
1. 找到并解析xml 文件

2. 解析xml 文件得到指定值

3. 然后生成一个新的xml 并把值写入新的xml:  新的xml 文件以'.bak' 结尾做为识别.

解析xml :

package com.inetpsa.replace;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;

import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;

public class XmlParser {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        XmlParser parser = new XmlParser();
        ChangeXmlContent changeXmlContent = new ChangeXmlContent();

        String filePath = "junit/com/inetpsa/replace/config-file.xml";
        Document configXmlDocument = null;
        Element root = null;
        List<Element> projectNameElements = null;
        List<Element> projectListFileElements = null;
        List<Element> projectFileListElements = null;

        String projectName = "";
        String xmlFile = "";
        String outputXmlFile = "";

        String processXmlFile = "";

        try {
            configXmlDocument = parser.getDocument(filePath);
            root = configXmlDocument.getRootElement();
            projectNameElements = root.elements("project");

            for (Element element : projectNameElements) {

                projectName = "../" + element.elementText("name");

                // get all the file under this node;
                projectListFileElements = element.elements("list-file");

                for (Element fileElement : projectListFileElements) {

                    projectFileListElements = fileElement.elements("filePath");

                    for (Element fileListElement : projectFileListElements) {

                        xmlFile = fileListElement.getText().trim();

                        processXmlFile = projectName + xmlFile;

                        outputXmlFile = processXmlFile + ".bak";

                        System.out.println("xml file list : " + processXmlFile);

                        changeXmlContent.processXml(processXmlFile, outputXmlFile);



            System.out.println("All xml file generated ended!");
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public Document getDocument(String filePath) throws Exception {
        File xmlFile = new File(filePath);
        SAXReader sr = new SAXReader();
        Document document = sr.read(filePath);

        return document;

替换xml 内容:

package com.inetpsa.replace;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;

public class ChangeXmlContent {

    public void processXml(String filePath, String saveFilePath) throws Exception {
        File xmlFile = new File(filePath);
        File saveFile = new File(saveFilePath);

        // Read the file By BufferedReader object
        FileReader reader = new FileReader(xmlFile);
        BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(reader);

        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(saveFile);
        BufferedWriter bufferWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer);

        String fileContent = "";
        String exportContent = "";
        String remoteException = "";
        String[] strArray = null;
        boolean isProcess;
        boolean isLegalEndFlg = false;
        int offset = 0;
        int endXmlFlg = 0;
        int endPoint = 0;

        // Read the xml file and outpu the process result;
        while ((fileContent = bufferReader.readLine()) != null) {
            isProcess = false;
            offset = fileContent.indexOf('<');
            if (offset != -1) {
                // find the move flag\
                offset = offset + 1;
                endXmlFlg = fileContent.lastIndexOf('/');
                if (fileContent.startsWith("move", offset)) {
                    // find it successfully and legal format as following :
                    // <move nature="LLA" valeur="278" to="ALV_3151" remoteExecution="true" />
                    strArray = fileContent.split(" ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) {
                        if (strArray[i].startsWith("remoteExecution", 0)) {
                            offset = strArray[i].lastIndexOf("\"");
                            endPoint = strArray[i].length() - offset;
                            remoteException = parseAttributeValue(strArray[i], endPoint);
                            if ("true".equals(remoteException)) {
                                isProcess = true;
                                isLegalEndFlg = true;
                                exportContent = parseMoveNode(fileContent, strArray, endXmlFlg);
                    if (!isProcess) {
                        exportContent = fileContent;
                } else {
                    if (endXmlFlg != -1 && fileContent.startsWith("move", endXmlFlg + 1) && isLegalEndFlg == true) {
                        // Process the xml node as following :
                        // </move>
                        exportContent = processEndMoveFlag(fileContent, offset - 1);
                        isLegalEndFlg = false;
                    } else {
                        // other format type
                        exportContent = fileContent;
            } else {
                exportContent = fileContent;


        System.out.println("Process the xml file ending!");



        bufferReader = null;
        bufferWriter = null;
        reader = null;
        writer = null;
        xmlFile = null;
        saveFile = null;

     * Parses the 'Move' Flag and return the String content;
     * @param content the content
     * @return the string
    private String parseMoveNode(String fileContent, String[] content, int endFlg) {
        // For particular Content of String array :
        // content[0] : \t<move
        // content[1] : nature="LLA"
        // content[2] : valeur="251"
        // content[3] : to="ALV_3133"
        // content[4] : remoteExecution="true"
        // content[5] : />
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // parse the startpoint of 'move' node;
        // initial the return String value
        int pos = 0;
        boolean flg = false;
        // process the head of xml node 'move'
        pos = fileContent.indexOf('<');
        sb.append(fileContent.substring(0, pos));
        sb.append("<messageweb_pour_appli contenu=\"--codeMessage::MOVE_ELEMENT");

        // process the attribute 'nature';
        addContent(content, sb, "nature", "--nature::");

        // process the attribute 'valeur';
        addContent(content, sb, "valeur", "--value::");

        // process the attribute 'codeEncours';
        flg = addContent(content, sb, "to", "--codeEncours::");
        if (!flg) {
            // process the attribute 'codeEncours'
            addContent(content, sb, "from", "--codeEncours::");

        // add the left part string and return it.
        if (endFlg != -1) {
        } else {

        return sb.toString();

     * Adds the content into the StringBuilder object.
     * @param content the content
     * @param sb the StringBuilder
     * @param attributeName the attribute name
     * @param prefix the prefix
    private boolean addContent(String[] content, StringBuilder sb, String attributeName, String prefix) {
        String valeur = "";
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
            if (content[i].startsWith(attributeName, 0)) {
                valeur = parseAttributeValue(content[i], 1);
                isSuccess = true;

        return isSuccess;

     * Parses the attribute value like the following : nature="LLA" valeur="251" to="ALV_3133"
     * @param content the content
     * @return the string
    private String parseAttributeValue(String content, int endPoint) {
        String value = "";

        int pos = 0;
        pos = content.indexOf('=');
        if (pos != -1) {
            value = content.substring(pos + 2, content.length() - endPoint);
        return value;

     * Process end Move flag </move>
     * @param fileContent the file content
     * @param offset the offset
     * @return the string
    private String processEndMoveFlag(String fileContent, int offset) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(fileContent.substring(0, offset));

        return sb.toString();

config-xml 文件配置:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

run XmlParser -->


<move nature="LLA" valeur="278" to="ALV_3135" remoteExecution="true" />

<messageweb_pour_appli contenu="--codeMessage::MOVE_ELEMENT--nature::LLA--value::278--codeEncours::ALV_3135--" />