
function CalFactorial(n)
if (n < 0)
return 'n不能为负数';
else if (n == 0)
return 1;
return n * CalFactorial(n - 1);

function factorialWork(aNumber, recursNumber) {
// recursNumber keeps track of the number of iterations so far.
if (aNumber == 0) { // If the number is 0, its factorial is 1.
return 1.;
} else {
if(recursNumber > 100) {
return("Too many levels of recursion.");
} else { // Otherwise, recurse again.
return (aNumber * factorialWork(aNumber - 1, recursNumber + 1));

function factorial(aNumber) {
// Use type annotation to only accept numbers coercible to integers.
// double is used for the return type to allow very large numbers to be returned.
if(aNumber < 0) {
return("Cannot take the factorial of a negative number.");
} else { // Call the recursive function.
return factorialWork(aNumber, 0);

// Call the factorial function for two values.