Today I am successed in installing Ubuntu !­

In order to open the wireless network , I have serched for almost 20 hours!­

Now I will shared it !­

1.Make sure your graphics drivers is enable . My graphics is ATI Xpress 1250 , and it's an old one . The driver cost me nearly 2 hours !­

Now setup !­

In ubuntu , almost all setup files are .deb , and you can install them as in Windows XP , it's easy with next .­

2.Serch the Internet­

It's very difficult....... My network driver is Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG , and the driver is not up when you started the system.­

So my task is start it !­

First , install the driver . To my surprise , the driver is only for windows , but ­

I need Internet , I should beat it ! After a long time , I find a tool on Baidu and download in windows . I put it on E:\ . Restart and come in Ubuntu .­

Second , open the terminal and input "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" . The "*" meaning the name of your software . But you must make sure you are at the software's home , in Chinese is "ni bi xu zai gai ruan jian de mu lu li mian . yu men , zhong wen shu ru fa mei you an zhuang , zheng zai xia zai ."­

. Wait for a little time , the soft is OK . Now you can use the command. Sorry , I forget to tell you the name , it's ndiswrapper ! The command is for use windows's drivers in linux .­

Next , copy bcm43xx.ini to your desktop .­

Open the termial , put in " ndiswrapper -i bcm43xx.ini " and wait .  ­

Put in " ndiswrapper -l " to check whether the driver is installed .­

Next , edit /etc/modules with vi , and add "ndiswrapper" .­

$uname -r    // Make you know the verson of your kernel­

Next , input "sudo rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/driver/ssb -rf"­

Next , input "sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r).old           //change name and bakup­

Next , input "sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) //When you reached there , you can find a " . " after $(uname -r) , delete it !­

Next , input "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" , a new windows will come . Serch the word "bcm43xx" , and add "blacklist b43" and "blacklist ssb" next to "bcm43xx".­

Next , input "sudo ndiswrapper -m" to write .­

Next , Restart your computer .­


Open the termial , input "iwlist wlan0 scan" , you will find good news .­

Then input "ifconfig wlan0 up" , make your wireless network service up .­

The last is click network button and you will find "ZZU" , click it ! Then set your username and password and surch the Internet .­




Yi shang ben ren yuan chuang , bu fen nei rong can kao Baidu . You yu mei you zhong wen shu ru fa , zhi hao yong gao zhong shi qi de ying yu shui ping ban men nong fu le , ru guo ni fa xian yu fa cuo wu , ma fan zhi chu , xie xie .­



后记,大学时候写的,无意间发现了,分享一下,版本较老,莫怪,莫怪,顺便祭奠一下我曾经的小本,Acer TM4520~