iTop的OQL(object query language)只支持一种类型,即查询语句,也就是SQL查询中的Select语句。OQL用于过滤或查询,可在iTop中用于邮件通知、审计规则等。OQL的返回值限于一个对象或者一组iTop对象。iTop将OQL最终翻译成对应的SQL Select语句,所以可以将OQL看做是SQL Select的一个子集,功能上不如SQL语句那么灵活,但足以应付iTop中各种操作。注意,OQL中的SQL保留字都必须大写,语法大小写敏感,所以每个对象的大小写必须准确。 OQL语法格式非常简单,形式如下,

  		[output_specification FROM]
  		[WHERE expression]
  		[UNION oql_query]


1. [output_specification FROM] , 此为可选项,当使用了多个对象或者别名时才需要用到。 如:

SELECT p1 FROM Person as p1, 此处p1为Person的别名。


SELECT p1,t1 FROM Person JOIN lnkPersonToTeam AS t1 ON

2. class_reference, 查询的对象名,如上例中的Person。当不使用别名时,可以直接使用如下形式获取数据

>SELECT Person



SELECT `Union`。

3. [class_joined],如上面的例子,描述需要关联的其他对象。这个等于SQL语句的JOIN。具体格式为JOIN object2 ON object1.attribute1 [操作符] object2.attirbute1,其中操作符如下,



4. [WHERE expression],与SQL的WHERE语句一样的功能,expression支持的语法和函数下面再进行描述。

5. [UNION oql_query], 与SQL的UNION的语句一样的功能。其中oql_query只要符合OQL语法即可。但此处的OQL返回的对象应该与主语句一致。

WHERE表达式语法, WHERE表达式可以由几个部分组成,即字符串、操作符、函数,最终形成一个布尔结果值,实现数据筛选。这个跟SQL的WHERE子句功能一致。


Operator Description
AND Logical AND
OR Logical OR
/ Division operator
= Equality operator
>= Greater than or equal operator
> Greater than operator
<= Less than or equal operator
< Less than operator
- Substraction operator
!=, <> Non-equality operator
LIKE Simple pattern matching
NOT LIKE Negation of simple pattern matching
IN List operator
NOT IN Negation of list operator
& New in 2.0.1 Bitwise operator “and”. This operator is different from the “logical” operator “AND” since it operates on every bit of each number.
New in 2.0.1 Bitwise operator “or”. This operator is different from the “logical” operator “OR” since it operates on every bit of each number.
^ New in 2.0.1 Bitwise operator “xor”.
<< New in 2.0.1 Bitwise left shift
>> New in 2.0.1 Bitwise right shift
REGEXP Regular expression
MATCHES New in 2.6.0 Fulltext match against a string. This operator only works with attributes of type TagSet. The supported syntax is attribute MATCHES 'code1 code2'


Function name Description Examples
COALESCE Return the first non-NULL argument COALESCE(field1, field2, 'Undefined')
CONCAT Return concatenated string CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname)
CURRENT_DATE Return the current date CURRENT_DATE()
DATE Extract the date part of a date or datetime expression DATE()
DATE_ADD Add time values (intervals) to a date value. See allowed interval units below DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
DATE_FORMAT Format date as specified DATE_FORMAT('2009-10-04 22:23:00', '%W %M %Y')
DATE_SUB Substract time values (intervals) from a date value. See allowed interval units below DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)
DAY Return the day of the month (0-31) DAY(DATE())
ELT Return string at index number ELT(index, 'string1', 'string2', 'string3')
FLOOR Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument FLOOR(12.356)
FROM_DAYS Convert a day number to a date FROM_DAYS(12345)
IF If/else construct IF(a=b, 'equals', 'differs')
INET_ATON Return the numeric value of an IP address INET_ATON('')
INET_NTOA Return the IP address from a numeric value INET_NTOA(1231654)
MONTH Return the month from the date passed MONTH(DATE())
NOW Return the current date and time NOW()
ROUND Round the argument ROUND(12.356, 2)
SUBSTR Return the substring as specified SUBSTR('abcdef', 2, 3)
TIME Extract the time portion of the expression passed TIME()
TO_DAYS Return the date argument converted to days TO_DAYS('2009-05-01')
TRIM Remove leading and trailing spaces TRIM(' blah ')
YEAR Return the year from the date passed YEAR(DATE())

其他说明, current_contact和current_user可以作为两个与当前登录用户相关的通用变量,从而可以在表达式中进行使用,使用格式如下,

:current_contact→attribute where 'attribute' is any code attribute of the Contact class :current_user→attribute where 'attribute' is any code attribute of the User class

如: SELECT UserRequest WHERE agent_id = :current_contact->id AND status NOT IN ('closed', 'resolved')