Jeremy: Thanks to feel rotten MacArthur Trust distal non-strategic rocket outbreak Pelican Jeremy escapement point shooting attack Record survey data reviewed at home against the Rockets Pelican"s match with 107-98 win, although three quarters Lin 0-6 a scoreless, but the distal cut alone Rockets win 10 points to become the hero. After the game into the fourth quarter, the situation has become dominated both Lin and Harden, they each quickly became three hits for the Rockets from behind the 3-point lead three minutes. "That is the winning moment," Harden said the fourth quarter, when it comes, "the first three quarters of the time I played too tangled up in his teammates need me completely unable to find the rhythm of the game, but we do not carried the ball to stop the transfer, and then Jeremy (Jeremy) hit several nice threes. Chandler (Parsons) also be good for a counterattack, Dwight also consecutive goals, everyone cheer up the spirit of all. "Howard scored 24 points and 18 rebounds, his performance completely dominated inside. "I have been trying to break out from the other side of the double-team defense of them," Howard said, "Just when they double team, and I think playing nice point, if they do not double-team, then I will strive play better. "In the last game against the Grizzlies match, Jeremy Lin scored 14 points and fourth individual to become a pioneer in the team"s win. In today"s battle with the pelicans, Lin once again become the focus of the fourth quarter and got 10 points is a personal account. Rockets in the first three three-pointers in only 3 of 21 shots, but in the fourth quarter after entering the 5 on 3-pointers. "This (the distal outbreak) is clearly not what the game plan or tactics," Lin said, "I am very grateful to the coach McHale in that case also continues to leave me play in the field, in the past two games, I always was a little bit back in the final stages of the game rhythm, while in the first three quarters of them, I have done a lot of efforts to try to play more aggressive number. "Lin 3 and a half left in the game when The key point shooting to help the Rockets will lead into 94 levels, with ????? also hit third, made three-point lead for the Rockets. Pelican star Anthony - Davis was very helpless, because their original goal was to prevent death Howard, no one thought missing Jeremy Lin. "In fact, we still have a chance to win the viCheap Jordans For Sale ctory," Davis said, "We are planning to make several players to double-team Dwight, let him face a variety of problems, but he found a corner ambush with Jeremy Lin and James (Harden) also hit a third. rocket hit a lot of big shots, but rather we did not perform well in the last tactical deployment. "(Time)