
霍尔流量计HF10PP05 咖啡机流量计 食品级流量计_sed

应用场景 / Application Scenarios

1. 咖啡机/ Coffee Machine


Install a Hall flowmeter at the outlet of the coffee machine, combined with the built-in formula of the coffee machine. When the user selects a flavor, press Control the water output, sugar output, milk output, and coffee output according to the formula. Provide users with a better user experience and experience Diversified taste choices.

2. 果汁机/ Juicer


Control the juice output

3. 热水器/ Heater


When the user performs hot water operation and detects a change in flow rate at the outlet, power-off protection can be implemented

4. 洗衣机/ Washing Machine


Installed at the place where the washing machine is filled with laundry detergent, the amount of laundry detergent can be adjusted by the user using different modes

5. 饮水机/ Water Dispenser


Used to control the water output

6. 宠物喂食机/ Pet Feeding Machine


Can quantitatively control pet hydration

7. ····需要计算流量或流速的产品

Products that require flow or velocity calculation


⚫ 产品优点 / Advantage

1. 食品级流量传感器,市面上流量传感器大多数磁性材料都是直接与液体接触的,而磁性材料大多为铷磁铁,这种材料会被氧化,氧化物掉入液体中对健康都是有害的。而我司的磁体与液体是直接隔离开来无接触。

Food grade flow sensors. Most of the magnetic materials used in flow sensors on the market come into direct contact with liquids, and the magnetic materials are mostly rubidium magnets, which can be oxidized and harmful to health if the oxides fall into the liquid. And our magnets are directly

isolated from the liquid without contact.

2. 安装方便,可以直接替代传统流量传感器

Easy to install, can directly replace traditional flow sensors

3. 使用便捷,传感器的宽电压范围无需进行电压的转换

Easy to use, the wide voltage range of the sensor does not require voltage


4. 精度高

High precision

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