Looking through some code I came across the following code



and I'd like to know if casting this way has any advantages over



I've asked the developer responsible and he said he used it because it was new (which doesn't seem like a particularly good reason to me), but I'm intrigued when I would want to use the method.


5 个解决方案



These statements are not identical. The cast method is a normal method invocation (invokevirtual JVM instruction) while the other is a language construct (checkcast instruction). In the case you show above, you should use the second form: (TrTuDocPackTypeDto) packDto

這些陳述並不相同。 cast方法是普通的方法調用(invokevirtual JVM指令),而另一種是語言構造(checkcast指令)。在上面顯示的情況下,您應該使用第二種形式:(TrTuDocPackTypeDto)packDto

The cast method is used in reflective programming with generics, when you have a Class instance for some variable type. You could use it like this:


public Set find(Class clz, Filter criteria) {
List> raw = session.find(clz, criteria); /* A legacy, un-generic API. */
Set safe = new HashSet();
for (Object o : raw)
return safe;

This gives you a safe way to avoid the incorrect alternative of simply casting a raw type to a generic type:



List raw = new ArrayList();


return (List) raw;

The compiler will warn you, Unchecked cast from List to List, meaning that in the ellipsis, someone could have added a Gadget to the raw list, which will eventually cause a ClassCastException when the caller iterates over the returned list of (supposed) Widget instances.


,這意味着在省略號中,有人可能在原始列表中添加了一個Gadget,當調用者遍歷返回的列表(假設)時,最終會導致ClassCastException )小部件實例。



The main case for doing it (IME) is when you need to safely cast in a generic class/method. Due to type erasure, you can't cast to T but if you've been provided a Class extends T> parameter then you can use that to cast and the result will be assignable to a variable of type T.





I can't find an example where the cast method is possible and the cast syntax not. However, looking at the code, it seems that in case the cast is not possible, the cast method throws a ClassCastException with no type information attached, whereas the cast syntax will give you some hints (as in, "could not cast Snoopy to TyrannosorusRex") :

我找不到一個示例,其中cast方法是可能的,而鑄造語法不是。但是,查看代碼時,似乎在無法進行強制轉換的情況下,cast方法拋出一個沒有附加類型信息的ClassCastException,而強制轉換語法會給你一些提示(如“,”無法將Snoopy強制轉換為TyrannosorusRex “):

* Casts an object to the class or interface represented
* by this Class
* @param obj the object to be cast
* @return the object after casting, or null if obj is null
* @throws ClassCastException if the object is not
* null and is not assignable to the type T.
* @since 1.5
public T cast(Object obj) {
if (obj != null && !isInstance(obj))
throw new ClassCastException();
return (T) obj;



With the first form



you can do this:


public void dynamicCast( Class clazz, Object o ) {
this.x = clazz.cast( o );

With the second you can't. The casting class should be hard coded.


Why would you use a variable to cast in first place? That's another question. :) The first thing that comes to mind is, you don't know ( at compile time ) the class that will be casted to.

你為什么要在第一時間使用變量?那是另一個問題。 :)首先想到的是,你不知道(在編譯時)將被轉換為的類。



Both of these statements are identical. Pick whichever one you find more readable. The second method is more common in my experience, and it is the once that I prefer.


I tend to use the cast method solely when I am working with reflection, and it reads nicer in that situation. All other times I find myself using the second way of casting.
