Code (ContextParent.aspx.cs)
This is an example of Server.Transfer and Context Handler. Through this we can get the multiple values of previous form.

In this page we are displaying data from previous form. We can use this technique for multiple form registration form.
private void Button1_Click(object sender,System.EventArgs e)

internal Hashtable Value
                Hashtable objHT = new Hashtable();
                objHT["FathersName"]= TextBox2.Text;
                objHT["Address"] = TextBox3.Text;
                return objHT;

Code (ContextChild.aspx.cs)
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Put user code to initialize the page here
        Hashtable objHT = new Hashtable();
                ContextParent ParentPage;
                ParentPage = (ContextParent)Context.Handler;
                objHT = ParentPage.Value;
                foreach(DictionaryEntry di in objHT)
                        Response.Write(di.Key +" : "+di.Value);