1. 齐次坐标,刚体变换
- 齐次坐标
- 刚体变换
- 3个旋转3个平移共6个自由度;
- 用途:
- 计算一个刚体经过旋转和平移后的新坐标 ;
- 计算同一刚体在不同坐标系下的坐标。
- 图像坐标系
- 投影关系 (从世界坐标系到图像坐标系)
- 视差与深度图关系:
- 视差与深度成反比,视差接近0时,微小的视差变化会产生较大的深度变化
- 当视差较大时,微小的视差变化几乎不会引起深度多大的变化
- 因此,立体视觉系统仅物体距离相机较近时具有较高的深度精度
3.校正算法步骤:(参考文献A compact algorithm for rectification of stereo pairs)
4.校正后,baseline 计算:
// see: "A compact algorithm for rectification of stereo pairs", A. Fusiello, E. Trucco, and A. Verri, 2000
// 极线校正
REAL Camera::StereoRectifyFusiello(const cv::Size& size1, const Camera& camera1, const cv::Size& size2, const Camera& camera2, Matrix3x3& R1, Matrix3x3& R2, Matrix3x3& K1, Matrix3x3& K2)
// compute relative pose
// 计算相对位姿
RMatrix poseR;
CMatrix poseC;
ComputeRelativePose(camera1.R, camera1.C, camera2.R, camera2.C, poseR, poseC);
// new x axis (baseline, from C1 to C2)
// 新的x轴,基线方向
const Point3 v1(camera2.C-camera1.C);
// new y axes (orthogonal to old z and new x)
// 新的y轴,垂直旧的Z轴(光轴)和新的X轴
const Point3 v2(camera1.Direction().cross(v1));
// new z axes (no choice, orthogonal to baseline and y)
// 新的Z轴,垂直上面两个新轴
const Point3 v3(v1.cross(v2));
// new extrinsic (translation unchanged)
// 新的外参,平移不变
RMatrix R;
R.SetFromRowVectors(normalized(v1), normalized(v2), normalized(v3));
// new intrinsic (arbitrary)
// 新的内参
K1 = camera1.K; K1(0,1) = 0;
K2 = camera2.K; K2(0,1) = 0;
K1(1,1) = K2(1,1) = (camera1.K(1,1)+camera2.K(1,1))/2;
// new rotations
// 新的选择从校正前的相机坐标系转到校正后的相机坐标系
R1 = R*camera1.R.t();
R2 = R*camera2.R.t();
// 计算新的基线距离
const Point3 t(R2 * (poseR*(-poseC)));
ASSERT(ISEQUAL(-t.x, norm(v1)) && ISZERO(t.y) && ISZERO(t.z));
return t.x;
} // StereoRectifyFusiello
- 代码实现
bool Image::StereoRectifyImages(const Image& image1, const Image& image2, const Point3fArr& points1, const Point3fArr& points2, Image8U3& rectifiedImage1, Image8U3& rectifiedImage2, Image8U& mask1, Image8U& mask2, Matrix3x3& H, Matrix4x4& Q)
ASSERT(image1.IsValid() && image2.IsValid());
ASSERT(image1.GetSize() == image1.image.size() && image2.GetSize() == image2.image.size());
ASSERT(points1.size() && points2.size());
#if 0
{ // display projection pairs
std::vector<Point2f> matches1, matches2;
FOREACH(i, points1) {
matches1.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const Point2f&>(points1[i]));
matches2.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const Point2f&>(points2[i]));
RECTIFY::DrawMatches(const_cast<Image8U3&>(image1.image), const_cast<Image8U3&>(image2.image), matches1, matches2);
// compute rectification
// 校正计算
Matrix3x3 K1, K2, R1, R2;
#if 0
const REAL t(Camera::StereoRectify(image1.GetSize(), image1.camera, image2.GetSize(), image2.camera, R1, R2, K1, K2));
#elif 1
const REAL t(Camera::StereoRectifyFusiello(image1.GetSize(), image1.camera, image2.GetSize(), image2.camera, R1, R2, K1, K2));
Pose pose;
ComputeRelativePose(image1.camera.R, image1.camera.C, image2.camera.R, image2.camera.C, pose.R, pose.C);
cv::Mat P1, P2;
cv::stereoRectify(image1.camera.K, cv::noArray(), image2.camera.K, cv::noArray(), image1.GetSize(), pose.R, Vec3(pose.GetTranslation()), R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, 0/*cv::CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY*/, -1);
K1 = P1(cv::Rect(0,0,3,3));
K2 = P2(cv::Rect(0,0,3,3));
const Point3 _t(R2 * pose.GetTranslation());
ASSERT((ISZERO(_t.x) || ISZERO(_t.y)) && ISZERO(_t.z));
const REAL t(ISZERO(_t.x)?_t.y:_t.x);
#if 0
cv::Mat map1, map2;
cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(image1.camera.K, cv::noArray(), R1, K1, image1.GetSize(), CV_16SC2, map1, map2);
cv::remap(image1.image, rectifiedImage1, map1, map2, cv::INTER_CUBIC);
cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(image2.camera.K, cv::noArray(), R2, K2, image1.GetSize(), CV_16SC2, map1, map2);
cv::remap(image2.image, rectifiedImage2, map1, map2, cv::INTER_CUBIC);
if (ISZERO(t))
return false;
// adjust rectified camera matrices such that the entire area common to both source images is contained in the rectified images
// 调整校正后的相机矩阵,使两个源图像的公共区域都包含在校正后的图像中
cv::Size size1(image1.GetSize()), size2(image2.GetSize());
if (!points1.empty())
Camera::SetStereoRectificationROI(points1, size1, image1.camera, points2, size2, image2.camera, R1, R2, K1, K2);
ASSERT(size1 == size2);
// compute rectification homography (from original to rectified image)
// 计算校正的单应性矩阵(描述的是两个图像像素坐标的转换矩阵H[u,v,1]^t=[u',v',1]^t)(从原始图像到校正图像)
const Matrix3x3 H1(K1 * R1 * image1.camera.GetInvK()); H = H1;
const Matrix3x3 H2(K2 * R2 * image2.camera.GetInvK());
#if 0
{ // display epipolar lines before and after rectification
Pose pose;
ComputeRelativePose(image1.camera.R, image1.camera.C, image2.camera.R, image2.camera.C, pose.R, pose.C);
const Matrix3x3 F(CreateF(pose.R, pose.C, image1.camera.K, image2.camera.K));
std::vector<Point2f> matches1, matches2;
#if 1
FOREACH(i, points1) {
matches1.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const Point2f&>(points1[i]));
matches2.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const Point2f&>(points2[i]));
RECTIFY::DrawRectifiedImages(image1.image.clone(), image2.image.clone(), F, H1, H2, matches1, matches2);
// rectify images (apply homographies)
// 校正图像,就是利用单应性矩阵,把原图像每个像素坐标转换到校正的图像下。
cv::warpPerspective(image1.image, rectifiedImage1, H1, rectifiedImage1.size());
cv::warpPerspective(image2.image, rectifiedImage2, H2, rectifiedImage2.size());
// mark valid regions covered by the rectified images
// 标记正确图像覆盖的有效区域
struct Compute {
static void Mask(Image8U& mask, const cv::Size& sizeh, const cv::Size& size, const Matrix3x3& H) {
std::vector<Point2f> corners(4);
corners[0] = Point2f(0,0);
corners[1] = Point2f((float)size.width,0);
corners[2] = Point2f((float)size.width,(float)size.height);
corners[3] = Point2f(0,(float)size.height);
cv::perspectiveTransform(corners, corners, H);
std::vector<std::vector<Point2i>> contours(1);
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
cv::drawContours(mask, contours, 0, cv::Scalar(255), cv::FILLED);
Compute::Mask(mask1, size1, image1.GetSize(), H1);
Compute::Mask(mask2, size2, image2.GetSize(), H2);
// from the formula that relates disparity to depth as z=B*f/d where B=-t and d=x_l-x_r
// and the formula that converts the image projection from right to left x_r=K1*K2.inv()*x_l
// compute the inverse projection matrix that transforms image coordinates in image 1 and its
// corresponding disparity value to the 3D point in camera 1 coordinates as:
// 根据depth=Bf/d的关系,计算投影矩阵Q将校正的视差图转到为校正的深度图。
Q = Matrix4x4::ZERO;
// Q * [x, y, disparity, 1] = [X, Y, Z, 1] * w
ASSERT(ISEQUAL(K1(0,0),K2(0,0)) && ISZERO(K1(0,1)) && ISZERO(K2(0,1)));
Q(0,0) = Q(1,1) = REAL(1);
Q(0,3) = -K1(0,2);
Q(1,3) = -K1(1,2);
Q(2,3) = K1(0,0);
Q(3,2) = -REAL(1)/t;
Q(3,3) = (K1(0,2)-K2(0,2))/t;
// compute Q that converts disparity from rectified to depth in original image
// 计算将视差从校正到原始图像深度转换的Q值
Matrix4x4 P(Matrix4x4::IDENTITY);
Q = P*Q;
return true;
- 根据求解的转换矩阵进行视差图和深度图相互转换
* @brief 根据原图的深度图计算校正后的图像的视差图,视差图事先根据有效尺寸分配好。
* @param[in] depthMap 原图的深度图
* @param[in] invH 转换矩阵:把校正图的像素坐标转换到原图
* @param[in] invQ 转换矩阵把[x*z y*z z 1]*w in original image coordinates(z即为depth) 转到[x' y' disparity 1] in rectified coordinates
* @param[in] subpixelSteps 亚像素精度,如果是4则对于精度是0.25,主要是视差值存储的都是整型。所以得到的视差会乘这个值转成整型。具体转回float真值时会除掉这个数
* @param[in] disparityMap 视差图
void SemiGlobalMatcher::Depth2DisparityMap(const DepthMap& depthMap, const Matrix3x3& invH, const Matrix4x4& invQ, Disparity subpixelSteps, DisparityMap& disparityMap)
auto pixel = [&](int, int r, int c) {
// rc加half窗口的原因是视差图是有效像素开始的起始是从(halfWindowSizeX,halfWindowSizeY)开始的而非(0,0)
const ImageRef x(c+halfWindowSizeX,r+halfWindowSizeY); Point2f u;
ProjectVertex_3x3_2_2(invH.val, x.ptr(), u.ptr());
float depth, disparity;
if (!depthMap.sampleSafe(depth, u, [](Depth d) { return d > 0; }) || !Image::Depth2Disparity(invQ, u, depth, disparity))
disparityMap(r,c) = NO_DISP;
disparityMap(r,c) = (Disparity)ROUND2INT(disparity*subpixelSteps);
if (!threads.empty()) {
volatile Thread::safe_t idxPixel(-1);
FOREACH(i, threads)
threads.AddEvent(new EVTPixelProcess(disparityMap.size(), idxPixel, pixel));
} else
for (int r=0; r<disparityMap.rows; ++r)
for (int c=0; c<disparityMap.cols; ++c)
pixel(-1, r, c);
// Compute the depth-map for the un-rectified image from the given disparity-map of the rectified image
// 同上反向即可
void SemiGlobalMatcher::Disparity2DepthMap(const DisparityMap& disparityMap, const AccumCostMap& costMap, const Matrix3x3& H, const Matrix4x4& Q, Disparity subpixelSteps, DepthMap& depthMap, ConfidenceMap& confMap)
ASSERT(costMap.empty() || costMap.size() == disparityMap.size());
ASSERT(confMap.empty() || confMap.size() == depthMap.size());
if (!costMap.empty()) {
auto pixel = [&](int, int r, int c) {
const ImageRef x(c,r); Point2f u;
ProjectVertex_3x3_2_2(H.val, x.ptr(), u.ptr());
u.x -= halfWindowSizeX; u.y -= halfWindowSizeY;
float disparity;
if (!disparityMap.sampleSafe(disparity, u, [](Disparity d) { return d != NO_DISP; })) {
depthMap(x) = 0;
confMap(x) = 0;
float cost;
costMap.sampleSafe(cost, u, [](AccumCost c) { return c != NO_ACCUMCOST; });
depthMap(x) = Image::Disparity2Depth(Q, u, disparity/subpixelSteps);
confMap(x) = 1.f/(cost+1);
if (!threads.empty()) {
volatile Thread::safe_t idxPixel(-1);
FOREACH(i, threads)
threads.AddEvent(new EVTPixelProcess(depthMap.size(), idxPixel, pixel));
} else
for (int r=0; r<depthMap.rows; ++r)
for (int c=0; c<depthMap.cols; ++c)
pixel(-1, r, c);
} else {
auto pixel = [&](int, int r, int c) {
const ImageRef x(c,r); Point2f u;
ProjectVertex_3x3_2_2(H.val, x.ptr(), u.ptr());
u.x -= halfWindowSizeX; u.y -= halfWindowSizeY;
float disparity;
if (!disparityMap.sampleSafe(disparity, u, [](Disparity d) { return d != NO_DISP; }))
depthMap(x) = 0;
depthMap(x) = Image::Disparity2Depth(Q, u, disparity/subpixelSteps);
if (!threads.empty()) {
volatile Thread::safe_t idxPixel(-1);
FOREACH(i, threads)
threads.AddEvent(new EVTPixelProcess(depthMap.size(), idxPixel, pixel));
} else
for (int r=0; r<depthMap.rows; ++r)
for (int c=0; c<depthMap.cols; ++c)
pixel(-1, r, c);