package mystruct

type Storageos1 struct {
	PodNamespace string
	PvName       string
	VolName      string
	volNamespace string
	ReadOnly     bool
	description  string
	pool         string
	fsType       string
	SizeGB       int
	Labels       map[string]string

type StorageosMounter struct {

	// The directory containing the StorageOS devices
	DeviceDir string

package main

import (

func main() {

	var a2 = new(mystruct.Storageos1)
	a2.PvName = "d"
	a2.ReadOnly = false
	a2.SizeGB = 100

	var dict map[string]string //定义dict为map类型
	dict = make(map[string]string) //让dict可编辑

	dict["blue"] = "蓝"
	dict["yellow"] = "黄"
	dict["red"] = "红"
	a2.Labels = dict

	var sm = new(mystruct.StorageosMounter)
	sm.Storageos1 = a2
	sm.DeviceDir = "d:\\logs\\golang"

	fmt.Printf("yellow=%s \n", dict["yellow"])
	fmt.Printf("size gb=%d \n", sm.Storageos1.SizeGB)
