

Simple multiplatform desktop app for storing TODOs, ideas or backlog items. You can organize them with boards. No dependencies, no internet connection required, no external accounts. Sleek flow.

简单的多平台桌面应用程序,用于存储TODO,想法或积压项目。 您可以使用董事会来组织它们。 没有依赖关系,不需要互联网连接,没有外部帐户。 流线流畅。


No installation required. Just unzip archive and run executable

无需安装。 只需解压缩存档并运行可执行文件

  • Windows version Windows版本
  • MacOs version MacOs版本
  • Linux version Linux版本
(32bit versions)
  • Windows x32 version Windows x32版本
  • Linux x32 version Linux x32版本




When new version is available just download it, unzip and enjoy. No additional action is required. All your boards and items will be available.

当有新版本可用时,只需下载它,解压缩即可享用。 无需其他操作。 您所有的木板和物品都将可用。



  • fixed bug with importing empty boards 修复了导入空板的错误




  • Method of storing boards and items has changed. Migration script should be triggered on first run so all of your items should be in-place 存放木板和物品的方法已更改。 迁移脚本应在首次运行时触发,因此所有项目都应就位
  • Electron version bumped 电子版颠簸
  • Added "check for updates" button in setting modal window (it compares your local version with latest release on github) 在设置模式窗口中添加了“检查更新”按钮(它将本地版本与github上的最新版本进行比较)
  • Removing all tabs is not possible now - remove button is hidden for last one 现在无法删除所有标签-上一个隐藏了“删除”按钮
  • UI improvements in adding new items area 用户界面在添加新项目方面的改进



  • Fixed issue with setting active board to early 解决了将活动板设置为早期的问题




  • When entering http link in an item, app will show it as a hyperlink and make it clickable. Hover it to see full URL 在项目中输入http链接时,应用程序会将其显示为超链接并使其可单击。 悬停以查看完整的URL
  • User can embed html tags like <b>, <i> etc 用户可以嵌入<b>, <i>等html标签

Fixed bugs:


  • Fix issue which caused that in some cases after opening application current board input was not focused 修复了导致在某些情况下打开应用程序后当前板子输入未聚焦的问题
  • Clicking on "+" icon in input will cause adding new item (just as pressing Enter) 单击输入中的“ +”图标将导致添加新项(就像按Enter一样)


  • fixed bug - when after opening settings modal user lost newly created boards 固定的错误-在打开设置模式用户后丢失了新创建的板


Fixed bugs:


  • Prevent creating empty task 防止创建空任务
  • ShowDone button placement corrected ShowDone按钮的位置已更正
  • Prevent create empty board with empty name 防止使用空名称创建空板
  • Fix issue with re-opening modal (settings, add new board) after closing it by clicking outside of the modal 通过在模态外部单击来关闭模态后,重新打开模态(设置,添加新板)的问题
  • Fix issue with lack of scrooling option when have more boards that windows width allows 修复了具有更多窗口宽度允许的木板时缺少勾边选项的问题
  • Added notifications when adding/removing item from board 在板上添加/删除项目时添加了通知

(Why I've wrote it ?)

When programming I often have a number of ideas related to possible improvements for the future or a cool new project. Most often, it's just one sentence or a couple of words - just a draft of an idea to expand in the future.

编程时,我经常会想到一些与未来可能改进或一个很棒的新项目有关的想法。 通常,它只是一个句子或几个单词-只是将来扩展想法的草案。

I know that, there are hundreds of todo list managers or other notes manager, but this one will finally perfectly fulfill my needs. So far I wrote my thoughts on sticky notes, I tried Evernote, Simplenote... They are fine, but all of them were either bloated with unnecessary features or lacked the desired "flow" - when I open a program I want type down thoughts, hit enter, and get back to my actual work. That's how I write Backlog. No dependencies, no internet connection required, no external accounts etc.

我知道,有数百名待办事项列表管理器或其他便笺管理器 ,但是这一程序最终将完全满足我的需求。 到目前为止,我已经在粘滞便笺上写下了自己的想法,我尝试了Evernote,Simplenote ...它们都很好,但是它们要么都带有不必要的功能而or肿,要么缺少所需的“流程”-当我打开程序时,我想记下思想,按Enter键,然后回到我的实际工作。 那就是我写Backlog的方式。 没有依赖关系,不需要互联网连接,没有外部帐户等。


It's free and opensource application under MIT license. You can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source

它是MIT许可下的免费开源应用程序。 您可以做任何您想做的事情,只要您在软件/源代码的任何副本中包含原始版权和许可声明即可


(How ?)

This application is builded with Electron and web technologies (javascript, css, html) more specifically: Vue.js. UI toolkit is iView

此应用程序是使用Electron和Web技术(javascript,css,html) 构建的 ,更具体地说是: Vue.js 。 UI工具包是iView

(Build Setup)

You can build it yourself instead of downloading executable:


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev

# build electron application for production
npm run build

# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/simple-desktop-app-for-storing-lists-of-items/
