【编者Peter Ye按】

很荣幸能够和我的前东家VMware一道,做为九存的一员,参加ACM ICS 2018大会。

九存将参加ACM-国际超级计算大会(ICS 2018大会)_sed


ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, 美国计算机协会)是一个国际性的科技教育组织,创立于1947年,是世界上第一个科学性及教育性计算机学会,总部设在美国纽约。截止2018年,ACM已经拥有数百个国家和地区的超过10万名的会员,其中半数以上的会员来自美国以外。它的官方网址是:



九存将参加ACM-国际超级计算大会(ICS 2018大会)_ide_02



九存(9stor.com)很荣幸有机会参加本次ACM ICS-2018大会。

九存将参加ACM-国际超级计算大会(ICS 2018大会)_超级计算_03



ICS-2018会议时间:6月12 - 15日




Conference Program

13/June (Wednesday)


Opening (General Chairs: Michael Gschwind, Lei Liu)


Keynote 1: Prof. Hironori Kasahara - U. Waseda, Japan




Session 1: File system, I/O and Storage System




Invited talk 1: Jian Ouyang - Baidu


Session 2A: GPUs-I: Execution Model

Session 2B: GPUs-II: Algorithm




Session 3A: Architecture

Session 3B: Accelerator



14/June (Thursday)


Keynote 2: Prof. Mateo Valero - BSC Barcelona


Session 4A: Application Framework

Session 4B: Runtime System and Library




Session 5A: Program Analysis

Session 5B: System Design




Excursion + Social Event

15/June (Friday)


Invited talk 2: Wan Wei - Sugon


Session 6: Parallel Algorithm




Session 7: Compiler and OS




Invited talk 3: Prof. Guang Gao - University of Delaware


Round Table discussion


Session 8: Optimization and Performance Tuning



Detailed Program

Session 1: File system, I/O and Storage System (13/June, 10:15 am-12:15 pm)

PFault: A General Framework for Analyzing the Reliability of High-Performance Parallel File Systems - Jinrui Cao, Om Rameshwar Gatla, Mai Zheng (New Mexico State University), Dong Dai, Vidya Eswarappa, Yan Mu, Yong Chen (Texas Tech University)

Rethinking Node Allocation Strategy for Data-intensive Applications in Consideration of Spatially Bursty I/O - Jie Yu, Guangming Liu, Xin Liu, Wenrui Dong, Xiaoyong Li, Yusheng Liu (College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology)

PA-SSD: A Page-Type Aware TLC SSD for Improved Write/Read Performance and Storage Efficiency - Wenhui Zhang, Qiang Cao, Hong Jiang, Jie Yao (Department of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

IRIS: I/O Redirection via Integrated Storage - Anthony Kougkas, Hariharan Devarajan, Xian-He Sun (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Session 2A: GPUs-I: Execution Model (13/June, 1:45 pm-3:15 pm)

GRU: Exploring Computation and Data Redundancy via Partial GPU Computing Result Reuse - Husheng Zhou, Soroush Bateni, Cong Liu (University of Texas at Dallas)

Warp-Consolidation: A Novel Execution Model for Modern GPUs - Ang Li (Pacific Northwest National Lab), Weifeng Liu (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Linnan Wang (Brown University), Kevin Barker (Pacific Northwest National Lab), Shuaiwen Leon Song (Pacific Northwest National Lab and William & Mary)

Classification-Driven Search for Effective SM Partitioning in GPU Multitasking - Xia Zhao (Ghent University), Zhiying Wang (National University of Defense Technology), Lieven Eeckhout (Ghent University)

Session 2B: GPUs-II: Algorithm (13/June, 1:45 pm-3:15 pm)

The Broker Queue: A Fast, Linearizable FIFO Queue for Fine-Granular Work Distribution on the GPU - Bernhard Kerbl, Joerg H. Mueller, Michael Kenzel, Dieter Schmalstieg, Markus Steinberger (Graz University of Technology)

Analysis-driven Engineering of Comparison-based Sorting Algorithms on GPUs - Ben Karsin (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Volker Weichert (Goethe University Frankfurt), Henri Casanova (University of Hawaii at Manoa), John Iacono (New York University), Nodari Sitchinava (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Optimizing Tensor Contractions in CCSD(T) for Efficient Execution on GPUs - Jinsung Kim, Aravind Sukumaran Rajam, Changwan Hong (The Ohio State University), Ajay Panyala (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) , Rohit Kumar Srivastava (The Ohio State University), Sriram Krishnamoorthy (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), P. Sadayappan (The Ohio State University)

Session 3A: Architecture (13/June, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm)

A two-phase recovery mechanism - Zhaoxiang Jin, Soner Onder (Michigan Technological University)

HALO: A Hierarchical Memory Access Locality Modeling Technique For Memory System Explorations - Reena Panda, Lizy John (University of Texas at Austin)

High-Performance, Low-Complexity Deadlock Avoidance for Arbitrary Topologies/Routings - Jose A. Pascual, Javier Navaridas (The University of Manchester)

Session 3B: Accelerator (13/June, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm)

ComPEND: Computation Pruning through Early Negative Detection for ReLU in a Deep Neural Network Accelerator - Dongwoo Lee, Sungbum Kang, Kiyoung Choi (Neural Processing Research Center (NPRC), Seoul National University)

CELIA: A Device and Architecture Co-Design Framework for STT-MRAM-Based Deep Learning Acceleration - Hao Yan, Hebin R. Cherian, Ethan C. Ahn, Lide Duan (University of Texas at San Antonio)

Directive-Based, High-Level Programming and Optimizations for High-Performance Computing with FPGAs - Jacob Lambert (University of Oregon), Seyong Lee (Oak Ridge National Lab), Jungwon Kim (Oak Ridge National Lab), Jeffrey S. Vetter (Oak Ridge National Lab), Allen D. Malony (University of Oregon)

Session 4A: Application Framework (14/June, 9:15 am-10:45 am)

ReGraph: A Graph Processing Framework that Alternately Shrinks and Repartitions the Graph - Xue Li, Mingxing Zhang, Kang Chen, Yongwei Wu (Tsinghua University)

cuMBIR: An Efficient Framework for Low-dose X-ray CT Image Reconstruction on GPUs - Xiuhong Li, Yun Liang, Wentai Zhang, Taide Liu, Haochen Li, Guojie Luo, Ming Jiang (Peking University)

Zwift: A Programming Framework for High Performance Text Analytics on Compressed Data - Feng Zhang (Renmin University of China), Jidong Zhai (Tsinghua University), Xipeng Shen (North Carolina State University), Onur Mutlu (ETH Zürich), Wenguang Chen (Tsinghua University)

Session 4B: Runtime System and Library (14/June, 9:15 am-10:45 am)

Reducing Data Movement on Large Shared Memory Systems by Exploiting Computation Dependencies - Isaac Sánchez Barrera, Marc Casas, Miquel Moretó, Eduard Ayguadé, Jesús Labarta, and Mateo Valero (Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Runtime-Guided Management of Stacked DRAM Memories in Task Parallel Programs - Lluc Alvarez, Marc Casas, Miquel Moreto, Jesus Labarta, Eduard Ayguade, and Mateo Valero (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Optimizing Data Aggregation by Leveraging the Deep Memory Hierarchy on Large-scale Systems - Francois Tessier, Paul Gressier, Venkatram Vishwanath (Argonne National Laboratory)

Session 5A: Program Analysis (14/June, 11:00 am-12:30 pm)

Automated Analysis of Time Series Data to Understand Parallel Program Behaviors - Lai Wei, John Mellor-Crummey (Rice University)

ChplBlamer: A Data-centric and Code-centric Combined Profiler for Multi-locale Chapel Programs - Hui Zhang, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth (Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland-College Park)

ProfDP: A Lightweight Profiler to Guide Data Placement in Heterogeneous Memory Systems - Shasha Wen (College of William and Mary), Lucy Cherkasova (ARM Research), Felix Xiaozhu Lin (Purdue ECE), Xu Liu (College of William and Mary)

Session 5B: System Design (14/June, 11:00 am-12:30 pm)

Phase-Aware Web Browser Power Management on HMP Platforms - Nadja Peters, Sangyoung Park, Daniel Clifford, Sami Kyostila, Ross McIlroy, Benedikt Meurer, Hannes Payer (Google Inc.), Samarjit Chakraborty (Technical University of Munich)

Demystifying Cache Policies for Photo Stores at Scale: A Tencent Case Study - Ke Zhou, Si Sun, Hua Wang (HuaZhong University of Science and Technology), Ping Huang, Xubin He (Temple University), Rui Lan, Wenyan Li (Tencent Inc.), Wenjie Liu (Temple University), Tianming Yang (Huanghuai University)

Isometry: A Path-Based Distributed Data Transfer System - Zhihao Jia (Stanford University), Sean Treichler (NVIDIA), Galen Shipman and Pat McCormick (LANL), Alex Aiken (Stanford University)

Session 6: Parallel Algorithm (15/June, 9:30 am-10:30 am)

Accurate, Fast and Scalable Kernel Ridge Regression on Parallel and Distributed Systems - Yang You, James Demmel (UC Berkeley), Cho-Jui Hsieh (UC Davis), Richard Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Dynamic Load Balancing for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence - Keke Zhai, Tania Banerjee, David Zwick, Jason Hackl, and Sanjay Ranka (University of Florida)

Session 7: Compiler and OS (15/June, 10:45 am-12:15 pm)

Revisiting Loop Tiling for Datacenters: Live and Let Live - Jiacheng Zhao, Huimin Cui, and Yalin Zhang (State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Jingling Xue (School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales), Xiaobing Feng (State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS)

Sculptor: Flexible Approximation with Selective Dynamic Loop Perforation - Shikai Li, Sunghyun Park, Scott Mahlke (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

A Case for Granularity Aware Page Migration - Jee Ho Ryoo (ARM Inc.), Lizy K. John (UT-Austin), Arkaprava Basu (Indian Institute of Science)

Session 8: Optimization and Performance Tuning (15/June, 2:30 pm-3:30 pm)

Towards Efficient SpMV on Sunway Many-core Architectures - Changxi Liu (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University), Biwei Xie (State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xin Liu (National Research Centre of Parallel Computer Engineering and Technology), Wei Xue (Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University), Hailong Yang (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University), Xu Liu (Department of Computer Science, College of William and Mary)

On Optimizing Distributed Tucker Decomposition for Sparse Tensors - Venkatesan Chakaravarthy, Jee W Choi, and Douglas J Joseph (IBM Research), Prakash Murali (Princeton University), Yogish Sabharwal, S Shivmaran, Dheeraj Sreedhar (IBM Research)

Bootstrapping Parameter Space Exploration for Fast Tuning - Jayaraman Thiagarajan, Nikhil Jain, Rushil Anirudh, and Alfredo Gimenez (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Rahul Sridhar (University of California, Irvine), Aniruddha Marathe (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Tao Wang (North Carolina State University), Murali Emani, Abhinav Bhatele, Todd Gamblin (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)



