







如果有足够多的内存,PHP 提供的 BCMath 支持用字符串的形式表示任意大小和精度的数字




bzip2 函数用于透明地读写 bzip2(.bz2)压缩文件。









该扩展所提供的函数用来检测 在当前的区域设定下(参见

setlocale())检查字符或者字符串 是否仅包含指定类型的字符。




PHP 支持 Daniel Stenberg 创建的

libcurl 库,能够连接通讯各种服务器、使用各种协议


DIR 为包含 lib 和 include 的目录路径。在

include 目录中必须有一个名为 curl,包含了 easy.h 和 curl.h 的文件夹。lib 文件夹里应该有一个名为 libcurl.a 的文件。



要想在 PHP 中使用图像处理功能,你需要连带 GD

库一起来编译 PHP。 GD 库和 PHP 可能需要其他的库, 这取决于你要处理的图像格式。


DIR 是 GD 的基本安装目录。要使用推荐的绑定的 GD

库版本,使用 --with-gd。要编译 GD 库,需要libpng 和 libjpeg。自 PHP 7.4.0 起,--with-gd 变为 --enable-gd (是否启用扩展) 和 --with-external-gd (选择使用外部 libgd,而不是绑定的)



这些函数提供了可以操作 IMAP 以及 NNTP,POP3




表示c-client安装前缀。比如上面提到的例子中,你可以使用 --with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2000b. 根据以上描述,这个路径是指向你先前创建的文件夹。对于 Windows 用户,应该在 php.ini 文件中引入php_imap.dll.



LDAP is the Lightweight

Directory Access Protocol, and is a protocol used to access "Directory Servers". The Directory is a special kind of database that holds information in a tree structure.


DIR is the LDAP base install

directory. To enable SASL support, be sure --with-ldap-sasl[=DIR] is used, and that sasl.h exists on the system.



 the following core extensions rely on this

libxml extension: DOM, libxml, SimpleXML, SOAP, WDDX, XSL, XML, XMLReader, XMLRPC 和 XMLWriter.


The libxml extension is enabled

by default, although it may be disabled with --disable-libxml.The optional --with-libxml-dir directive is used to specify the location of libxml on the system that PHP is being compiled on



mysqli 扩展允许访问 MySQL 4.1





MySQL Native Driver is a

replacement for the MySQL Client Library (libmysqlclient). MySQL Native Driver is part of the official PHP sources as of PHP 5.3.0.

--with-mysql=mysqlnd \

--with-mysqli=mysqlnd \


In order to use the MySQL Native

Driver, PHP needs to be built specifying that the MySQL database extensions are compiled with MySQL Native Driver support. This is done through configuration options prior to building the PHP source code.



OpenSSL 库来对称/非对称加解密,以及 PBKDF2、

PKCS7、 PKCS12、 X509 和其他加密操作




PostgreSQL database is an Open

Source product and available without cost


DIR 是 PostgreSQL 的基本安装目录,默认是

/usr/local/pgsql。如果共享对象模块可用,可以使用 php.ini 中的 extension 指令或者 dl() 函数加载 PostgreSQL 模块。





从 PHP 7.4.0 开始,必须在编译 PHP 时用

--with-zip 配置选项来提供 zip 支持。之前的 PHP 版本,需要使用 --enable-zip 选项。

从 PHP 5.6.0 开始,添加了一个选项 --with-libzip=DIR 用来指定系统的 libzip 目录。要求 libzip 最低版本为 0.11,推荐使用 0.11.2 及以上版本。



This module enables you to

transparently read and write gzip (.gz) compressed files, through versions of most of the filesystem functions which work with gzip-compressed files (and uncompressed files, too, but not with sockets).


Zlib support in PHP is not

enabled by default. You will need to configure PHP

SAPI modules:


Build shared Apache 2 handler module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool [apxs]


Disable building CLI version of PHP (this forces --without-pear)


 EXPERIMENTAL: Enable building of embedded

SAPI  library TYPE is either 'shared' or 'static'.



Enable building of the fpm SAPI executable


Set the user for php-fpm to run as. (default: nobody)


Set the group for php-fpm to run as. For a system user, this should usually be set to match the fpm username (default: nobody)


Activate systemd integration


Use POSIX Access Control Lists


Support AppArmor confinement through libapparmor


Support SELinux policy library


Build PHP as clang fuzzing test module (for developers))


Build PHP as litespeed module


Build phpdbg


Build phpdbg in debug mode


Enable readline support in phpdbg (depends

on static  ext/readline))


Disable building CGI version of PHP


Enable valgrind support

General settings:


Enable GCOV code coverage - FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY!!


Compile with debugging symbols


Compile with debug assertions even in release mode


Enable thread safety


Use dlopen with RTLD_NOW instead of RTLD_LAZY


Set how installed files will be laid out. Type can be either PHP or GNU [PHP]



the path in which to look for php.ini [PREFIX/lib]


Set the path where to scan for configuration files


Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler


Enable explicitly linking against libgcc


Disable the short-form <? start tag by default


Enable dmalloc


Disable IPv6 support


Enable DTrace support


Set size of descriptor sets


Enable -Werror


Enable memory sanitizer (clang only)


Enable address sanitizer


Enable undefined sanitizer




Not all extensions can be build as 'shared'.

  Example: --with-foobar=shared,/usr/local/foobar/

      o Builds the foobar extension as shared extension.

      o foobar package install prefix is /usr/local/foobar/


Disable all extensions which are enabled by default


Build without LIBXML support


Include OpenSSL support (requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.2)


OPENSSL: Include Kerberos support


OPENSSL: Use system default cipher list instead of hardcoded value


Use external library for PCRE support


Disable PCRE JIT functionality


Do not include SQLite3 support.


Include ZLIB support requires zlib >=


Enable bc style precision math functions


Include BZip2 support


Enable support for calendar conversion


Disable ctype functions


Include cURL support


Build DBA with bundled modules. To build shared DBA extension use --enable-dba=shared


DBA: QDBM support


DBA: GDBM support


DBA: NDBM support


DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 4.x or 5.x support


DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 3.x support


DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 2.x support


DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 1.x support/emulation


DBA: DBM support


DBA: Tokyo Cabinet abstract DB support


DBA: Lightning memory-mapped database support


DBA: CDB support (bundled)


DBA: INI support (bundled)


DBA: FlatFile support (bundled)


Enable dl_test extension


Disable DOM support


Include Enchant support


Enable EXIF (metadata from images) support


Include FFI support


Disable fileinfo support


Disable input filter support


Enable FTP support


FTP: Whether to enable FTP SSL support without ext/openssl


Include GD support


Use external libgd


GD: Enable AVIF support (only for bundled libgd)


GD: Enable WEBP support (only for bundled libgd)


GD: Enable JPEG support (only for bundled libgd)


GD: Enable XPM support (only for bundled libgd)


GD: Enable FreeType 2 support (only for bundled  libgd)


GD: Enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support (only for bundled libgd)


Include GNU gettext support


Include GNU MP support


Include mhash support


Exclude iconv support


Include IMAP support. DIR is the c-client install prefix


IMAP: Include Kerberos support


IMAP: Include SSL support


Enable internationalization support


Include LDAP support


LDAP: Build with Cyrus SASL support


Enable multibyte string support


MBSTRING: Disable multibyte regex support


Include MySQLi support. The MySQL native driver will  be used


 MySQLi/PDO_MYSQL: Location of the MySQL unix

socket pointer. If unspecified, the default locations are searched


Include Oracle Database OCI8 support. DIR defaults to $ORACLE_HOME. Use --with-oci8=instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib to use an Oracle Instant Client installation


Force support for the passed ODBC version. A hex number is expected, default 0x0350. Use the special value of 0 to prevent an explicit ODBCVER to be defined.


Include Adabas D support [/usr/local]


Include SAP DB support [/usr/local]


Include Solid support [/usr/local/solid]


Include IBM DB2 support [/home/db2inst1/sqllib]


Include Empress support $EMPRESSPATH (Empress Version >= 8.60 required))


 Include Empress Local Access support

$EMPRESSPATH(Empress Version >= 8.60 required)


    Include user defined ODBC support. DIR is


                          install base directory [/usr/local]. Make sure to

                          define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and have some odbc.h in your

                          include dirs. For example, you should define

                          following for Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX,

                          prior to running this configure script:

                          CPPFLAGS="-DODBC_QNX -DSQLANY_BUG" LDFLAGS=-lunix

                          CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS="-ldblib -lodbc"


Include iODBC support


Include Easysoft OOB support [/usr/local/easysoft/oob/client]


Include unixODBC support


Include DBMaker support


Disable Zend OPcache support


Disable copying PHP CODE pages into HUGE PAGES


Disable JIT


Enable pcntl support (CLI/CGI only)


Disable PHP Data Objects support


PDO: DBLIB-DB support. DIR is the FreeTDS home    directory


PDO: Firebird support. DIR is the Firebird base install directory [/opt/firebird]


PDO: MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory. If no value or mysqlnd is passed as DIR, the MySQL  native driver will be used


PDO_MySQL: Set the path to libz install prefix


PDO: Oracle OCI support. DIR defaults to $ORACLE_HOME. Use  --with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib for an Oracle Instant Client installation.


PDO: Support for 'flavour' ODBC driver. The include and lib dirs are looked for under 'dir'. The 'flavour' can be one of: ibm-db2, iODBC, unixODBC,generic. If ',dir' part is omitted, default for the flavour you have selected will be used. e.g.:  --with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC will check for unixODBC under /usr/local. You may attempt to use an otherwise unsupported driver using the 'generic' flavour. The syntax for generic ODBC support is:  --with-pdo-odbc=generic,dir,libname,ldflags,cflags. When built as 'shared' the extension filename is always pdo_odbc.so


PDO: PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL base


install directory or the path to pg_config


PDO: sqlite 3 support.


Include PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL


base install directory or the path to pg_config


Disable phar support


Disable POSIX-like functions


Include PSPELL support. GNU Aspell version 0.50.0 or


higher required


Include libedit readline replacement (CLI/CGI only)


Include readline support (CLI/CGI only)


Disable session support


SESSION: Include mm support for session storage


Enable shmop support


Disable SimpleXML support


Include SNMP support


Enable SOAP support


Enable sockets support


Include sodium support


Use external libcrypt or libxcrypt


Include Argon2 support in password_*


Enable sysvmsg support


Enable System V semaphore support


Enable the System V shared memory support


Include TIDY support


Disable tokenizer support


Disable XML support


XML: use expat instead of libxml2


Disable XMLReader support


Disable XMLWriter support


Build with XSL support


Enable zend_test extension


Include Zip read/write support


Enable mysqlnd explicitly, will be done implicitly when required by other extensions


  Disable support for the MySQL compressed

protocol in mysqlnd



Install PEAR in DIR [PREFIX/lib/php]


Disable the use of boost fiber assembly files