

  • win10
  • pgsql 14.2


PostgreSQL 14.1 手册create 语法grant 授权语法revoke 撤回语法alter 更新语法



  • 作为组角色时,可以不为角色分配login属性;
  • 作为登录用户时,可以添加login属性,并设置认证类型(登录密码),如 password ‘123456’;
  • 为角色授予访问权限,如为数据库对象schema、table或者column的访问权限,每种对象有不同的特性;


  • database 数据库实例,一个实例可以包含多个schema,不同实例间数据不共享;
  • scheam 模式,对表的一个分组,同实例下的模式可以共享;
  • table 数据表;



 create schema mall;
 create table mall.product
 id varchar(32) not null constraint product_pk primary key,
 name varchar(128),
 price int
 create table mall.“order”
 id varchar(32) not null
 constraint order_pk
 primary key,
 count int,
 price int
 insert into mall.product(id,name,price) values (‘p1’,‘n1’,1),(‘p2’,‘n2’,2),(‘p3’,‘n3’,3);
 insert into mall.order(id,count,price) values (‘o1’,1,1),(‘o2’,2,2),(‘o3’,2,3);
 select * from mall.product;
 delete from mall.product where id=‘x’;
 update mall.product set name=‘x’ where id=‘x’;
 insert into mall.product(id,name,price) values (‘p1’,‘n1’,1);
 select * from mall.order;


 创建:CREATE ROLE role_name;
 授权:GRANT group_role TO role1, … ;
 撤回:REVOKE group_role FROM role1, … ;
 删除:DROP ROLE role_name;
 create role group_role;–创建组角色
 create role role1;
 create role role2;
 grant group_role to role1;
 grant group_role to role1,role1;
 create role w_user login password ‘123456’; --准许登录并设置密码
 create role r_user login password ‘123456’;
 alter role r_user password ‘123123’; --修改密码
 –scheam权限 { CREATE | USAGE }
 grant all on schema mall to w_user;–所有特性授予单个角色
 grant all on schema mall to w_user,r_user;–所有特性授予多个角色
 grant all on schema mall to public;–所有特性授予所有角色
 grant usage on schema mall to r_user;
 revoke all on schema mall from w_user; --撤回
 grant all on mall.product to w_user;–单表单用户
 grant all on mall.product,mall.“order” to w_user;–多表单用户
 grant all on all tables in schema mall to w_user,r_user;–所有表多用户
 grant all on all tables in schema mall to public;–所有表所有用户
 grant all on mall.product to r_user;
 grant all on all tables in schema mall to r_user;
 revoke all on all tables in schema mall from r_user;
 revoke all on schema mall from public;–所有用户mall模式下的所有权限
 revoke all on schema mall from w_user;–单用户mall模式下的所有权限
 revoke all on all tables in schema mall from w_user;–单用户mall下所有表的crud权限
 revoke all on all tables in schema mall from public;–所有用户mall下表的所有权限
 revoke all on schema mall from r_user;
 revoke all on all tables in schema mall from r_user;


官方文档中grant 授权语法里的语法结构仔细的看看,结构基本一致注意下on后边的关键字,对角色的理解很有帮助。