
public boolean onKeyPreIme (int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

 Added in API level 3

Handle a key event before it is processed by any input method associated with the view hierarchy. This can be used to intercept key events in special situations before the IME consumes them; a typical example would be handling the BACK key to update the application's UI instead of allowing the IME to see it and close itself.

ParameterskeyCode     The value in event.getKeyCode().

event     Description of the key event.


If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.

public boolean onTextContextMenuItem (int id)
 Added in API level 3

Called when a context menu option for the text view is selected. Currently this will be one of selectAll, cut, copy or paste.
true if the context menu item action was performed.

     * Sets the text to be displayed when the text of the TextView is empty.
     * Null means to use the normal empty text. The hint does not currently
     * participate in determining the size of the view.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_hint
    public final void setHint(CharSequence hint) {}

     * Sets the text to be displayed when the text of the TextView is empty,
     * from a resource.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_hint
    public final void setHint(int resid) {}

     * Set a special listener to be called when an action is performed
     * on the text view.  This will be called when the enter key is pressed,
     * or when an action supplied to the IME is selected by the user.  Setting
     * this means that the normal hard key event will not insert a newline
     * into the text view, even if it is multi-line; holding down the ALT
     * modifier will, however, allow the user to insert a newline character.
    public void setOnEditorActionListener(OnEditorActionListener l) {}

     * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an action is
     * performed on the editor.
    public interface OnEditorActionListener {
         * Called when an action is being performed.
         * @param v The view that was clicked.
         * @param actionId Identifier of the action.  This will be either the
         * identifier you supplied, or {@link EditorInfo#IME_NULL
         * EditorInfo.IME_NULL} if being called due to the enter key
         * being pressed.
         * @param event If triggered by an enter key, this is the event;
         * otherwise, this is null.
         * @return Return true if you have consumed the action, else false.
        boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event);

     * Adds a TextWatcher to the list of those whose methods are called
     * whenever this TextView's text changes.
     * <p>
     * In 1.0, the {@link TextWatcher#afterTextChanged} method was erroneously
     * not called after {@link #setText} calls.  Now, doing {@link #setText}
     * if there are any text changed listeners forces the buffer type to
     * Editable if it would not otherwise be and does call this method.
    public void addTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher) {}

 * When an object of a type is attached to an Editable, its methods will
 * be called when the text is changed.
public interface TextWatcher extends NoCopySpan {
     * This method is called to notify you that, within <code>s</code>,
     * the <code>count</code> characters beginning at <code>start</code>
     * are about to be replaced by new text with length <code>after</code>.
     * It is an error to attempt to make changes to <code>s</code> from
     * this callback.
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
                                  int count, int after);
     * This method is called to notify you that, within <code>s</code>,
     * the <code>count</code> characters beginning at <code>start</code>
     * have just replaced old text that had length <code>before</code>.
     * It is an error to attempt to make changes to <code>s</code> from
     * this callback.
    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count);

     * This method is called to notify you that, somewhere within
     * <code>s</code>, the text has been changed.
     * It is legitimate to make further changes to <code>s</code> from
     * this callback, but be careful not to get yourself into an infinite
     * loop, because any changes you make will cause this method to be
     * called again recursively.
     * (You are not told where the change took place because other
     * afterTextChanged() methods may already have made other changes
     * and invalidated the offsets.  But if you need to know here,
     * you can use {@link Spannable#setSpan} in {@link #onTextChanged}
     * to mark your place and then look up from here where the span
     * ended up.
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s);