用户首次登录SF会自动检测本地是否安装Citrix Workspace App(老版本叫做Receiver),某些场景希望关闭默认检测机制。
StoreFront 3.x
- Use a text editor to open the web.config file for Receiver for Web. This is typically located in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\storenameWeb\ directory, where storename is the name specified for the store.
- Search for protocolHandler
- Look for an entry similar to the one below. Note: Depending on the StoreFront version, the following line may vary slightly.
- StoreFront version 3.9 -- <protocolHandler enabled="true" platforms="(Macintosh|Windows NT).*((Firefox/((5[3-9]|[6789][0-9])|\d\d\d))|(Chrome/((4[2-9]|[56789][0-9])|\d\d\d)))(?!.*Edge)" skipDoubleHopCheckWhenDisabled="false" />
- StoreFront version 3.12 -- <protocolHandler enabled="true" platforms="(Macintosh|Windows NT).*((Firefox/((5[2-9]|[6789][0-9])|\d\d\d))|(Chrome/((4[2-9]|[56789][0-9])|\d\d\d)))" skipDoubleHopCheckWhenDisabled="false" />
- Change <protocolHandler enabled="true" to <protocolHandler enabled="false"
- Save web.config file and restart IIS Admin Service(用命令iisreset)