题目链接:https://leetcode.com/problems/lru-cache/ 题目:

get and set.get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.

set(key, value)


用链表存储key的顺序关系,不管是用栈还是队列,在get元素和set已有元素时候,需要remove链表中的元素,如果用Java内置的链表,时间复杂度为O(n)。   会超时。



1. class Node {  
2.     Node pre, next;  
3. int key, value;  
5. int key, int value, Node pre, Node next) {  
6. this.key = key;  
7. this.value = value;  
8. this.pre = pre;  
9. this.next = next;  
10.     }  
11. }  
13. HashMap<Integer, Node> maps = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();  
14. int capacity = 0;  
15. Node head = null;  
16. Node rear = null;  
18. public LRUCache(int capacity) {  
19. this.capacity = capacity;  
20. new Node(0, 0, null, null);  
21. new Node(0, 0, null, null);  
22.     head.next = rear;  
23.     rear.pre = head;  
24. }  
26. public int get(int key) {  
27. if (maps.containsKey(key)) {  
28.         Node node = maps.get(key);  
29. // remove node  
30.         node.pre.next = node.next;  
31.         node.next.pre = node.pre;  
32. // put head  
33.         node.next = head.next;  
34.         head.next.pre = node;  
35.         head.next = node;  
36.         node.pre = head;  
37. return node.value;  
38. else {  
39. return -1;  
40.     }  
41. }  
43. public void set(int key, int value) {  
44. if (maps.containsKey(key)) {  
45.         Node delete = maps.get(key);  
46. // remove node  
47.         delete.pre.next = delete.next;  
48.         delete.next.pre = delete.pre;  
49. else if (maps.size() == capacity) {  
50.         maps.remove(rear.pre.key);  
51. // remove the last element  
52.         rear.pre.pre.next = rear;  
53.         rear.pre = rear.pre.pre;  
54. null;  
55.     }  
56. new Node(key, value, null, null);  
57. // put head element  
58.     node.next = head.next;  
59.     head.next.pre = node;  
60.     head.next = node;  
61.     node.pre = head;  
62.     maps.put(key, node);  
63. }