
// 初始化一个ABAddressBookRef对象,使用完之后需要进行释放, 

// 这里使用CFRelease进行释放 

// 相当于通讯录的一个引用 

ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); 

// 新建一个联系人 

// ABRecordRef是一个属性的集合,相当于通讯录中联系人的对象 

// 联系人对象的属性分为两种: 

// 只拥有唯一值的属性和多值的属性。 

// 唯一值的属性包括:姓氏、名字、生日等。 

// 多值的属性包括:电话号码、邮箱等。 

ABRecordRef person = ABPersonCreate(); 

NSString *firstName = @"四"; 

NSString *lastName = @"李"; 

NSDate *birthday = [NSDate date]; 

// 电话号码数组 

NSArray *phones = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"123",@"456", nil]; 

// 电话号码对应的名称 

NSArray *labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"iphone",@"home", nil]; 

// 保存到联系人对象中,每个属性都对应一个宏,例如:kABPersonFirstNameProperty 

// 设置firstName属性 

ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty, (CFStringRef)firstName, NULL); 

// 设置lastName属性 

ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonLastNameProperty, (CFStringRef) lastName, NULL); 

// 设置birthday属性 

ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonBirthdayProperty, (CFDateRef)birthday, NULL); 

// ABMultiValueRef类似是Objective-C中的NSMutableDictionary 

ABMultiValueRef mv = ABMultiValueCreateMutable(kABMultiStringPropertyType); 

// 添加电话号码与其对应的名称内容 

for (int i = 0; i < [phones count]; i ++) { 

ABMultiValueIdentifier mi = ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(mv, (CFStringRef)[phones objectAtIndex:i], (CFStringRef)[labels objectAtIndex:i], &mi); 


// 设置phone属性 

ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty, mv, NULL); 

// 释放该数组 

if (mv) { 



// 将新建的联系人添加到通讯录中 

ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBook, person, NULL); 

// 保存通讯录数据 

ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL); 

// 释放通讯录对象的引用 

if (addressBook) { 




// 初始化并创建通讯录对象,记得释放内存 

ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); 

// 获取通讯录中所有的联系人 

NSArray *array = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook); 

// 遍历所有的联系人并删除(这里只删除姓名为张三的) 

for (id obj in array) { 

ABRecordRef people = (ABRecordRef)obj; 

NSString *firstName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonFirstNameProperty); 

NSString *lastName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonLastNameProperty); 

if ([firstName isEqualToString:@"三"] && [lastName isEqualToString:@"张"]) { 

ABAddressBookRemoveRecord(addressBook, people, NULL); 



// 保存修改的通讯录对象 

ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL); 

// 释放通讯录对象的内存 

if (addressBook) { 




// 根据姓氏、名字以及手机号码修改联系人的昵称和生日 

+ (void) updateAddressBookPersonWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName 

lastName:(NSString *)lastName 

mobile:(NSString *)mobile 

nickname:(NSString *)nickname 

birthday:(NSDate *)birthday { 

// 初始化并创建通讯录对象,记得释放内存 

ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); 

// 获取通讯录中所有的联系人 

NSArray *array = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook); 

// 遍历所有的联系人并修改指定的联系人 

for (id obj in array) { 

ABRecordRef people = (ABRecordRef)obj; 

NSString *fn = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonFirstNameProperty); 

NSString *ln = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonLastNameProperty); 

ABMultiValueRef mv = ABRecordCopyValue(people, kABPersonPhoneProperty); 

NSArray *phones = (NSArray *)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(mv); 

// firstName同时为空或者firstName相等 

BOOL ff = ([fn length] == 0 && [firstName length] == 0) || ([fn isEqualToString:firstName]); 

// lastName同时为空或者lastName相等 

BOOL lf = ([ln length] == 0 && [lastName length] == 0) || ([ln isEqualToString:lastName]); 

// 由于获得到的电话号码不符合标准,所以要先将其格式化再比较是否存在 

BOOL is = NO; 

for (NSString *p in phones) { 

// 红色代码处,我添加了一个类别(给NSString扩展了一个方法),该类别的这个方法主要是用于将电话号码中的"("、")"、" "、"-"过滤掉 

if ([[p iPhoneStandardFormat] isEqualToString:mobile]) { 

is = YES; 




// firstName、lastName、mobile 同时存在进行修改 

if (ff && lf && is) { 

if ([nickname length] > 0) { 

ABRecordSetValue(people, kABPersonNicknameProperty, (CFStringRef)nickname, NULL); 


if (birthday != nil) { 

ABRecordSetValue(people, kABPersonBirthdayProperty, (CFDataRef)birthday, NULL); 




// 保存修改的通讯录对象 

ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, NULL); 

// 释放通讯录对象的内存 

if (addressBook) { 




这几个是AddressBook 中的内容



ABAddressBookRef 这货就是某个通讯录了

ABRecordID这个是记录的id, int类型


Include RHAddressBook in your iOS project.

#import <RHAddressBook/AddressBook.h> 

Getting an instance of the addressbook. 

 RHAddressBook *ab = [[[RHAddressBook alloc] init] autorelease]; 

Support for iOS6+ authorization 

 //query current status, pre iOS6 always returns Authorized 

 if ([RHAddressBook authorizationStatus] == RHAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined){ 

 //request authorization 

 [ab requestAuthorizationWithCompletion:^(bool granted, NSError *error) { 

 [abViewController setAddressBook:ab]; 



Registering for addressbook changes 

 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(addressBookChanged:) name:RHAddressBookExternalChangeNotification object:nil]; 

Getting sources. 

 NSArray *sources = [ab sources]; 

 RHSource *defaultSource = [ab defaultSource]; 

Getting a list of groups. 

 NSArray *groups = [ab groups]; 

 long numberOfGroups = [ab numberOfGroups]; 

 NSArray *groupsInSource = [ab groupsInSource:defaultSource]; 

 RHGroup *lastGroup = [groups lastObject]; 

Getting a list of people. 

 NSArray *allPeople = [ab people]; 

 long numberOfPeople = [ab numberOfPeople]; 

 NSArray *allPeopleSorted = [ab peopleOrderedByUsersPreference]; 

 NSArray *allFreds = [ab peopleWithName:@"Fred"]; 

 NSArray *allFredsInLastGroup = [lastGroup peopleWithName:@"Fred"]; 

 RHPerson *person = [allPeople lastObject]; 

Getting basic properties on on a person. 

 NSString *department = [person department]; 

 UIImage *thumbnail = [person thumbnail]; 

 BOOL isCompany = [person isOrganization]; 

Setting basic properties on a person. 

 person.name = @"Freddie"; 

 [person setImage:[UIImage imageNames:@"hahaha.jpg"]]; 

 person.kind = kABPersonKindOrganization; 

 [person save]; 

Getting MultiValue properties on a person. 

 RHMultiDictionaryValue *addressesMultiValue = [person addresses]; 

 NSString *firstAddressLabel = [RHPerson localizedLabel:[addressesMultiValue labelAtIndex]]; //eg Home 

 NSDictionary *firstAddress = [addressesMultiValue valueAtIndex:0]; 

Setting MultiValue properties on a person. 

 RHMultiStringValue *phoneMultiValue = [person phoneNumbers]; 

 RHMutableMultiStringValue *mutablePhoneMultiValue = [[phoneMultiValue mutableCopy] autorelease]; 

 if (! mutablePhoneMultiValue) mutablePhoneMultiValue = [[[RHMutableMultiStringValue alloc] initWithType:kABMultiStringPropertyType] autorelease]; 

 //RHPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel casts kABPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel to the correct toll free bridged type, see RHPersonLabels.h 

 mutablePhoneMultiValue addValue:@"+14086655555" withLabel:RHPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel]; 

 person.phonenumbers = mutablePhoneMultiValue; 

 [person save]; 

Creating a new person. 

 RHPerson *newPerson = [[ab newPersonInDefaultSource] autorelease]; //added to ab 

 RHPerson *newPerson2 = [[[RHPerson newPersonInSource:[ab defaultSource]] autorelease]; //not added to ab 

 [ab addPerson:newPerson2]; 

 NSError* error = nil; 

 if (![ab save:&error]) NSLog(@"error saving: %@", error); 

Getting an RHPerson object for an ABRecordRef for editing. (note: RHPerson might not be associated with the same addressbook as the original ABRecordRef) 

 ABRecordRef personRef = ...; 

 RHPerson *person = [ab personForRecordRef:personRef]; 


 person.firstName = @"Paul"; 

 person.lastName = @"Frank"; 

 [person save]; 


Presenting / editing an RHPerson instance in a ABPersonViewController. 

 ABPersonViewController *personViewController = [[[ABPersonViewController alloc] init] autorelease]; 

 //setup (tell the view controller to use our underlying address book instance, so our person object is directly updated on our behalf) 

 [person.addressBook performAddressBookAction:^(ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef) { 

 personViewController.addressBook =addressBookRef; 

 } waitUntilDone:YES]; 

 personViewController.displayedPerson = person.recordRef; 

 personViewController.allowsEditing = YES; 

 [self.navigationController pushViewController:personViewController animated:YES]; 

Background geocoding 

 if ([RHAddressBook isGeocodingSupported){ 

 [RHAddressBook setPreemptiveGeocodingEnabled:YES]; //class method 


 float progress = [_addressBook preemptiveGeocodingProgress]; // 0.0f - 1.0f 

Geocoding results for a person. 

 CLLocation *location = [person locationForAddressID:0]; 

 CLPlacemark *placemark = [person placemarkForAddressID:0]; 

Finding people within distance of a location. 

 NSArray *inRangePeople = [ab peopleWithinDistance:5000 ofLocation:location]; 

 NSLog(@"people:%@", inRangePeople); 

Saving. (all of the below are equivalent) 

 BOOL changes = [ab hasUnsavedChanges]; 

 BOOL result = [ab save]; 

 BOOL result =[source save]; 

 BOOL result =[group save]; 

 BOOL result =[person save]; 

Reverting changes on objects. (reverts the entire addressbook instance, not just the object revert is called on.) 

 [ab revert]; 

 [source revert]; 

 [group revert]; 

 [person revert]; 

Remember, save often in order to avoid painful save conflicts.
