让我们忠于梦想 让我们面对现实

切·格瓦拉: 让我们忠于梦想 让我们面对现实_ide


Some may say that we are romanticist, or even hopeless idealists, what we are pledged to is possible, and for the one thousand and one time that our reply will be " Yes indeed, we are just such kind of person".

che guevara

切·格瓦拉: 让我们忠于梦想 让我们面对现实_ide_02

切·格瓦拉: 让我们忠于梦想 让我们面对现实_ide_03

切·格瓦拉: 让我们忠于梦想 让我们面对现实_ide_04