
ios 读取excel ios 读取内存的函数_字节对齐

一. 如何获取内存的大小


  • 1.class_getInstanceSize
  • 2.malloc_size
  • 3.sizeOf
#import <malloc/malloc.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
     @autoreleasepool {
        NSObject *obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
         NSLog(@"class_getInstanceSize = %zd", class_getInstanceSize([NSObject class]));
        NSLog(@"malloc_size = %zd", malloc_size((__bridge const void *)(obj)));
        NSLog(@"sizeOf = %zd", sizeof(obj));
     return 0;


class_getInstanceSize = 8
 malloc_size = 16
 sizeOf = 8

结果是 大小都不一样,为什么呢?我们带着疑问来对上面几个函数进行分析一下吧。

1.1 class_getInstanceSize


size_t class_getInstanceSize(Class cls)
   if (!cls) return 0;
    return cls->alignedInstanceSize();

// Class's ivar size rounded up to a pointer-size boundary.
uint32_t alignedInstanceSize() {
    return word_align(unalignedInstanceSize());

// May be unaligned depending on class's ivars.
    uint32_t unalignedInstanceSize() {
        return data()->ro->instanceSize;

从以上看出unalignedInstanceSize中指出返回的是类的属性的大小总和,然后进行字节对齐word_align, 其中WORD_MASK为7UL,即按8位补齐。

#ifdef __LP64__
#   define WORD_SHIFT 3UL
#   define WORD_MASK 7UL
#   define WORD_BITS 64
#   define WORD_SHIFT 2UL
#   define WORD_MASK 3UL
#   define WORD_BITS 32

static inline uint32_t word_align(uint32_t x) {
//以下以    uint32_t x = 8 举例,其中 WORD_MASK  = 7UL
  //第一种算法  ,15 &  ~7
  // 7+8 = 15
    // 0000 1111         // 代表15
    // 0000 1000        //  ~7   
    //&                       //与操作
    // 0000 1000 8   //结果是8
 //第二种算法  ,位移3位
     // 0000 1111         // 代表15
     // 0000 1111  >> 3   // 为0000 0001  
    // 0000 0001  << 3   //  为0000 1000 //即 8 
    // (x + 7) >> 3 << 3
    return (x + WORD_MASK) & ~WORD_MASK;
static inline size_t word_align(size_t x) {
    return (x + WORD_MASK) & ~WORD_MASK;

小 结:class_getInstanceSize依赖于<objc/runtime.h>,返回创建一个实例对象所需内存大小。就是获取对象的全部属性的大小总和,然后按8位对齐获得,不足8位补齐8位。




extern size_t malloc_size(const void *ptr);

malloc_size(const void *ptr)
    size_t size = 0;

    if (!ptr) {
        return size;

    (void)find_registered_zone(ptr, &size);
    return size;


static inline malloc_zone_t *find_registered_zone(const void *, size_t *) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline malloc_zone_t *
find_registered_zone(const void *ptr, size_t *returned_size)
    // Returns a zone which contains ptr, else NULL

    if (0 == malloc_num_zones) {
        if (returned_size) {
            *returned_size = 0;
        return NULL;

    // first look in the lite zone
    if (lite_zone) {
        malloc_zone_t *zone = lite_zone;
        size_t size = zone->size(zone, ptr);
        if (size) { // Claimed by this zone?
            if (returned_size) {
                *returned_size = size;
            // Return the virtual default zone instead of the lite zone - see <rdar://problem/24994311>
            return default_zone;
    // The default zone is registered in malloc_zones[0]. There's no danger that it will ever be unregistered.
    // So don't advance the FRZ counter yet.
    malloc_zone_t *zone = malloc_zones[0];
    size_t size = zone->size(zone, ptr);
    if (size) { // Claimed by this zone?
        if (returned_size) {
            *returned_size = size;

        // Asan and others replace the zone at position 0 with their own zone.
        // In that case just return that zone as they need this information.
        // Otherwise return the virtual default zone, not the actual zone in position 0.
        if (!has_default_zone0()) {
            return zone;
        } else {
            return default_zone;

    int32_t volatile *pFRZCounter = pFRZCounterLive;   // Capture pointer to the counter of the moment
    OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(pFRZCounter); // Advance this counter -- our thread is in FRZ

    unsigned index;
    int32_t limit = *(int32_t volatile *)&malloc_num_zones;
    malloc_zone_t **zones = &malloc_zones[1];

    // From this point on, FRZ is accessing the malloc_zones[] array without locking
    // in order to avoid contention on common operations (such as non-default-zone free()).
    // In order to ensure that this is actually safe to do, register/unregister take care
    // to:
    //   1. Register ensures that newly inserted pointers in malloc_zones[] are visible
    //      when malloc_num_zones is incremented. At the moment, we're relying on that store
    //      ordering to work without taking additional steps here to ensure load memory
    //      ordering.
    //   2. Unregister waits for all readers in FRZ to complete their iteration before it
    //      returns from the unregister call (during which, even unregistered zone pointers
    //      are still valid). It also ensures that all the pointers in the zones array are
    //      valid until it returns, so that a stale value in limit is not dangerous.

    for (index = 1; index < limit; ++index, ++zones) {
        zone = *zones;
        size = zone->size(zone, ptr);
        if (size) { // Claimed by this zone?
            goto out;
    // Unclaimed by any zone.
    zone = NULL;
    size = 0;
    if (returned_size) {
        *returned_size = size;
    OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(pFRZCounter); // our thread is leaving FRZ
    return zone;

由于该方法涉及到虚拟内存分配的流程,过于复杂,本文就再详细展开了。理解一点即可,这个函数是获取 系统实际 分配的内存大小,最小16字节。具体可参考上一节的alloc流程。

// alloc创建对象时最小返回16字节
size_t instanceSize(size_t extraBytes) {
  size_t size = alignedInstanceSize() + extraBytes;
  // CF requires all objects be at least 16 bytes.
  if (size < 16) size = 16;
      return size;




struct test
    int a;    //4 bit
    char b;  //1 bit

    NSLog(@"sizeof =  %lu ",sizeof(t1));
  • 在64位架构下,sizeof(int)得到的是4个字节;
  • sizeof(t1),得到的是8个字节

问:int 是4字节,char 是1字节,那么sizeof(t1)的内存不是5字节吗?


NSLog(@"sizeof = %zd", sizeof([NSObject class]));

结果是 sizeof = 8

问:为什么是 sizeof= 8 ?
答:因为在64位架构下,自定义一个NSObject对象, 返回的是一个指针, 而指针就是8字节的,无论指针指向的对象生命多少个成员变量。

总结:sizeof 只会计算类型所占用的内存大小,不会关心具体的对象的内存布局。NSObject对象最后只返回内存大小为8字节。


在上节中我们发现sizeof(test)的结果是8字节,而不是int 是4字节+char 是1字节 = 5字节。这是因为系统进行了内存对齐的优化处理,接下来我们带着这个疑问了解一下什么是内存对齐。





  • 1.数据成员对齐原则: 结构(struct)(或联合(union))的数据成员,第
  • 2.结构体作为成员:如果一个结构里有某些结构体成员,则结构体成员要从其内部最大元素大小的整数倍地址开始存储
  • 3.收尾工作:结构体的总大小,也就是sizeof的结果,必须是其内部最大



  • 例3.1:结构体 的内存对齐大小计算
struct struct1 {
    char a;
    double b;
    int c;
    short d;
} str1;

struct struct2 {
    double b;
    char a;
    int c;
    short d;
} str2;

struct struct3 {
    double b;
    int c;
    char a;
    short d;
} str3;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"%lu——%lu——%lu", sizeof(str1), sizeof(str2), sizeof(str3));
    return 0;




  • a,长度为1,首地址所以它在第0位坐下了,占据1个格子。[目前长度为1]
  • b,长度为8,一开始为min(1,8),1不是8的整数倍,不满足条件直至min(8,8),所以它在第8位坐下了,占据8个格子(即8-15)。[目前长度为16]。
  • c ,长度为4,一开始为min(16,4),16是4的倍数,所以它在第16位坐下了,占据4格子(即16-19)。目前长度为20。
  • d,长度为2,一开始为min(20,2),满足条件,在20-21位占据。[目前长度22].



ios 读取excel ios 读取内存的函数_内存对齐_02


  • 例3.2:对象 的内存对齐计算
  • 例3.2.1 对象单一属性
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <malloc/malloc.h>

@interface MyAnimal : NSObject{
    int _age;

@implementation MyAnimal

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        MyAnimal *myAnimal = [[MyAnimal alloc]init];
        myAnimal.age = 1;
        NSLog(@"class_getInstanceSize = %zu",class_getInstanceSize([myAnimal class]));
        NSLog(@"malloc_size = %lu",malloc_size(CFBridgingRetain(myAnimal)));
        NSLog(@"sizeof = %lu",sizeof(myAnimal));
    return 0;

class_getInstanceSize = 16
malloc_size = 16
sizeof = 8


xcrun -sdk iphoneos clang -arch arm64 -rewrite-objc main.m -o main.cpp



struct NSObject_IMPL {
    Class isa;//8字节

extern "C" unsigned long OBJC_IVAR_$_MyAnimal$_age;
struct MyAnimal_IMPL {
    struct NSObject_IMPL NSObject_IVARS;
    int _age; //4字节

由上可见,MyAnimal对象最终转为结构体MyAnimal_IMPL,所以MyAnimal_IMPL的大小就是MyAnimal的大小。那我们就可参考上面的结构体来计算对象大小,就是类的isa(8字节)+属性大小的和 = 对象的实际大小。但还得参考内存对齐原则(注:arm64是8字节对齐)。

问:那么class_getInstanceSize 应该是isa(8) + int (4) = 12,为什么是16呢?


ios 读取excel ios 读取内存的函数_数据_03

  • 例3.2.2 对象多属性


@interface MyAnimal : NSObject@interface MyAnimal : NSObject{
    int _age;
    int  _weight;
    int  _height;

@implementation MyAnimal

class_getInstanceSize = 24
malloc_size = 32
sizeof = 8

问:咦?为什么class_getInstanceSize 和 malloc_size 不相等?
答:我们继续执行一下clang,得到实际大小 8+4+4+4 =20,因内存对齐,所以class_getInstanceSize = 24;
但malloc_size是系统分配的大小,以16位对齐,24不是16的倍数,32才是16的倍数,所以malloc_size = 32。

struct MyAnimal_IMPL {
    struct NSObject_IMPL NSObject_IVARS; //8
    int _age; // 4
    int _weight;// 4
    int _height;// 4
  • 例3.2.3 对象属性顺序的影响1_大括号中声明属性
@interface MyAnimal : NSObject{
   //isa      ; // 8    
   int _age;//4
    NSString *_name; //8
    int  _height;//4
    NSString *_nick;//8
    int _weight;//4

class_getInstanceSize = 48
malloc_size = 48
sizeof = 8


@interface MyAnimal : NSObject{
 //isa      ; // 8    
    NSString *_name;// 8    
    NSString *_nick;// 8    
    int _age;//4
    int  _height;//4
    int  _weight;//4

class_getInstanceSize = 40
malloc_size = 48
sizeof = 8


  • 第1种情况:isa(8),后面的age(4),紧跟着name(8),age要补齐到8位成为age(8),同理weight(4)也是补齐到weight(8),则全部大小=isa(8) + name(8) + age(8) + nick(8) + weight(8) + height(4) = 44,因对齐8位对齐,则补充到48.
  • 第2种情况:isa(8),后面紧跟着name(8),nick(8),weight(4)和age(4)共用8字节,则全部大小=isa(8) + name(8) + nick(8) + age(4)+ height(4) + weight(4) = 40,因符合8位对齐,则结果是40.


  • 例3.2.4 对象属性顺序的影响2_直接用@property声明属性
@interface MyAnimal : NSObject
   //isa      ; // 8    
@property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *name;
@property(nonatomic,assign)int  weight;
@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *nick;
@property(nonatomic,assign)int  height;

class_getInstanceSize = 40
malloc_size = 48
sizeof = 8


@interface MyAnimal : NSObject
   //isa      ; // 8    
@property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
@property(nonatomic,assign)int  height;
@property(nonatomic,assign)int  weight;
@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *name;
@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *nick;

class_getInstanceSize = 40
malloc_size = 48
sizeof = 8


ios 读取excel ios 读取内存的函数_ios 读取excel_04

struct MyAnimal_IMPL {
    struct NSObject_IMPL NSObject_IVARS;
    int _age;
    int _weight;
    int _height;
    NSString *_name;
    NSString *_nick;

总结:直接用@property声明属性,顺序不会对内存的大小产生影响,系统会自动对其进行 优化,把相同类型的放在一起。


在上一章中我们讲到了obj = (id)calloc(1, size),我们当时没有详细进入研究。但是objc源码我们无从下手,现在我们可以通过libmalloc源码来一探究竟。


在libmalloc源码中新建target,按照objc源码中的方式调用,我们把之前算出来的对象的属性大小总和40传进来,然后看一下calloc(1, 40)结果。

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <malloc/malloc.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        void *p = calloc(1, 40);
        NSLog(@"malloc_size = %lu",malloc_size(p));
    return 0;

结果:malloc_size = 48



void *
calloc(size_t num_items, size_t size)
    void *retval;
    retval = malloc_zone_calloc(default_zone, num_items, size);
    if (retval == NULL) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
    return retval;

3.2. malloc_zone_calloc

我们再往下看关键代码ptr = zone->calloc(zone, num_items, size);

void *
malloc_zone_calloc(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size)
    MALLOC_TRACE(TRACE_calloc | DBG_FUNC_START, (uintptr_t)zone, num_items, size, 0);

    void *ptr;
    if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {

    ptr = zone->calloc(zone, num_items, size);
    if (malloc_logger) {
                (uintptr_t)(num_items * size), 0, (uintptr_t)ptr, 0);

    MALLOC_TRACE(TRACE_calloc | DBG_FUNC_END, (uintptr_t)zone, num_items, size, (uintptr_t)ptr);
    return ptr;

但是我们进入zone->calloc后发现都是看不懂的东西,zone是malloc_zone_t类型,其中有个方法(calloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t zone, size_t num_items, size_t size);,没法往下进入了。那我们再想一下其他方法。

typedef struct _malloc_zone_t {
    /* Only zone implementors should depend on the layout of this structure;
    Regular callers should use the access functions below */
    void    *reserved1; /* RESERVED FOR CFAllocator DO NOT USE */
    void    *reserved2; /* RESERVED FOR CFAllocator DO NOT USE */
    size_t  (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(size))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, const void *ptr); /* returns the size of a block or 0 if not in this zone; must be fast, especially for negative answers */
    void    *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(malloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size);
    void    *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(calloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size); /* same as malloc, but block returned is set to zero */
    void    *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(valloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size); /* same as malloc, but block returned is set to zero and is guaranteed to be page aligned */
    void    (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(free))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr);
    void    *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(realloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size);
    void    (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(destroy))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone); /* zone is destroyed and all memory reclaimed */
    const char  *zone_name;

    /* Optional batch callbacks; these may be NULL */
    unsigned    (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(batch_malloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned num_requested); /* given a size, returns pointers capable of holding that size; returns the number of pointers allocated (maybe 0 or less than num_requested) */
    void    (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(batch_free))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void **to_be_freed, unsigned num_to_be_freed); /* frees all the pointers in to_be_freed; note that to_be_freed may be overwritten during the process */

    struct malloc_introspection_t   * MALLOC_INTROSPECT_TBL_PTR(introspect);
    unsigned    version;
    /* aligned memory allocation. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 5. */
    void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(memalign))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t alignment, size_t size);
    /* free a pointer known to be in zone and known to have the given size. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 6.*/
    void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(free_definite_size))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size);

    /* Empty out caches in the face of memory pressure. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 8. */
    size_t  (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(pressure_relief))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t goal);

     * Checks whether an address might belong to the zone. May be NULL. Present in version >= 10.
     * False positives are allowed (e.g. the pointer was freed, or it's in zone space that has
     * not yet been allocated. False negatives are not allowed.
    boolean_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(claimed_address))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr);
} malloc_zone_t;


ios 读取excel ios 读取内存的函数_字节对齐_05

3.3. default_zone_calloc

static void *
default_zone_calloc(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size)
    zone = runtime_default_zone();
    return zone->calloc(zone, num_items, size);

按上面的思路,我们给zone = runtime_default_zone()打断点,看一下效果。发现是调用 naco_calloc

ios 读取excel ios 读取内存的函数_ios 读取excel_06

3.4. naco_calloc

static void *
nano_calloc(nanozone_t *nanozone, size_t num_items, size_t size)
    size_t total_bytes;

    if (calloc_get_size(num_items, size, 0, &total_bytes)) {
        return NULL;

    if (total_bytes <= NANO_MAX_SIZE) { // NANO_MAX_SIZE  256 
        void *p = _nano_malloc_check_clear(nanozone, total_bytes, 1);
        if (p) {
            return p;
        } else {
            /* FALLTHROUGH to helper zone */
    malloc_zone_t *zone = (malloc_zone_t *)(nanozone->helper_zone);
    return zone->calloc(zone, 1, total_bytes);

查看NANO_MAX_SIZE 发现为 256 ,此时大小小于256,所以从上面断点往下执行,走到*void p = _nano_malloc_check_clear(nanozone, total_bytes, 1);

3.5. _nano_malloc_check_clear

static void *
_nano_malloc_check_clear(nanozone_t *nanozone, size_t size, boolean_t cleared_requested)
    MALLOC_TRACE(TRACE_nano_malloc, (uintptr_t)nanozone, size, cleared_requested, 0);

    void *ptr;
    size_t slot_key;
    size_t slot_bytes = segregated_size_to_fit(nanozone, size, &slot_key); // Note slot_key is set here
    mag_index_t mag_index = nano_mag_index(nanozone);

    nano_meta_admin_t pMeta = &(nanozone->meta_data[mag_index][slot_key]);

    ptr = OSAtomicDequeue(&(pMeta->slot_LIFO), offsetof(struct chained_block_s, next));
    if (ptr) {
    } else {
        ptr = segregated_next_block(nanozone, pMeta, slot_bytes, mag_index);

    if (cleared_requested && ptr) {
        memset(ptr, 0, slot_bytes); // TODO: Needs a memory barrier after memset to ensure zeroes land first?
    return ptr;

我们跟着断点往下走,代码执行到了segregated_size_to_fit(nanozone, size, &slot_key)

3.6. segregated_size_to_fit



static MALLOC_INLINE size_t
segregated_size_to_fit(nanozone_t *nanozone, size_t size, size_t *pKey)
    size_t k, slot_bytes;

    if (0 == size) {
        size = NANO_REGIME_QUANTA_SIZE; // Historical behavior
    k = (size + NANO_REGIME_QUANTA_SIZE - 1) >> SHIFT_NANO_QUANTUM; // round up and shift for number of quanta
    slot_bytes = k << SHIFT_NANO_QUANTUM;                           // multiply by power of two quanta size
    *pKey = k - 1;                                                  // Zero-based!

    return slot_bytes;

再看一下我们原来传进来的size 是 40,在经过 (40 + 16 - 1) >> 4 << 4 操作后,结果为48,也就是16的整数倍——即16字节对齐。



3.7 calloc流程图

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class_getInstanceSize返回的是对象实际占用的内存大小, 最小为16, 按8字节对齐, 使用属性的话系统会优化ivar的布局, 做到占用最小的内存.

malloc_size是系统实际分配的大小, 最小为16字节, 按照16字节对齐. 16, 32, 48, .....

sizeOf 可以获取基本类型的大小, 而对于指针, 获取的是指针所占用的大小, 而不是指针所指向的对象.