In Xcode, a target is usually an app - the app which you are creating! Occasionally it is a library or framework. (You can create other kinds of targets but don't worry about that.)

You can use the File Inspector to add a file to a target, or remove a file from a target, or just check whether a file is a member of a target. Simply open a .m file or a resource file (like an image or xib) in the editor pane, then select the File Inspector in the right-hand pane of the Xcode window and find the “Target Membership” section of the inspector. Check or uncheck the box next to your target. (You usually do not want to add .h files to targets.) Here's a demonstration:

add MyObject.m to addToTargetDemo target

If you have multiple targets in the project, each target appears in the “Target Membership” section. Each source file can be a member of any combination of the targets, depending on your needs. For example, if you are creating separate iPhone and iPad apps (instead of a universal app) which share most of their code and resources, you can create a project with two targets. One target is the iPhone app and the other target is the iPad app. You add the common source files to both targets. You add the iPhone-specific .m files and resource files to the iPhone app target only. You add the iPad-specific .m files and resource files to the iPad app target only.