

1.  tabhost = getTabHost();    
2. "1" ).setIndicator( "TAB 1"
3. 0


1.  tabhost = (TabHost) findViewById(;    
2.  tabhost.setup();   
3. "1" ).setIndicator( "TAB 1"
4. 0



1. < TabHost   android:id = "@+id/tabhost"   android:layout_width = "fill_parent"   android:layout_height = "wrap_content" >
2. < LinearLayout   android:orientation = "vertical"   android:layout_width = "fill_parent"   android:layout_height = "fill_parent" >
3. < TabWidget   android:id = "@android:id/tabs"   android:layout_width = "fill_parent"   android:layout_height = "fill_parent"   />
4. < FrameLayout   android:id = "@android:id/tabcontent"   android:layout_width = "fill_parent"   android:layout_height = "fill_parent" >
5. < TextView   android:id = "@+id/text1"   android:layout_width = "wrap_content"   android:layout_height = "wrap_content"   />
6. </ FrameLayout >
7. </ LinearLayout >
8. </ TabHost >

注意:TabHost标签下的TabWidget和FrameLayout的id 是固定的,分别为"tabs"和"tabcontent"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分割线 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

动态更改TabHost的选项卡头显示,有两种方法:一种比较笨而且可控性差(为 什么还要讲一会再说),一种比较简单而且可控性高,我们先说简单的那一种:

TabHost本身不提供有效的函数支持对选项卡头的动态更改,但是我们可以通过 TabHost的getTabWidget()函数得到选项卡头的View从而"曲线"更改选项卡头的属性:


1.  ImageView iv = (ImageView) tabhost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(targetLocation).findViewById(;    
2.  TextView tv = (TextView) tabhost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(targetLocation).findViewById(;   
3. "XXXX"
4.  iv.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icon));


其中获得的ImageView即是TabHost的选项卡 头在targetLocation位置的图片的View,TextView是对应的文字的View,这样就可以对它们进行任意的改动了,注意 targetLocation从0开始




1.  tabhost = getTabHost();    
2. this ).inflate(R.layout.mytab,  null
3.  TextView targetTabLabel = (TextView) tempLayout.findViewById(;   
4. "TAB 1"
5.  tempLayout.removeAllViews();   
6. "1"

注意要对tempLayout使用removeAllViews(),否则在将 targetTabLabel加入TabHost中时会出现java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.的异常


1. <? xml   version = "1.0"   encoding = "utf-8" ?>
2. < RelativeLayout   xmlns:android = ""
3. android:layout_width = "wrap_content"
4. android:layout_height = "wrap_content" >
5. < TextView   android:id = "@+id/tab_text"
6. android:layout_width = "wrap_content"
7. android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
8. android:gravity = "center"
9. android:textStyle = "bold"
10. android:background = "@drawable/selector_img" />
11. </ RelativeLayout >


1. <? xml   version = "1.0"   encoding = "utf-8" ?>
2. < selector   xmlns:android = "" >
3. < item   android:state_selected = "false"
4. android:drawable = "@drawable/img1" >
5. </ item >
6. < item   android:state_selected = "true"
7. android:drawable = "@drawable/img2" >
8. </ item >
9. </ selector >

点击时使用Selector置换背景图片,文字的更改尚未用此方法验证,这种方法非常繁琐而且可控性太差,只能响应选择事件,且只能更改2个选项,但是之 所以讲解这种方法,是因为这里顺便讲解了如何自定义TabHost选项卡头的Layout,如果你想在UI上做出更多的花样,这个技巧是很有帮助的。