
pipeline 语法实例二

Node 前端 We b页面, npm 是 JavaScript 的包管理工具。


pipeline {

    agent any

    options {




    stages {

        stage('Checkout') {

            steps {

            git branch: '${branch_name}', credentialsId: 'GitLabAccess', url:'${repo_name}'



        stage('Build') {

            steps {


                    sh "npm install"

                    sh "npm run build"

                    //sh "npm run build:physics"




        /*stage('Package') {

            steps {

                sleep 1

                sh """

                    cd /home/jenkins/workspace/jenkins-quality-front-ci

                    if [ -d "quality-front" ]; then

                       rm -rf quality-front


                    sleep 1

                    if [ -f "quality-front.tar.gz" ]; then

                       rm -rf quality-front.tar.gz


                    sleep 1

                    mkdir quality-front

                    sleep 2

                    cp -rf dist scripts template quality-front

                    sleep 2

                    tar -zcvf quality-front.tar.gz  quality-front




        stage('Deploy') {

            steps {

                sh "cd /home/jenkins/workspace/jenkins-quality-front-ci && scp -r quality-front*.tar.gz root@"

                sh "ssh -tt root@ cp -rf /opt/web-front/quality-front /opt/web-front/scm-backup/"

                sh "ssh -tt root@ rm -rf /opt/web-front/quality-front/dist/*"

                sleep 1

                sh "cd dist && scp -r * root@"

                sh "ssh -tt root@ cp -rf /opt/web-front/scmdeploy/quality-front/dist/* /opt/web-front/quality-front/dist/"

                sleep 1

                sh "ssh -tt root@ cp -rf /opt/web-front/config-jsbak/quality-front/config.js /opt/web-front/quality-front/dist/"

                //sleep 1

                //sh "ssh -tt root@ chmod -R 755 /opt/web-front/quality-front/dist"



        stage("SendMail") {


                script {

                    mail to: '123@qq.cn',

                    cc: '123@163.cn',

                    charset : 'UTF-8',

                    mimeType : 'test/plain',

                    subject: "Running Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",

                    body: "Something is wrong with : ${env.BUILD_URL}, just for test send mail via pipeline code"




        /*stage('show gitstats') {

            steps {

                sh "/usr/bin/cloc . && pwd"

                //sh "/usr/bin/gitstats ${WORKSPACE}/ ${WORKSPACE}/jenkins-quality-front-ci_rp20191104"



        /*stage("send mail test") {


                script {

                    mail to: '123@qq.cn',

                    subject: "Running Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",

                    body: "Something is wrong with : ${env.BUILD_URL}"





    /*post {

        failure {

            mail to : '123@qq.cn',

            subject : "Failed Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",

            body : "Something is wrong with ${emv.BUILD_URL}"


