
$ sudo apt-get install repo


# curl https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/git-repo -o repo
# chmod +x repo


$ mkdir -p ~/.bin
$ PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}"
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
$ chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo


# git clone https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo

repo 命令使用


Usage: repo [-p|--paginate|--no-pager] COMMAND [ARGS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --help-all            show this help message with all subcommands and exit
  -p, --paginate        display command output in the pager
  --no-pager            disable the pager
  --color=COLOR         control color usage: auto, always, never
  --trace               trace git command execution (REPO_TRACE=1)
  --trace-to-stderr     trace outputs go to stderr in addition to
  --trace-python        trace python command execution
  --time                time repo command execution
  --version             display this version of repo
  --show-toplevel       display the path of the top-level directory of the
                        repo client checkout
                        filename of event log to append timeline to
                        directory to write git trace2 event log to
                        submanifest path

The most commonly used repo commands are:
  abandon        Permanently abandon a development branch
  branch         View current topic branches
  branches       View current topic branches
  checkout       Checkout a branch for development
  cherry-pick    Cherry-pick a change.
  diff           Show changes between commit and working tree
  diffmanifests  Manifest diff utility
  download       Download and checkout a change
  gitc-delete    Delete a GITC Client.
  gitc-init      Initialize a GITC Client.
  grep           Print lines matching a pattern
  info           Get info on the manifest branch, current branch or unmerged branches
  init           Initialize a repo client checkout in the current directory
  list           List projects and their associated directories
  overview       Display overview of unmerged project branches
  prune          Prune (delete) already merged topics
  rebase         Rebase local branches on upstream branch
  smartsync      Update working tree to the latest known good revision
  stage          Stage file(s) for commit
  start          Start a new branch for development
  status         Show the working tree status
  sync           Update working tree to the latest revision
  upload         Upload changes for code review
See 'repo help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
See 'repo help --all' for a complete list of recognized commands.
Bug reports: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/gerrit/issues/entry?template=Repo+tool+issue


repo sync


repo sync project1 .....


repo start branch_name


repo status


repo branch


repo overview

