
1.比black工资高的雇员有哪些?(where 子句中带有查询)

select ename

from emp

where sal>(select sal from emp where ename='BLAKE');


select ename,loc

from emp

natural join dept;

select ename,

case deptno

when 10 then (select loc from dept where deptno=10)

when 20 then (select loc from dept where deptno=20)

when 30 then (select loc from dept where deptno=30)

else (select loc from dept where deptno=40) end location

from emp;


select ename,sal

from emp

where sal>(select max(sal) from emp where deptno=30);

select ename,sal

from emp

where sal > all (select sal from emp where deptno=30);


select ename,sal

from emp

where sal> (select min(sal) from emp where deptno=10);

select ename,sal

from emp

where sal > any (select sal from emp where deptno=10);


select ename from emp

where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);


select ename from emp


deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='ALLEN')


sal>(select sal from emp where ename='MARTIN');


select ename from emp

where (job,deptno)=(select job,deptno from emp where ename='SMITH')

and sal>(select sal from emp where ename='JAMES');


select ename,sal,avgsal,e.deptno

from emp e,

(select avg(sal) avgsal,deptno

from emp

group by deptno) b

where e.deptno=b.deptno

and e.sal>b.avgsal;

工资前五名的人?(TOP-N 分析)

select ename,sal

from emp

where sal in

(select sal

from (select distinct sal from emp order by sal desc)

where rownum<6)

order by sal desc;


select ename,sal from emp

where sal in

(select sal from

(select rownum rn,sal

from (select distinct sal

from emp order by sal desc))

where rn between 6 and 10)

order by sal desc;