
The purpose of this document is to present how IP Fragmentation and Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery (PMTUD) work and to discuss some scenarios involving the behavior of PMTUD when combined with different combinations of IP tunnels. The current widespread use of IP tunnels in the Internet has brought the problems involving IP Fragmentation and PMTUD to the forefront.


The purpose of this document is to present how IP Fragmentation and Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery (PMTUD) work and to discuss some scenarios involving the behavior of PMTUD when combined with different combinations of IP tunnels. The current widespread use of IP tunnels in the Internet has brought the problems involving IP Fragmentation and PMTUD to the forefront.

IP Fragmentation and Reassembly

The IP protocol was designed for use on a wide variety of transmission links. Although the maximum length of an IP datagram is 64K, most transmission links enforce a smaller maximum packet length limit, called a MTU. The value of the MTU depends on the type of the transmission link. The design of IP accommodates MTU differences by allowing routers to fragment IP datagrams as necessary. The receiving station is responsible for reassembling the fragments back into the original full size IP datagram.
IP fragmentation involves breaking a datagram into a number of pieces that can be reassembled later. The IP source, destination, identification, total length, and fragment offset fields, along with the "more fragments" and "don't fragment" flags in the IP header, are used for IP fragmentation and reassembly. For more information about the mechanics of IP fragmentation and reassembly, please see RFC 791 IP Fragmentation and PMTUD(Cisco)_IP.
The p_w_picpath below depicts the layout of an IP header.
IP Fragmentation and PMTUD(Cisco)_identification_02
The identification is 16 bits and is a value assigned by the sender of an IP datagram to aid in reassembling the fragments of a datagram.
The fragment offset is 13 bits and indicates where a fragment belongs in the original IP datagram. This value is a multiple of eight bytes.
In the flags field of the IP header, there are three bits for control flags. It is important to note that the "don't fragment" (DF) bit plays a central role in PMTUD because it determines whether or not a packet is allowed to be fragmented.
Bit 0 is reserved, and is always set to 0. Bit 1 is the DF bit (0 = "may fragment," 1 = "don't fragment"). Bit 2 is the MF bit (0 = "last fragment," 1 = "more fragments").
Bit 0 Reserved
Bit 1 DF
Bit 2 MF
Do not
The graphic below shows an example of fragmentation. If you add up all the lengths of the IP fragments, the value exceeds the original IP datagram length by 60. The reason that the overall length is increased by 60 is because three additional IP headers were created, one for each fragment after the first fragment.
The first fragment has an offset of 0, the length of this fragment is 1500; this includes 20 bytes for the slightly modified original IP header.
The second fragment has an offset of 185 (185 x 8 = 1480), which means that the data portion of this fragment starts 1480 bytes into the original IP datagram. The length of this fragment is 1500; this includes the additional IP header created for this fragment.
The third fragment has an offset of 370 (370 x 8 = 2960), which means that the data portion of this fragment starts 2960 bytes into the original IP datagram. The length of this fragment is 1500; this includes the additional IP header created for this fragment.
The fourth fragment has an offset of 555 (555 x 8 = 4440), which means that the data portion of this fragment starts 4440 bytes into the original IP datagram. The length of this fragment is 700 bytes; this includes the additional IP header created for this fragment.
It is only when the last fragment is received that the size of the original IP datagram can be determined.
The fragment offset in the last fragment (555) gives a data offset of 4440 bytes into the original IP datagram. If you then add the data bytes from the last fragment (680 = 700 - 20), that gives you 5120 bytes, which is the data portion of the original IP datagram. Then, adding 20 bytes for an IP header equals the size of the original IP datagram (4440 + 680 + 20 = 5140).
IP Fragmentation and PMTUD(Cisco)_identification_03

Issues with IP Fragmentation

There are several issues that make IP fragmentation undesirable. There is a small increase in CPU and memory overhead to fragment an IP datagram. This holds true for the sender as well as for a router in the path between a sender and a receiver. Creating fragments simply involves creating fragment headers and copying the original datagram into the fragments. This can be done fairly efficiently because all the information needed to create the fragments is immediately available.
Fragmentation causes more overhead for the receiver when reassembling the fragments because the receiver must allocate memory for the arriving fragments and coalesce them back into one datagram after all of the fragments are received. Reassembly
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