rpm 安装的httpd mysql php php-gd gd php-bcmath php-mbstring net-snmp
rpm -ivh net-snmp-devel- beecrypt-devel-4.1.2-10.1.1.i386.rpm elfutils-devel-0.137-3.el5.i386.rpm lm_sensors-devel-2.10.7-4.el5.i386.rpm beecrypt-4.1.2-10.1.1.i386.rpm elfutils-devel-static-0.137-3.el5.i386.rpm
./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl
make install
[root@localhost zabbix-1.8.2]# mysql
Logging to file '/var/log/mysql_operate.log'
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 13
Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
root@localhost:(none) 01:18:45>create database zabbix
-> ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
root@localhost:(none) 01:18:54>
[root@localhost zabbix-1.8.2]# cat create/schema/mysql.sql |mysql zabbix
Logging to file '/var/log/mysql_operate.log'
mysql: 0 files and 1 streams is left open
[root@localhost zabbix-1.8.2]# cat create/data/data.sql |mysql zabbix
Logging to file '/var/log/mysql_operate.log'
mysql: 0 files and 1 streams is left open
[root@localhost zabbix-1.8.2]# cat create/data/p_w_picpaths_mysql.sql |mysql zabbix
cat >>/etc/services<<EOF
zabbix-agent 10050/tcp Zabbix Agent
zabbix-agent 10050/udp Zabbix Agent
zabbix-trapper 10051/tcp Zabbix Trapper
zabbix-trapper 10051/udp Zabbix Trapper
[root@localhost php]# /etc/init.d/zabbix start
Starting zabbix server: [ OK ]
拷贝源码frontedend/php 到/var/www/html/zabbix 下面
访问http://ip/zabbix/php 因为我之前已经设置过http 支持php,首页是index.php
admin/zabbix 登陆 就基本完成了