永久链接: http://liuyi201407313018.iteye.com/blog/2400635 centos系统下网络连通测试工具mtr

简介 Mtr是 Linux系统中一个非常棒的网络连通性判断工具,它结合了ping, traceroute,nslookup 的相关特性。 A、install software [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install mtr [root@localhost ~]# yum info mtr Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

  • webtatic: sp.repo.webtatic.com Installed Packages Name : mtr Arch : x86_64 Epoch : 2 Version : 0.75 Release : 5.el6 Size : 96 k Repo : installed From repo : anaconda-CentOS-201303050102.x86_64 Summary : A network diagnostic tool URL : http://www.BitWizard.nl/mtr License : GPLv2+ Description : Mtr is a network diagnostic tool that combines ping and traceroute : into one program. Mtr provides two interfaces: an ncurses interface, : useful for using Mtr from a telnet session; and a GTK+ interface for X : (provided in the mtr-gtk package).

[root@localhost ~]# mtr -h usage: mtr [-hvrwctglspniu46] [--help] [--version] [--report] [--report-wide] [--report-cycles=COUNT] [--curses] [--gtk] [--raw] [--split] [--no-dns] [--address interface] [--psize=bytes/-s bytes] [--interval=SECONDS] HOSTNAME [PACKETSIZE]






-n:相当于--no-dns 不解析dns; B、test

[root@localhost ~]# mtr www.baidu.com [root@localhost ~]# mtr My traceroute [v0.75] localhost.localdomain ( Thu Nov 23 15:31:12 2017 Resolver error: No error returned but no answers given. of fields quit Packets Pings Host Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev


第二列:loss%就是对应IP行的丢包率了,需要注意的是有些丢包是由于icmp的保护机制造成的,并不 代表真的丢包;

第三列:snt每秒发送数据包的数量,默认值是10,窝这里通过参数 -c来指定发送15个包;

第四列:Last显示的最近一次的返回时延; 第五列:Avg是平均值 这个应该是发送ping包的平均时延; 第六列:Best是最好或者说时延最短的; 第七列:Wrst是最差或者说时延最常的; 第八列:StDev是标准偏差,统计学名词,一种量度数据分布的分散程度标准,用以衡量数据值偏离算术平均值的程度。标准偏差越小,这些值偏离平均值就越少。