In this lab, you explore and implement an advanced CloudForms appliance with multi-tier architecture. The lab steps through the process of breaking up appliance roles into multi-tier appliances.

The lab creates an environment with an architecture similar to that shown in this diagram:

  • One appliance is dedicated to the database.

  • One appliance is dedicated to the web UI.

  • Five appliances are dedicated to be the workers.

  • End users connect only to the UI appliance.

  • Only worker appliances communicate with the different providers (vCenter, RHV, SCVMM, OpenShift, etc.).

1. Configure the Database

In this section, you set up the initial database configuration.

1.1. Log In and Connect to CloudForms Appliance

  1. Log in using SSH:

    # ssh <your username><UID>
  2. From the workstation host, use SSH to remotely connect to the appliance (password is smartvm):

    # ssh
  3. Verify that your output is similar to the following, indicating that you are now logged in to the CloudForms appliance:

    Last login: Fri Dec 18 14:38:39 2015 from workstation-[GUID]
    Welcome to the Appliance Console
    For a menu, type: appliance_console.

1.2. Configure CloudForms Database

  1. Start the console:

    # appliance_console
  2. Verify that your console information page is similar to this example:

    Welcome to the CFME Virtual Appliance.
    To modify the configuration, use a web browser to access the management page.
    Hostname:                      cf-[GUID]
    IP Address:          
    Primary DNS:         
    Secondary DNS:
    Search Order:                  localdomain
    MAC Address:                   2c:c2:60:3d:70:15
    Timezone:                      America/New_York
    Local Database:                not running
    CFME Database:                 not configured
    Database/Region:               not configured
    External Auth:                 not configured
    CFME Version:        
    CFME Console:                  not configured
    Press any key to continue.
  3. Press any key to open the Advanced Setting menu:

    Advanced Setting
    1) Set DHCP Network Configuration
    2) Set Static Network Configuration
    3) Test Network Configuration
    4) Set Hostname
    5) Set Timezone, Date, and Time
    6) Restore Database From Backup
    7) Setup Database Region
    8) Configure Database
    Choose the advanced setting:
  4. Enter 8 to Configure Database and verify that your output is similar to the following:

    Configure Database
    No encryption key found.
    For migrations, copy encryption key from a hardened appliance.
    For worker and multi-region setups, copy key from another appliance.
    If this is your first appliance, just generate one now.
    Encryption Key
    1) Create key
    2) Fetch key from remote machine
    Choose the encryption key: |1|
    1. Enter 1 to Create key and confirm that your key is created:

      Encryption key now configured.
    2. From the Database Operation menu, enter 1 to Create Internal Database:

      Database Operation
      1) Create Internal Database
      2) Create Region in External Database
      3) Join Region in External Database
      4) Reset Configured Database
      Choose the database operation: 1
    3. Enter 1 to select the /dev/vdb disk device:

      database disk
      1) /dev/vdb: 10240 MB
      2) Don't partition the disk
      Choose the database disk: |1|
    4. When prompted, enter 0 for database region number:

      Each database region number must be unique.
      Enter the database region number: 0
    5. When prompted for the database password and password confirmation, enter r3dh4t1! twice:

      Enter the database password on ********
      Enter the database password again: ********
    6. Wait a few minutes and then verify that the database configuration is complete:

      Activating the configuration using the following settings...
      Username: root
      Database: vmdb_production
      Region:   0
      Initialize postgresql disk starting
      Initialize postgresql disk complete
      Initialize postgresql starting
      Initialize postgresql complete
      Checking for connections to the database...
      Create region starting
      Create region complete
      Configuration activated successfully.
      Press any key to continue.
  5. Press any key when prompted.

  6. Verify that you see the CloudForms appliance information page:

    Welcome to the CFME Virtual Appliance.
    To modify the configuration, use a web browser to access the management page.
    IP Address:          
    Primary DNS:         
    Secondary DNS:
    Search Order:                  localdomain
    MAC Address:                   2c:c2:60:3d:70:15
    Timezone:                      America/New_York
    Local Database:                running
    CFME Database:                 postgres @ localhost
    Database/Region:               vmdb_production / 0
    External Auth:                 not configured
    CFME Version:        
    CFME Console:        
    Press any key to continue.
  7. Press any key when prompted.

1.3. Lock Down the Appliance

  1. From the CloudForms Advanced Setting menu, enter 12 to access the Harden Appliance Using SCAP Configuration screen:

    Harden Appliance Using SCAP Configuration
    Locking down the appliance for SCAP...
    Press any key to continue.
      The lock down process begins immediately without any further prompting.
  2. Press any key when prompted.

  3. Press any key when prompted again.

  4. Enter 18 to Quit the Advanced Setting menu.

      Part of the lockdown procedure causes idle SSH sessions to time out on the CloudForms appliance. While this can be a problem when running tail -f on logs, it is an important security measure.
  5. Use the exit command to log out of the appliance.

2. Configure UI and Workers

In this section, you add new appliances that are designated either as the UI appliance or a worker appliance. The UI appliance provides the main interface for users and administrators. It has no other function, such as database or SmartProxy. The worker appliances serve as workers for all CloudForms functions that do not provide a user interface or database.

  1. From the workstation host, become the root user then configure the remaining appliances using the appliance_console_cli over SSH.

  2. Run the following script to set up SSH keys to all the appliances, then configure them to use the central database appliance:

    $ sudo -i
    # hostlist=""
    # for host in $hostlist; do ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false $host;done
    # for host in $hostlist; do ssh root@$host "appliance_console_cli -a smartvm -p r3dh4t1! -h -K -H $host";done
      Remember the default password for root on the appliances is smartvm

3. Configure IdM Authentication on UI Appliance (CLI Portion)

  This step is for the UI appliance only—do not perform it for the worker appliances.
  1. Make sure you are in the CLI.

    # ssh
    # appliance_console
  2. Press any key to open the Advanced Setting menu:

    Advanced Setting
    10) Configure External Authentication (httpd)
    Choose the advanced setting:
  3. Enter 10 to configure external authentication (httpd).

  4. Enter as the IdM/IPA server hostname.

  5. Enter as the server domain.

  6. Enter EXAMPLE.COM for the server realm.

  7. Enter admin for the server principal.

  8. Enter r3dh4t1! for the server principal password.

  9. Verify that your display looks similar to the following:

    Configure External Authentication (httpd)
    IPA Server Parameters:
    Enter the IPA Server Hostname:
    Enter the IPA Server Domain: ||
    Enter the IPA Server Realm: |EXAMPLE.COM| EXAMPLE.COM
    Enter the IPA Server Principal: |admin| admin
    Enter the IPA Server Principal Password: r3dh4t1!
  10. View the sample IPA server details, as shown here:

    IPA Server Details:
      Realm:          EXAMPLE.COM
      Naming Context: dc=example,dc=com
      Principal:      admin
    Proceed? (Y/N):
  11. At the Proceed? (Y/N) prompt, enter y.

  12. Review the IPA configuration output:

    Checking connectivity to ... Succeeded.
    Configuring IPA (may take a minute) ...
    Configuring the IPA Client ...
    Configuring pam ...
    Configuring sssd ...
    Configuring IPA HTTP Service and Keytab ...
    Configuring httpd ...
    Configuring SELinux ...
    Restarting sssd and httpd ...
    Configuring sssd to start upon reboots ...
    External Authentication configured successfully.
    Press any key to continue.
  13. Exit the Appliance TUI and log out of the appliance.

4. Install VMware VDDK

  Complete this step on all worker appliances, but NOT on the UI appliance.

Any appliance that serves the SmartProxy role and that interacts with vSphere must have the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) installed.


This lab provides a copy of the VDDK tarball on the workstation server for you. In practice, you download this from the VMware website directly using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Downloads → All Downloads, Drivers & Tools → VMware vSphere → Drivers & Tools.

  2. Expand Automation Tools and SDKs.

  3. Select vSphere Virtual Disk Development Kit 5.5.

Alternatively, you can find the file by searching for it on the VMware website using the website’s search menu.

  1. Copy the VDDK tarball from the workstation host to the CloudForms appliance:

    [root@workstation-GUID ~]# for i in `seq 1 5`; do scp /root/VMware-vix-disklib-5.5.0-1284542.x86_64.tar.gz root@cfwork$; done
  2. From the workstation host extract the tarball on each host:

    [root@workstation-GUID ~]# for i in `seq 1 5`; do ssh cfwork$ "tar zxf VMware-vix-disklib-5.5.0-1284542.x86_64.tar.gz;cd vmware-vix-disklib-distrib;yes|./ --default"; done
  3. Verify that your output looks similar to this VDDK install output (this should output 5 times):

    Creating a new VMware VIX DiskLib API installer database using the tar4 format.
    Installing VMware VIX DiskLib API.
    You must read and accept the VMware VIX DiskLib API End User License Agreement
    to continue.
    Press *Enter* to display it.
    VMware® vSphere Software Development Kit License Agreement
    VMware, Inc. (VMware) provides the VMware vSphere Software Development Kit
    (collectively the Software) to you subject to the following terms and
    conditions.  By downloading, installing, or using the Software, you (the
    individual or legal entity) agree to be bound by the terms of this license
    agreement (the Agreement). If you disagree with any of the following
    terms, then do not use the Software.
    1.  The Software contains a variety of materials, interface definitions,
    documentation, sample utility applications and sample code regarding
    programming interfaces to one or more VMware products that are referenced in
    such materials (the referenced products, VMware Products).  This Software
    is intended to be used to develop software that interacts with the VMware
    2.  Use Rights:  Subject to the restrictions below, you may download and
    make a reasonable number of copies of the Software for your use solely for
    the purpose of creating software that communicates with VMware Products
    (your software, Developer Software).  Some code may be designated as
    distributable code and/or modifiable code at
    .  You may use and merge all or portions of the distributable code with
    your Developer Software.  Any merged portion of any distributable code is
    Do you accept? (yes/no) yes
    Thank you.
    What prefix do you want to use to install VMware VIX DiskLib API?
    The prefix is the root directory where the other
    folders such as man, bin, doc, lib, etc. will be placed.
    The installation of VMware VIX DiskLib API 5.5.0 build-1284542 for Linux
    completed successfully. You can remove this software from your system
    at any time by invoking the following command:
    --the VMware team
  4. Run the following command from the workstation host to find the newly installed VDDK library:

    [root@workstation-GUID ~]# for i in `seq 1 5`; do ssh cfwork$ "ldconfig"; done
  5. Run the following command from the workstation host to verify that the VDDK files are installed and accessible to the appliance on all hosts:

    [root@workstation-GUID ~]# for i in `seq 1 5`; do ssh cfwork$ "echo cfwork$;ldconfig -p |grep vix"; done
  6. Verify that your ldconfig output is similar for all hosts:
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
   (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/

5. Set admin User Password

Before continuing, you must change the default admin password. You do this from the CloudForms web UI.

  1. Go to

      Remember to replace GUID with your personal GUID which is provided at the top of the lab provisioning email you received from Red Hat.
  2. Accept the untrusted SSL certificate.

  3. Click the Update password link, as shown below:

  4. Complete the form as follows:

    • Username: admin

    • Password: smartvm

    • New Password: r3dh4t1!

    • Verify Password: r3dh4t1!