If you are a BPM and Workflow addict you would probably love to read some of our latest articles covering different types of workflow processes posted on the ProcessMaker blog.

​Is It Time to Simplify Your Customer Credit Application Process?​

​5 Ways to Streamline Your Employee Hiring​

​6 Tips for Improving Your Authorization Request Process​

​The Best Way to Simplify Your Leave Requests Process​

​Expert Interview Series: Nikola Stolnik for ProcessMaker​

​How to Make Your School’s Student Discipline Process Easier​

​How to Improve Your Staff Evaluations​

​How to Get Help with Your Requisition Requests​

Visit ​​our blog​​ for more articles!

Upcoming Live Trainings

​Live Training Sessions - La Paz, Bolivia 2015 [Spanish]​​​
When: Monday, November 16th to Friday, November 20th, 2015

​Live Training Sessions - Singapore City, Singapore 2016​​​
When: Monday, February 22nd to Friday, February 26th, 2016

Upcoming Webinars

​ ProcessMaker Mobile - A Deep Dive Look Into BPM Mobility
​​When: Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 at 11:00 AM (New York Time)​

How to Externally Run a Complete Case Using the ProcessMaker REST API
​When: Thursday, December 10th, 2015 at 11:00 AM (New York Time)