

cat /opt/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log |grep limits

09-03-2014 10:59:48.466 +0800 WARN  FileTracker - migrating maxDataSize value=500 from _thefishbucket in indexes.conf to limits.conf stanza=inputproc setting=file_tracking_db_threshold_mb

09-03-2014 11:05:30.726 +0800 INFO  ThruputProcessor - Current data throughput (258 kb/s) has reached maxKBps. As a result, data forwarding may be throttled. Consider increasing the value of maxKBps in limits.conf.

09-03-2014 11:10:30.735 +0800 INFO  ThruputProcessor - Current data throughput (261 kb/s) has reached maxKBps. As a result, data forwarding may be throttled. Consider increasing the value of maxKBps in limits.conf.

09-03-2014 11:15:30.980 +0800 INFO  ThruputProcessor - Current data throughput (284 kb/s) has reached maxKBps. As a result, data forwarding may be throttled. Consider increasing the value of maxKBps in limits.conf.

09-03-2014 11:20:31.230 +0800 INFO  ThruputProcessor - Current data throughput (258 kb/s) has reached maxKBps. As a result, data forwarding may be throttled. Consider increasing the value of maxKBps in limits.conf.

vim /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/SplunkUniversalForwarder/default/limits.conf

#   Version 6.1.3


maxKBps = 600

