程序员代码面试指南 python实现(第二章:链表问题)

  • 程序员代码面试指南 python实现(第二章:链表问题)
  • 打印两个有序链表的公共部分
  • 在单链表和双链表中删除倒数第K个结点
  • 单链表
  • 双链表
  • 删除链表的中间节点和a/b处的节点
  • 删除中间节点
  • 进阶
  • 反转单向和双向链表
  • 单向链表
  • 双向链表
  • 反转部分单向链表
  • 环形单链表的约瑟夫环问题
  • 原问题
  • 进阶
  • 判断一个链表是否为回文结构
  • 进阶
  • 将单向链表按某值划分成左边小、中间相同、右边大的形式
  • 原问题
  • 进阶
  • 复制含有随机指针节点的链表
  • 原问题
  • 进阶
  • 两个单链表生成相加链表
  • 方法一:利用栈
  • 方法二:利用逆序
  • 两个单链表相交的一系列问题
  • 判断是否有环,并返回该节点
  • 两个无环链表是否相交
  • 判断两个有环链表是否相交,返回第一个相交节点
  • 主题干
  • 将单链表的每K个节点之间逆序
  • 方法一:利用栈结构的解法
  • 方法二:不需要栈结构,在原链表中直接调整
  • 删除无序链表中值重复出现的节点
  • 方法一:利用哈希表
  • 类似于选择排序过程
  • 在单链表中删除指定值的节点
  • 方法一:利用栈等容器类
  • 方法二:不用任何容器类
  • 将搜索二叉树转换成双向链表
  • 方法一:队列+二叉树中序遍历
  • 方法二:递归
  • 单链表的选择排序
  • 一种怪异的节点删除方式
  • 向有序的环形单链表中插入新节点
  • 合并两个有序的单链表
  • 按照左右半区的方式重新组合单链表

程序员代码面试指南 python实现(第二章:链表问题)


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def printCommonPart(self,head1,head2):
        while head1 != None and head2 != None:
            if head1.val < head2.val:
                head1 = head1.next
            elif head1.val > head2.val:
                head2 = head2.next

                print(str(head1.val)+' ')
                head1 = head1.next
                head2 = head2.next

if __name__ == "__main__":
    A_node_1 = Node(1)
    A_node_2 = Node(2)
    A_node_3 = Node(3)
    A_node_4 = Node(4)
    A_node_5 = Node(5)
    A_node_1.next = A_node_2
    A_node_2.next = A_node_3
    A_node_3.next = A_node_4
    A_node_4.next = A_node_5

    B_node_1 = Node(2)
    B_node_2 = Node(3)
    B_node_3 = Node(4)
    B_node_4 = Node(5)
    B_node_5 = Node(6)
    B_node_1.next = B_node_2
    B_node_2.next = B_node_3
    B_node_3.next = B_node_4
    B_node_4.next = B_node_5

    solu = Solution()


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_02

python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_03

python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_04

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_05


class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def removeLastKthNode(self,head,lastKth):
        if head == None or lastKth < 1:
            return head
        cur = head
        while cur != None:
            lastKth -= 1
            cur = cur.next

        if lastKth == 0:
            head = head.next

        if lastKth < 0:
            cur = head
            lastKth += 1
            while lastKth != 0:
                lastKth += 1
                cur = cur.next
            cur.next = cur.next.next

        return head

if __name__ == "__main__":
    head = Node(1)
    node_2 = Node(2)
    node_3 = Node(3)
    node_4 = Node(4)
    node_5 = Node(5)
    node_6 = Node(6)

    head.next = node_2
    node_2.next = node_3
    node_3.next = node_4
    node_4.next = node_5
    node_5.next = node_6

    print("my linklist")
    cur = head
    while cur!=None:
        cur = cur.next
    solu = Solution()
    lastKth = 4
    print("Drop last "+str(lastKth)+" node")
    cur = head
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next


class DoubleNode(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.last = None
        self.next = None

class Solution2(object):
    def removeLastKthNode(self,head,lastKth):
        if head == None or lastKth < 1:
            return head
        cur = head
        while cur != None:
            lastKth -= 1
            cur = cur.next

        if lastKth == 0:
            head = head.next
            head.last = None
        if lastKth < 0:
            cur = head
            lastKth += 1
            while lastKth != 0:
                lastKth += 1
                cur = cur.next

            newNext = cur.next.next
            cur.next =  newNext

            if newNext != None:
                newNext.last = cur       
        return head


python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_06


class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def removeMidNode(self,head):
        if head == None or head.next == None:
            return head

        if head.next.next == None:
            return head.next

        pre = head

        cur = head.next.next
        while cur.next != None and cur.next.next != None:
            pre = pre.next
            cur = cur.next.next

        pre.next = pre.next.next
        return head

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_07





class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):

    def reverseList(self,head):
        pre = None

        while head != None:
            next = head.next
            head.next = pre
            pre = head
            head = next
        return pre

if __name__ == "__main__":
    solu = Solution()
    head = Node(1)
    node_2 = Node(2)
    node_3 = Node(3)
    node_4 = Node(4)
    node_5 = Node(5)

    head.next = node_2
    node_2.next = node_3
    node_3.next = node_4
    node_4.next = node_5

    cur = head
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next

    cur = solu.reverseList(head)

    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next


class DoubleNode(object):    
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.last = None
        self.next = None
class Solution2(object):
    def reverseList(self,head):
        pre = None
        next = None
        while head != None:
            next = head.next
            head.next = pre
            head.last = next
            pre = head
            head = next
        return pre


python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_08

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_09

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_10

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):

    def reversePart(self,head,start,end):
        len = 0
        node_1 = head
        start_pre = None
        end_pos = None
        # 找到开始之前和结束之后的位置
        while node_1 != None:
            len += 1
            start_pre = node_1 if len == start - 1 else start_pre
            end_pos = node_1 if len == end + 1 else end_pos
            node_1 = node_1.next

        if start > end or start < 1 or end > len :
            return head

        node_1  = head if start_pre == None else start_pre.next
        node_2 = node_1.next
        node_1.next = end_pos

        while node_2 != end_pos :
            next = node_2.next
            node_2.next = node_1
            node_1 = node_2
            node_2 = next

        if start_pre != None:
            start_pre.next = node_1
            return head
        return node_1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    head = Node(1)
    node2 = Node(2)
    node3 = Node(3)
    node4 = Node(4)
    node5 = Node(5)
    node6 = Node(6)

    head.next = node2
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = node4
    node4.next = node5
    node5.next = node6

    cur = head
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next

    print("Part Reverse")
    solu = Solution()
    cur = solu.reversePart(head,2,4)
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next



python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_11

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_12

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_13

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def josephusKill1(self,head,m):
        if head == None or head.next == head or m < 1:

            return head

        last = head
        while last.next != head:
            last = last.next

        count = 0

        while head != last:
            count += 1
            if count == m:
                last.next = head.next
                count = 0

                last = last.next

            head = last.next

        return head


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_14


python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_15

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def isPalindrome1(self,head):
        stack = []
        cur = head
        len = 0
        while cur != None:
            cur = cur.next
            len += 1
        if len % 2 != 0:
            return False

        half = len//2

        i = 0
        for i in range(0,half):
            if stack[i] != stack[len-1-i]:
                return False
            i += 1
        return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    node1 = Node(1)
    node2 = Node(2)
    node3 = Node(3)
    node4 = Node(3)
    node5 = Node(2)
    node6 = Node(1)

    node1.next = node2
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = node4
    node4.next = node5
    node5.next = node6

    cur = node1
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next

    solu = Solution()


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_16

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_17

def isPalindrome2(self,head):
        if head == None or head.next == None:
            return True
        right = head.next
        cur = head
        while cur.next != None and cur.next.next != None:
            right = right.next
            cur = cur.next.next

        stack2 = []
        while right != None:
            right = right.next
        while len(stack2) != 0:
            if head.val != stack2.pop():
                return False
            head = head.next
        return True



python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_18

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_19

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def listPartition1(self,head,pivot):
        if head == None:
            return head
        cur = head
        i = 0
        while cur != None:
            i += 1
            cur = cur.next

        nodeArr = [None]*i
        cur = head
        for i in range(0,len(nodeArr)):
            nodeArr[i] = cur
            cur = cur.next
        for i in range(1,len(nodeArr)):
            nodeArr[i-1].next = nodeArr[i]
        nodeArr[i-1].next =None
        return nodeArr[0]

    def arrPartition(self,nodeArr,pivot):
        small = -1
        big = len(nodeArr)
        index = 0
        while index != big:
            if nodeArr[index].val < pivot:
                small += 1
                index += 1
            elif nodeArr[index].val == pivot:
                index += 1
                big -= 1

    def swap(self,nodeArr,a,b):

        nodeArr[a],nodeArr[b] = nodeArr[b],nodeArr[a]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    node1 = Node(9)
    node2 = Node(0)
    node3 = Node(4)
    node4 = Node(5)
    node5 = Node(1)

    node1.next = node2
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = node4
    node4.next = node5

    cur = node1
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next

    solu = Solution()

    head = solu.listPartition1(node1,2)
    while head != None:
        head = head.next


python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_20

python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_21

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_22

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_23

class Solution2(object):
    def listPartition2(self,head,pivot):
        sH = None #小的头
        sT = None #小的尾
        eH = None #相等的头
        eT = None #相等的尾
        bH = None #大的头
        bT = None #大的尾
        next = None #保存下一个节点
        while head != None:
            next = head.next
            head.next = None
            if head.val < pivot:
                if sH == None:
                    sH = head
                    sT = head
                    sT.next = head
                    sT = head
            elif head.val == pivot:
                if eH == None:
                    eH = head
                    eT = head
                    eT.next = head
                    eT = head
                if bH == None:
                    bH = head
                    bT = head
                    bT.next = head
                    bT = head
            head = next
        if sT != None:
            sT.next = eH
            eT = sT if eT == None else eT
        if eT != None:
            eT.next = bH
        if sH != None:
            return sH
        elif eH != None:
            return eH
            return bH



python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_24

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_25

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_26

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None
        self.rand = None

class Solution(object):
    def copyListWithRand1(self,head):
        map = {}
        cur = head
        while cur != None:
            map[cur].next = map[cur.next]
            map[cur].rand = map[cur.rand]
            cur = cur.next
        return map[head]


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_27

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_28

def copyListWithRand2(self,head):
        if head == None:
            return None
        cur = head
        while cur != None:
            next = cur.next
            cur.next = Node(cur.val)
            cur.next.next = next
            cur = next

        cur = head
        curCopy = None
        while cur != None:
            next = cur.next.next
            curCopy = cur.next
            curCopy.rand = cur.rand.next if cur.rand != None else None
            cur = next
        res = head.next
        cur = head
        while cur != None:
            next = cur.next.next
            curCopy = cur.next
            cur.next = cur
            curCopy.next = next.next if next != None else None
            cur = next

        return res


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_29

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_30


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_31

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def addList1(self,head1,head2):
        s1 = []
        s2 = []
        while head1 != None:
            head1 = head1.next

        while head2 != None:
            head2 = head2.next

        ca,n1,n2,n = 0,0,0,0
        node = None
        pre = None
        while len(s1) != 0 or len(s2) != 0:
            n1 = 0 if len(s1) == 0 else s1.pop()
            n2 = 0 if len(s2) == 0 else s2.pop()
            n = n1+n2+ca
            pre = node
            node = Node(n%10)
            node.next = pre
            ca = n / 10

        if ca == 1:
            pre = node
            node = Node(1)
            node.next = pre

        return node


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_32

class Solution2(object):
    def addList2(self,head1,head2):
        head1 = self.reverseList(head1)
        head2 = self.reverseList(head2)

        ca,n1,n2,n = 0,0,0,0
        c1 = head1
        c2 = head2
        node = None
        pre = None
        while c1 != None or c2 != None:
            n1 = c1.val if c1 != None else 0
            n2 = c2.val if c2 != None else 0

        n = n1+n2+ca
        pre = node
        node = Node(n%10)
        node.next = pre
        ca = n / 10
        c1 = c1.next if c1 != None else None
        c2 = c2.next if c2 != None else None

        if ca == 1:
            pre = node
            node = Node(1)
            node.next = pre
        return node

    def reverseList(self,head):
        pre = None
        next = None
        while head != None:
            next = head.next
            head.next = pre
            pre = head
            head = next
        return pre


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_33

python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_34


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_35

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None
class Solution(object):
    def getLoopNode(self,head):
        if head == None or head.next == None or head.next.next == None:
            return None
        slow = head.next
        fast = head.next.next
        while slow != fast:
            if fast.next == None or fast.next.next == None:
                return None
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next

        fast = head
        while slow != fast:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next

        return slow

if __name__ == "__main__":
    node1 = Node(1)
    node2 = Node(2)
    node3 = Node(3)
    node4 = Node(4)
    node5 = Node(5)
    node6 = Node(6)
    node7 = Node(7)
    node8 = Node(9)

    node1.next = node2
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = node4
    node4.next = node5
    node5.next = node6
    node6.next = node7
    node7.next = node8

    node8.next = node3

    cur = node1
    #while cur != None:
        #cur = cur.next

    solu = Solution()


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_36

def noLoop(self,head1,head2):
        if head1 == Node or head2 == None:
            return None
        cur1 = head1
        cur2 = head2
        n = 0
        while cur1.next != None:
            n += 1
            cur1 = cur1.next

        while cur2.next != None:
            n -= 1
            cur2 = cur2.next

        if cur1 != cur2:
            return None

        cur1 = head1 if n > 0 else head2
        cur2 = head2 if cur1 == head1 else head1

        n = abs(n)
        while n != 0:
            n -= 1
            cur1 = cur1.next
        while cur1 != cur2:
            cur1 = cur1.next
            cur2 = cur2.next

        return cur1


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_37

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_38

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_39

def bothLoop(self,head1,loop1,head2,loop2):
        cur1 = None
        cur2 = None
        if loop1 == loop2:
            cur1 = head1
            cur2 = head2
            n = 0
            while cur1 != loop1:
                n += 1
                cur1 = cur1.next
            while cur2 != loop2:
                n -= 1
                cur2 = cur2.next
            cur1 = head1 if n > 0 else head2
            cur2 = head2 if cur1 == head1 else head1
            n = abs(n)
            while n != 0:
                n -= 1
                cur1 = cur1.next
            while cur1 != cur2:
                cur1 = cur1.next
                cur2 = cur2.next
            return cur1
            cur1 = loop1.next
            while cur1 != loop1:
                if cur1 == loop2:
                    return loop1
                cur1 = cur1.next
            return None


def getIntersectNode(self,head1,head2):
        if head1 == None or head2 == None:
            return None
        loop1 = self.getLoopNode(head1)
        loop2 = self.getLoopNode(head2)
        if loop1 == None and loop2 == None:
            return self.noLoop(head1,head2)
        if loop1 != None and loop2 != None:
            return self.bothLoop(head1,loop1,head2,loop2)
        return None


python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_40

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_41


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_42

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_43

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def reverseKNodes1(self,head,K):
        if K < 2:
            return head
        stack = []
        newHead = head
        cur = head
        pre = None

        while cur != None:
            next = cur.next
            if len(stack) == K:
                pre = self.resign1(stack,pre,next)
                newHead = cur if newHead == head else newHead
            cur = next
        return newHead

    def resign1(self,stack,left,right):
        cur = stack.pop()
        if left != None:
            left.next = cur

        while len(stack) != 0:
            next = stack.pop()
            cur.next = next
            cur = next
        cur.next = right
        return cur

if __name__ == "__main__":
    node1 = Node(1)
    node2 = Node(2)
    node3 = Node(3)
    node4 = Node(4)
    node5 = Node(5)
    node6 = Node(6)
    node7 = Node(7)
    node8 = Node(8)

    node1.next = node2
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = node4
    node4.next = node5
    node5.next = node6
    node6.next = node7
    node7.next = node8
    node8.next = None

    cur = node1
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next
    solu = Solution()
    newH = solu.reverseKNodes1(node1,3)
    cur_new = newH
    while cur_new != None:
        cur_new = cur_new.next


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_44

class Solution2(object):
    def reverseKNodes2(self,head,K):
        if K < 2:
            return head
        cur = head
        start = None
        pre = None
        count = 1
        while cur != None:
            next = cur.next
            if count == K:
                start = head if pre == None else pre.next
                head = cur if pre == None else head
                pre =start
                count = 0
            count += 1
            cur = next
        return head
    def resign2(self,left,start,end,right):
        pre = start
        cur = start.next
        while cur != right:
            next = cur.next
            cur.next = pre
            pre =  cur
            cur = next
        if left != None:
            left.next = end
        start.next = right


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_45


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_46

class Node(object):
	def __init__(self,x):
		self.val = x
		self.next = None

class Solution(object):
	def removeRep1(self,head):
		if head == None:
			return None
		vals = set()
		pre = head
		cur = head.next
		while cur != None:
			if cur.val in vals:
				pre.next = cur.next
				pre = cur
			cur = cur.next


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_47

class Solution(object):
	def removeRep2(self,head):
		cur = head 
		while cur != None:
			pre = cur
			next = cur.next
			while next != None:
				if cur.val == next.val:
					pre.next = next.next
					pre = next
					next = next.next
			cur = cur.next


python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_48


class Node(object):
	def __init__(self,x):
		self.val = x
		self.next = None
class Solution(object):
	def removeValue1(self,head,num):
		stack = []
		while head != None:
			if head.val != num:
			head = head.next
		while len(stack) != 0:
			stack[-1].next = head
			head = stack.pop()
		return head


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_49

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_50

class Solution(object):
	def removeValue2(self,head,num):
		while head != None:
			if head.val != num:
			head = head.next
		pre = head
		cur = head
		while cur != None:
			if cur.val == num:
				pre.next = cur.next
				pre = cur
			cur = cur.next
		return head


python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_51

python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_52

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_53


python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_54

class Node(object):
	def __init__(self,x):
		self.val = x
		self.left = None
		self.right = None
class Solution(object):
	def convert1(self,head):
		queue = []
		if len(queue) == 0:
			return head
		head = queue.pop(0)
		pre = head
		pre.left = None
		while len(queue) != 0:
			cur = queue.pop(0)
			pre.right = cur
			cur.left = pre
			pre = cur
		pre.right = None
		return = head
	def inOrderToQueue(self,head,queue):
		if head == None:


python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_55

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_56

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_57

python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_58

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_59

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_60


python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_61

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_62

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_63

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def selectionSort(self,head):
        tail = None#排序部分尾部
        cur = head#未排序部分头部
        smallPre = None#最小节点的前一个节点
        small = None#最小的节点
        while cur != None:
            small = cur
            smallPre = self.getSmallestPreNode(cur)
            if smallPre != None:
                small = smallPre.next
                smallPre.next = small.next
            cur = cur.next if cur == small else cur
            if tail == None:
                head = small
                tail.next = small
            tail = small

        return head

    def getSmallestPreNode(self,head):
        smallPre = None
        small = head
        pre = head
        cur = head.next
        while cur != None:
            if cur.val < small.val:
                smallPre = pre
                small = cur
            pre = cur
            cur = cur.next
        return smallPre

if __name__ == "__main__":
    solu = Solution()
    node1 = Node(10)
    node2 = Node(2)
    node3 = Node(8)
    node4 = Node(1)
    node5 = Node(3)

    node1.next = node2
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = node4
    node4.next = node5
    cur = node1
    while cur != None:
        cur = cur.next

    solu = Solution()
    cur_new = solu.selectionSort(node1)
    while cur_new != None:
        cur_new = cur_new.next


python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_64

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_65

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_66

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def removeNodeWired(self,node):
        if node == None:
        next = node.next
        if next == None:
            raise Exception("can not remove last node.")
        node.val = next.val
        node.next = next.next


python提问 python提问题的代码_单向链表_67

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_68

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_69

class Node(object):
	def __init__(self,x):
		self.val = x
		self.next =None
class Solution(object):
	def insertNum(self,head,num):
		node = Node(num)
		if head == None:
			node.next = node
			return node
		pre = head
		cur = head.next
		while cur != head:
			if pre.val <= num and cur.val >= num:
			pre = cur
			cur = cur.next
		pre.next = node
		node.next =cur
		return head if head.val < num else node


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_70

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_71

python提问 python提问题的代码_python提问_72

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def merge(self,head1,head2):
        if head1 == None or head2 == None:
            if head1 != None:
                return head1
                return head2

        if head1.val < head2.val:
            head = head1
            head = head2

        cur1 = head1 if head == head1 else head2
        cur2 = head2 if head == head1 else head1
        pre = None

        while cur1 != None and cur2 != None:
            if cur1.val <= cur2.val:
                pre = cur1
                cur1 = cur1.next
                next = cur2.next
                pre.next = cur2
                cur2.next = cur1
                pre = cur2
                cur2 = next
            pre.next = cur2 if cur1 == None else cur1
            return head


python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_73

python提问 python提问题的代码_双向链表_74

python提问 python提问题的代码_链表_75

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def relocate(self,head):
        if head == None or head.next == None:

        mid = head
        right = head.next
        while right.next != None and right.next.next != None:
            mid = mid.next
            right = right.next.next

        right = mid.next
        mid.next = None
    def mergeLR(self,left,right):
        next = None
        while left.next != None:
            next = right.next
            right.next = left.next
            left.next = right
            left = right.next
            right = next
        left.next = right