
/: write failed, filesystem is full
pwd_mkdb: /etc/spwd.db to /etc/spwd.db.tmp: No space left on device
passwd: pam_chauthtok(): error in service module

在/目录下df -h类似于这个输出

Filesystem                            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ipsd0s1a                         496M    490M    -34M   107%    /
devfs                                 1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/ipsd0s1e                         496M     20K    456M     0%    /tmp
/dev/ipsd0s1f                          90G    3.1G     80G     4%    /usr
/dev/ipsd0s1d                         3.4G    1.5G    1.6G    50%    /var
//USER1@SERVER1/SHARE1          161G    135G     27G    84%    /mnt/backup
//USER2@SERVER2/SHARE2                179G    160G     18G    90%    /mnt/fax




du -k -d 1 -x /
for first level or
du -k -d 2 -x /
for first and second level directories.

See which are the biggest directories (sizes are in KBytes), and find out where the overpopulation takes place. If it's /boot/ or /boot/kernel/, it's probably a load of *.symbols files you can do without.