ORACLE流复制(Stream Replication)是9I以后推出的,在银行,电信等大型系统中应用广泛.相对于ORACLE前期的复制技术,流复制是新推出的技术,存在一些BUG,但它是ORACLE未来数据同步的趋势.原因如下: 

(1)DATAGUARD:物理STANDBY本质是日志传输和应用重做(介质恢复),逻辑STANDBY本质上是日志挖掘(log miner) 
(4)流复制:本质上是日志挖掘(通过LOG MINER捕获主数据库的逻辑变化记录LCRs,通过传播,转换成SQL应用到复制的另一端)加队列.原理上和逻辑STANDBY相似.只不过逻辑STANDBY是整个数据库的复制,而流复制可以是单个数据库对象的复制,所以比逻辑STANDBY更加灵活,所以支技异构数据库对象的同步.ORACLE 10G对流复制进行了增强,通过实时的日志挖掘,流复制的性能提升不少.
Oracle Streams enables information sharing. Using Oracle Streams, each unit of shared information is called a message, and you can share these messages in a stream. The stream can propagate information within a database or from one database to another. The stream routes specified information to specified destinations. The result is a feature that provides greater functionality and flexibility than traditional solutions for capturing and managing messages, and sharing the messages with other databases and applications. Streams provides the capabilities needed to build and operate distributed enterprises and applications, data warehouses, and high availability solutions. You can use all of the capabilities of Oracle Streams at the same time. If your needs change, then you can implement a new capability of Streams without sacrificing existing capabilities.
Using Oracle Streams, you control what information is put into a stream, how the stream flows or is routed from database to database, what happens to messages in the stream as they flow into each database, and how the stream terminates. By configuring specific capabilities of Streams, you can address specific requirements. Based on your specifications, Streams can capture, stage, and manage messages in the database automatically, including, but not limited to, data manipulation language (DML) changes and data definition language (DDL) changes. You can also put user-defined messages into a stream, and Streams can propagate the information to other databases or applications automatically. When messages reach a destination, Streams can consume them based on your specifications.