的授权连接地址:\033[0m")"Connection
43. if[-z ${Connection}];then
44. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,授权连接地址不能为空...\033[0m"
45. elif["${Connection}"="q"-o "${Connection}"="Q"];then
46. Code="break"
47. else
48. for i in ${IPADDR}
49. do
50. mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "show grants for ${USER}@'"${Connection}"';"
51. return1
52. done
53. fi
54. ${Code}
55. done
56. fi
57. ${Code}
58. done
59. fi
60. ${Code}
61. done
62. }
64. function revoke (){
65. Code=""
66. whiletrue
67. do
68. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要连接的Mysql主机IP[多个IP以空格分隔]:\033[0m")" IPADDR
69. if[-z ${IPADDR}];then
70. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,主机IP不能为空...\033[0m"
71. elif["${IPADDR}"="q"-o "${IPADDR}"="Q"];then
72. Code="break"
73. else
74. whiletrue
75. do
76. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要撤销权限的数据库名:\033[0m")" DB_NAME
77. if[-z ${DB_NAME}];then
78. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,权限列表不能为空...\033[0m"
79. elif["${DB_NAME}"="q"-o "${DB_NAME}"="Q"];then
80. Code="break"
81. else
82. whiletrue
83. do
84. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要撤销的权限列表[以逗号分开]:\033[0m")"List
85. if[-z ${List}];then
86. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,权限列表不能为空...\033[0m"
87. elif["${List}"="q"-o "${List}"="Q"];then
88. Code="break"
89. else
90. whiletrue
91. do
92. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要撤销权限的用户名:\033[0m")" USER
93. if[-z ${USER}];then
94. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,用户名不能为空...\033[0m"
95. elif["${USER}"="q"-o "${USER}"="Q"];then
96. Code="break"
97. else
98. whiletrue
99. do
100. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要撤销权限的连接地址:\033[0m")"Connection
101. if[-z ${Connection}];then
102. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,授权连接地址不能为空...\033[0m"
103. elif["${Connection}"="q"-o "${Connection}"="Q"];then
104. Code="break"
105. else
106. for i in ${IPADDR}
107. do
108. mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "revoke ${List} on ${DB_NAME}.* from ${USER}@'"${Connection}"';"
109. if[ $(mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "show grants for ${USER}@'"${Connection}"';"|grep -wc "${List}")-eq 0];then
110. action "Removed User ${USER} Permission Success..."/bin/true
111. return1
112. else
113. action "Removed User ${USER} Permission Failed..."/bin/false
114. return1
115. fi
116. done
117. fi
118. ${Code}
119. done
120. fi
121. ${Code}
122. done
123. fi
124. ${Code}
125. done
126. fi
127. ${Code}
128. done
129. fi
130. ${Code}
131. done
132. }
134. function update (){
135. Code=""
136. whiletrue
137. do
138. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要授权的Mysql主机IP[多个IP以空格分隔]:\033[0m")" IPADDR
139. if[-z ${IPADDR}];then
140. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,主机IP不能为空...\033[0m"
141. elif["${IPADDR}"="q"-o "${IPADDR}"="Q"];then
142. Code="break"
143. else
144. whiletrue
145. do
146. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要授权的数据库名:\033[0m")" DB_NAME
147. if[-z ${DB_NAME}];then
148. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,数据库名不能为空...\033[0m"
149. elif["${DB_NAME}"="q"-o "${DB_NAME}"="Q"];then
150. Code="break"
151. else
152. whiletrue
153. do
154. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要授权的权限列表[以逗号分开]:\033[0m")"Permissions
155. if[-z ${Permissions}];then
156. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,权限列表不能为空...\033[0m"
157. elif["${Permissions}"="q"-o "${Permissions}"="Q"];then
158. Code="break"
159. else
160. whiletrue
161. do
162. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要授权的远程登录地址:\033[0m")"Login
163. if[-z ${Login}];then
164. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,远程登录地址不能为空...\033[0m"
165. elif["${Login}"="q"-o "${Login}"="Q"];then
166. Code="break"
167. else
168. whiletrue
169. do
170. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要授权的用户名:\033[0m")" USER
171. if[-z ${USER}];then
172. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,用户名不能为空...\033[0m"
173. elif["${USER}"="q"-o "${USER}"="Q"];then
174. Code="break"
175. else
176. whiletrue
177. do
178. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要授权的用户名密码:\033[0m")" PASSWD
179. if[-z ${PASSWD}];then
180. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,用户名不能为空...\033[0m"
181. elif["${PASSWD}"="q"-o "${PASSWD}"="Q"];then
182. Code="break"
183. else
184. for i in ${IPADDR}
185. do
186. mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "grant ${Permissions} on ${DB_NAME}.* to ${USER}@'"${Login}"' identified by '"${PASSWD}"';"
187. mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "flush privileges;"
188. if[ $(mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "show grants for ${USER}@'"${Login}"';"|grep -wc "${USER}")-ne 0];then
189. action "This IP: ${i} Authorized User ${USER} Success..."/bin/true
190. return1
191. else
192. action "This IP: ${i} Authorized User ${USER} Failed..."/bin/false
193. return1
194. fi
195. done
196. fi
197. ${Code}
198. done
199. fi
200. ${Code}
201. done
202. fi
203. ${Code}
204. done
205. fi
206. ${Code}
207. done
208. fi
209. ${Code}
210. done
211. fi
212. ${Code}
213. done
214. }
216. functiondelete(){
217. Code=""
218. whiletrue
219. do
220. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要连接的Mysql主机IP[多个IP以空格分隔]:\033[0m")" IPADDR
221. if[-z ${IPADDR}];then
222. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,主机IP不能为空...\033[0m"
223. elif["${IPADDR}"="q"-o "${IPADDR}"="Q"];then
224. Code="break"
225. else
226. whiletrue
227. do
228. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要删除的用户名:\033[0m")" USER
229. if[-z ${USER}];then
230. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,用户名不能为空...\033[0m"
231. elif["${USER}"="q"-o "${USER}"="Q"];then
232. Code="break"
233. else
234. whiletrue
235. do
236. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要删除的授权连接地址:\033[0m")"Connection
237. if[-z ${Connection}];then
238. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,授权连接地址不能为空...\033[0m"
239. elif["${Connection}"="q"-o "${Connection}"="Q"];then
240. Code="break"
241. else
242. for i in ${IPADDR}
243. do
244. mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "delete from mysql.user where user='"${USER}"' and host='"${Connection}"';"
245. if[ $(mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "select user,host from mysql.user;"|grep -wc "${USER}")-eq 0];then
246. action "Deleted User ${USER} Success..."/bin/true
247. return1
248. else
249. action "Deleted User ${USER} Failed..."/bin/false
250. return1
251. fi
252. done
253. fi
254. ${Code}
255. done
256. fi
257. ${Code}
258. done
259. fi
260. ${Code}
261. done
262. }
264. function list (){
265. ​​"
266. whiletrue
267. do
268. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要获取列表的Mysql主机IP[多个IP以空格分隔]:\033[0m")" IPADDR
269. if[-z ${IPADDR}];then
270. echo -e "\033[31m输入错误,主机IP不能为空...\033[0m"
271. elif["${IPADDR}"="q"-o "${IPADDR}"="Q"];then
272. Code="break"
273. else
274. for i in ${IPADDR}
275. do
276. mysql -h ${i}-u${User}-p"${Passwd}"-e "select user,host from mysql.user;"
278. done
279. fi
280. break​​​
281. done
282. }
284. functionMain(){
285. stty erase '^H'
286. Code=""
287. whiletrue
288. do
289. read -p "$(echo -e "\033[32m请输入需要执行的参数:\033[0m")"Value
290. case"${Value}"in
291. select)
292. query
293. ;;
294. revoke)
295. revoke
296. ;;
297. update)
298. update
299. ;;
300. delete)
301. delete
302. ;;
303. list)
304. list
305. ;;
306. "q"|"Q")
307. exit1
308. ;;
309. *)
310. echo -e "\033[32m参数名称:\033[0m{select|revoke|update|delete|list}"
311. ;;
312. esac
313. ${Code}
314. done
315. }
317. Main


[root@Ansible scripts]# sh auto_authorization_mysql_db.sh

# 查询用户列表

Mysql数据库授权脚本_IP# 授权

Mysql数据库授权脚本_IP_02# 撤销权限

Mysql数据库授权脚本_IP_03# 查询权限

Mysql数据库授权脚本_IP_04# 删除用户及权限


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