外呼系统之 FreeSwitch 高可用,OpenSIPS2.4 做代理服务器

  • OpenSIPS介绍
  • 进入正文
  • 总结


OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation of a SIP server. OpenSIPS is more than a SIP proxy/router as it includes application-level functionalities. OpenSIPS, as a SIP server, is the core component of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and customizable routing engine, OpenSIPS unifies voice, video, IM and presence services in a highly efficient way, thanks to its scalable (modular) design.
简单说它是一个开源的SIP代理路由服务器,具有高性能、可扩展、易控制等特点,既可以用作注册中心也可以像 nginx 做转发服务器。大多数情况我们只需要使用转发模式,本文也是基于转发 SIP 到 FreeSwitch 服务器的场景使用的。
OpenSIPS-2.4.11FreeSwitch-1.10.7 MySQL-5.7
Docker debian:buster NOTE:
1.OpenSIPS 采用 debian:buster 容器化部署,如果你使用 debian10 系统或 docker 镜像会很容易使用本教程,否则可能需要自己处理部分依赖和异常。
2.本文使用 Docker 和 debian:buster 镜像开始搭建,你最好使用 debian10 系统或也使用相同 docker 环境。
3.FreeSwitch 和 OpenSIPS 必须连接同一个 MySQL 数据库(不要求是本地数据库)。
4.FreeSwitch 默认使用 SQLite,必须替换成 MySQL 数据库,本文假设你已经部署 FreeSwitch 能正常工作,并已替换 MySQL。
5.OpenSIPS 更新较快而使用文档存在代差和缺失等问题,所以尽量和本文环境一致再往下操作,这也是本文撰写的一个重要原因。


本文使用 OpenSIPS-2.4.11 进行 SIP 代理,主要目的是实现 FreeSwitch 的高可用和高并发。

在 debain10 系统或 debian:buster 镜像内执行(docker 启动命令 docker run --net=host -idt debian:buster bash)

apt-get update && apt-get -y install wget vim procps
apt-get -y install make gcc libncurses5-dev flex bison libssl-dev pkg-config libxml2-dev lsb-release gnupg
cd /opt
wget http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-apt-config_0.8.20-1_all.deb
wget https://opensips.org/pub/opensips/2.4.x/opensips-2.4.11.tar.gz
dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.20-1_all.deb
#选择mysql-5.7 步骤1-选择 1-选择mysql5.7 4-ok保存
apt-get update && apt-get -y install libmysqlclient-dev mysql-community-client
tar -zxvf opensips-2.4.11.tar.gz
cd opensips-2.4.11
make all include_modules="db_mysql"
make include_modules="db_mysql" prefix="/usr/local" install
vi /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensipsctlrc 
opensipsdbctl create

这时候可以试一下 opensips -FE 应该可以成功启动 OpenSIPS,关掉继续改配置文件。

#这里的配置文件参考 FreeSwitch 官网的 demo 并做了升级和兼容
cp /opt/opensips-2.4.11/packaging/debian/opensips.init /etc/init.d/opensips
sed -i "s/\/usr\/sbin\/opensips/\/usr\/local\/sbin\/opensips/g" /etc/init.d/opensips
sed -i "s/\/etc\/opensips/\/usr\/local\/etc\/opensips/g" /etc/init.d/opensips
sed -i "s/\/etc\/default\/opensips/\/usr\/local\/etc\/opensips/g" /etc/init.d/opensips
sed -i "s/RUN_OPENSIPS=no/RUN_OPENSIPS=yes/g" /etc/init.d/opensips
chmod +x /etc/init.d/opensips
mv /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg.noload

新建opensips.cfg 把下文完整复制进去
vim /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg

##################### replace dispatcher db_url!!!
## Core Parameters
##################### replace ext.ip.addr!!!
# chroot=
# group="opensips"
# user="opensips"
# dbversion_table=
# open_files_limit=2048
server_header="Server: OpenSIPS"
user_agent_header="User-Agent: OpenSIPS"

## Core Fork Parameters

## Core Logging Parameters

## Aliases

## Connectivity
# listen=udp:eth1:5060
# advertised_address=
# advertised_port=5060
# tcp_accept_aliases
# tcp_poll_method=select

## DNS
# dns_servers_no=2

## SIP
#! disable_503_translation=no
# disable_tcp=no
# disable_tls=no
#! reply_to_via=1

## TLS
# disable_tls=no
# listen=tls:your_IP:5061
# tls_verify_server=1
# tls_verify_client=1
# tls_require_client_certificate=0
# tls_method=TLSv1
# tls_certificate="/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls/user/user-cert.pem"
# tls_private_key="/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls/user/user-privkey.pem"
# tls_ca_list="/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls/user/user-calist.pem"

## Destination Blacklist
# dst_blacklist=gw:{( tcp , , 5060 , "" ),( any , , 0 , "" )}
# dst_blacklist=net_filter2:{ !( any , , 0 , "" )}

## Attribute Value Pairs
# avp_aliases="uuid=I:660;email=s:email_addr;fwd=i:753"

## Module Loading

loadmodule "db_mysql.so"
# loadmodule "localcache.so"
loadmodule "signaling.so"
loadmodule "sl.so"
loadmodule "tm.so"
loadmodule "dialog.so"
loadmodule "maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "rr.so"
loadmodule "path.so"
loadmodule "uri.so"
loadmodule "textops.so"
loadmodule "usrloc.so"
loadmodule "nathelper.so"
loadmodule "nat_traversal.so"
loadmodule "uac_redirect.so"
loadmodule "dispatcher.so"
loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
# loadmodule "mi_datagram.so"

## Localcache Module Parameters
# modparam("localcache", "cache_table_size", 10)
# modparam("localcache", "cache_clean_period", 120)

## Stateless UA Module Parameters
modparam("sl", "enable_stats", 1)

## SIP Transaction UA Module Parameters
modparam("tm", "fr_timeout", 2)
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timeout", 120)
# modparam("tm", "wt_timer", 5)
# modparam("tm", "delete_timer", 2)
# modparam("tm", "T1_timer", 500)
# modparam("tm", "T2_timer", 4000)
# modparam("tm", "ruri_matching", 1)
# modparam("tm", "via1_matching", 1)
# modparam("tm", "unix_tx_timeout", 2)
# modparam("tm", "restart_fr_on_each_reply", 1)
# modparam("tm", "fr_timer_avp", "$avp(final_reply_timer)")
# modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_avp", "$avp(25)")
# modparam("tm", "tw_append",
#    "test: ua=$hdr(User-Agent) ;avp=$avp(i:10);$rb;time=$Ts")
modparam("tm", "pass_provisional_replies", 1)
# modparam("tm", "syn_branch", 1)
# modparam("tm", "onreply_avp_mode", 0)
# modparam("tm", "disable_6xx_block", 0)
# modparam("tm", "enable_stats", 1)
# modparam("tm", "minor_branch_flag", 3)

## Max Forward Module Parameters
modparam("maxfwd", "max_limit", 30)

## Record Route Module Parameters
#modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 1)
modparam("rr", "enable_double_rr", 0)
modparam("rr", "add_username", 0)

## Path Module Parameters
modparam("path", "use_received", 1)

## URI Module Parameters
# modparam("uri", "aaa_url", "radius:/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf")
modparam("uri", "use_sip_uri_host", 0)
modparam("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)
modparam("uri", "service_type", 10)
modparam("uri", "use_domain", 1)
modparam("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)
# modparam("uri", "db_url", "mysql://username:password@localhost/opensips")
# modparam("uri", "db_table", "uri")
# modparam("uri", "user_column", "username")
# modparam("uri", "domain_column", "domain")
# modparam("uri", "uriuser_column", "uri_user")

## User Location Module Parameters
modparam("usrloc", "nat_bflag", 6)
modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", 1)
modparam("usrloc", "desc_time_order", 0)
modparam("usrloc", "timer_interval", 60)
modparam("usrloc", "matching_mode", 0)
modparam("usrloc", "cseq_delay", 20)
modparam("usrloc", "hash_size", 9)
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
# modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "dbdriver://username:password@dbhost/dbname")
#modparam("usrloc", "fetch_rows", 2000)
modparam("usrloc", "user_column", "username")
modparam("usrloc", "domain_column", "domain")
modparam("usrloc", "contact_column", "contact")
modparam("usrloc", "expires_column", "expires")
modparam("usrloc", "q_column", "q")
modparam("usrloc", "callid_column", "callid")
modparam("usrloc", "cseq_column", "cseq")
modparam("usrloc", "methods_column", "methods")
modparam("usrloc", "flags_column", "flags")
modparam("usrloc", "cflags_column", "cflags")
modparam("usrloc", "user_agent_column", "user_agent")
modparam("usrloc", "received_column", "received")
modparam("usrloc", "socket_column", "socket")
modparam("usrloc", "path_column", "path")

## Nathelper Module Parameters
# modparam("nathelper", "rtpproxy_sock", "udp:")
# modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 30)
# modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1)
# modparam("nathelper", "natping_processes", 3)
# modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", 7)
# modparam("nathelper", "sipping_from", "sip:sipcheck@")
# modparam("nathelper", "sipping_method", "INFO")

## NAT Traversal Module Parameters
modparam("nat_traversal", "keepalive_interval", 60)
modparam("nat_traversal", "keepalive_method", "OPTIONS")
modparam("nat_traversal", "keepalive_from", "sip:keepalive@ext.ip.addr:5060")
modparam("nat_traversal", "keepalive_state_file", "/tmp/opensips_keepalive_state")

## UAC Redirect Module Parameters
modparam("uac_redirect", "default_filter", "accept")
# modparam("uac_redirect", "deny_filter", NULL)
# modparam("uac_redirect", "accept_filter", NULL)
# modparam("uac_redirect", "acc_function", "acc_log_request")
# modparam("uac_redirect", "acc_db_table", "acc")

## Dispatcher Module Parameters
#modparam("dispatcher", "list_file", "/etc/opensips/dispatcher.list")
modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
# modparam("dispatcher", "flags", 2)
# modparam("dispatcher", "use_default", 0)
# modparam("dispatcher", "force_dst", 1)
modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(271)")
modparam("dispatcher", "attrs_avp", "$avp(272)")
modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(273)")
modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(274)")
modparam("dispatcher", "hash_pvar", "$avp(273)")
# modparam("dispatcher", "setid_pvar", "$var(setid)")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", "OPTIONS")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", "sip:sipcheck@ext.ip.addr:5060")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 10)
# modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_sock", "udp:ext.ip.addr:5060")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_threshhold", 3)
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)
modparam("dispatcher", "options_reply_codes", "501,403,404,400,200")

## MI-FIFO Module Parameters
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")

## MI-Datagram Module Parameters
# modparam("mi_datagram", "socket_name", "udp:")
# modparam("mi_datagram", "children_count", 1)
# modparam("mi_datagram", "unix_socket_mode", 0600)
# modparam("mi_datagram", "unix_socket_group", "root")
# modparam("mi_datagram", "unix_socket_user", "root")
# modparam("mi_datagram", "socket_timeout", 2000)
# modparam("mi_datagram", "reply_indent", "\t")

## XLog Module Parameters
# modparam("xlog", "buf_size", 4096)
# modparam("xlog", "force_color", 0)

## Multiple Module Parameters
loadmodule "sipmsgops.so"
loadmodule "proto_udp.so"
loadmodule "proto_tcp.so"
## Main Request Routing
    # log the basic info regarding this call
    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|start|recieved $oP request $rm $ou");
    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|source $si:$sp");
    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|from $fu");
    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|to $tu");

    # check that hop cound for this request and make sure it is under 10
    # to prevent endless loops
    if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10"))
        xlog("L_WARN", "$ci|end|to many hops");

        sl_send_reply("483", "We refuse to process this endless imbroglio");


    # this check detemines if the opensips has routed the request to itself,
    # this happens because the server is the destination of the request but
    # we mangle it to send it else where. When that mangeling fails and we
    # still relay it then it just comes right back to us...
    # if (src_ip==myself)
    # {
    #     xlog("L_WARN", "$ci|end|sourced from this server");
    #     exit;
    # }

    # currently we dont support subscribe so to keep the noise down
    # just end the request here. For options just end the request here as well.
    if (is_method("OPTIONS"))
        xlog("L_NOTICE", "$ci|end|unsupported method");

        sl_send_reply("503", "Rawr!!");


    # if the source IP/port are in one of the server dispatch lists
    # then this request originated from one of our media servers, mark it
    # as such by setting flag 26
    if (ds_is_in_list("$si", "", "1"))
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|originated from internal sources");

        # Flag 26 marks the source as a on-net server

    # if the request source IP/port was not in any dispatcher lists
    # this this originated outside our equipment (carrier, client, ect)
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|originated from external sources");

    # if the to header has a tag attached then it implies this request
    # has been processed by us before (IE: a media server has added
    # its tag on the to header in prior messages)
    if (has_totag())
        # sequential request within a dialog should
        # take the path determined by record-routing
        if (loose_route())
            append_hf("P-hint: rr-enforced\r\n");

            # if we have locked this call to a media server then
            # maintain that association
            if (cache_fetch("local", "$ci", $avp(55)))
                if (is_method("BYE"))
                    # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
                    # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
                    cache_remove("local", "$ci");

                    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|cleaned up call id from cache");
                else if (isflagset(26))
                    cache_store("local", "$tU", "$avp(55)", 3600);

                    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|maintaining associated $tU with media server $avp(55)");
                else if ($ct.fields(uri))
                    cache_store("local", "$(ct.fields(uri){uri.user})", "$avp(55)", 3600);

                    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|maintaining associated $(ct.fields(uri){uri.user}) with media server $avp(55)");

                cache_store("local", "$ci", "$avp(55)", 3600);

            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|forwarding based on the route set");

            if (isflagset(26))

        else if ( is_method("ACK") )
            if ( t_check_trans() )
                # non loose-route, but stateful ACK; must be an ACK after
                # a 487 or e.g. 404 from upstream server
                xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|in dialog request belongs to a known transaction");

                # ACK without matching transaction ->
                # ignore and discard
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "$ci|end|no matching transaction");

        else if ( is_method("NOTIFY") )


        # request with a to tag that cant be routed loosly and is not an ACK
        # ignor eand discard
        xlog("L_WARN", "$ci|end|could not route in dialog");

        sl_send_reply("486", "PC Load Letter");


    # if the request is to cancel a transaction process it now
    if (is_method("CANCEL"))
        # If this cancel is part of a transaction
        # then pass it along to concerned parties
        if (t_check_trans())
            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|request belogs to a known transaction");

        # if the cancel does not belong to a known transaction or a
        # request that has not progressed outside this server dont relay it
            xlog("L_NOTICE", "$ci|end|no matching transaction");

        # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
        # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
        cache_remove("local", "$ci");

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|cleaned up call id from cache");


    # If this is a retransmission it will break/stop the script
    # and do standard processing of the message

    # Except for an ACK no request should have a route set with no to tag, this would
    # indicate that the intial request has the Route headers and is likely someone trying
    # to get us to send the request were they want
    if (loose_route())
        if (!is_method("ACK"))
            xlog("L_WARN", "$ci|end|initial request contained a preloaded route set");

            sl_send_reply("403", "The only winning move it not to play");


    # If the request is a register we will pass it along but we need
    # to add the path header (along with the received IP/port info)
    if (is_method("REGISTER"))
        # if we fail to add the path header then dont let it
        # register because it will cause issues later...
        if (!add_path_received())
            xlog("L_ERR", "$ci|log|unable to add path");

            sl_send_reply("503", "Internal path befuddlement");

            # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
            # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
            cache_remove("local", "$ci");

            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|end|cleaned up call id from cache");


        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|added path");

    # for all initial request (not having been processed above in the has_totag)
    # that are not a register or message add this sever to the route set on the
    # request so subsequent messages come through this server
    if (!is_method("REGISTER|MESSAGE"))
        # Record the route that this request has taken
        # so we remain in the signaling path

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|added this server to the route set");

    # if the request is from a media server send it out
    if (isflagset(26))


    # if the request is not from a media server it must be for one,
    # there is much work to do!

    # load a list of currently active media servers
    # if no media server could be set with ds_select_domain then there are no
    # active servers, no need to conitnue
    if (!ds_select_domain("1", "4"))
        xlog("L_ERR", "$ci|end|no servers avaliable");

        sl_send_reply("480", "The cake is a lie!");


    if (cache_fetch("local", "$ou", $avp(55)))
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|request $ou is associated with media server $avp(55)");

        cache_remove("local", "$ou");

        cache_store("local", "$ci", "$avp(55)", 3600);
    # if the request is not from our media severs but has a call-id in localcache
    # then change the routing to go to the server previously associated with it.
    else if (cache_fetch("local", "$ci", $avp(55)))
        cache_store("local", "$ci", "$avp(55)", 3600);

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|call-id is associated with media server $avp(55)");
    # if the request is not from our media severs but has a contact uri in localcache
    # then change the routing to go to the server previously associated with it.
    else if ($ct.fields(uri) && cache_fetch("local", "$(ct.fields(uri){uri.user})", $avp(55)))
        cache_store("local", "$(ct.fields(uri){uri.user})", "$avp(55)", 3600);

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|contact $(ct.fields(uri){uri.user}) is associated with media server $avp(55)");
    # if the request is not from our media servers and no associations in localcache
    # then use the distribute list as is
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|routing call to arbitrary media server $rd:$rp");

    # if the dispatcher list (in 271) does not start with
    # the request domain/port that we are sending this call
    # to, re-order the list so that it does
    if($avp(55) && $(avp(271)[0]) != $avp(55))
        # create a index var for our loop (arrays are start at 0 and this is a count)
        $var(i) = $avp(274) - 1;

        # loop over the dispatcher list
        while($var(i) > 0)
            # if this element in the dispatch list is the same
            # as the call destination
            if($(avp(271)[$var(i)]) == $avp(55))
                # replace it with the first element of the list
                $(avp(271)[$(var(i))]) = $(avp(271)[0]);

                # break out of the loop
                $var(i) = -1;

            $var(i) = $var(i) - 1;

        # handles the case were we only have two servers
        # and the one that we are locked to has failed
        if ($var(i) >= 0)

            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|associated media server is inactive, moving to $rd");

            if ($ct.fields(uri) && cache_fetch("local", "$ci", $avp(56)))
                cache_store("local", "$(ct.fields(uri){uri.user})", "sip:$rd:$rp", 3600);

                xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|associated contact $(ct.fields(uri){uri.user}) with media server sip:$rd:$rp");

            # update the callid cache
            cache_store("local", "$ci", "sip:$rd:$rp", 3600);
        # the server we are locked to is in the active server list from then
        # dispatcher so re-arrange the list to try it first
            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|re-ordering the dispatcher list to keep associated server first");

            # set the first element of the list to the destination
            $(avp(271)[0]) = $avp(55);

            # set the domain for this request (server IP to route to)
            $rd = $(avp(55){uri.host});

            # set the port for this request (server IP to route to)
            $rp = $(avp(55){uri.port});


    # 1. correct any nat issues
    # 2. remove any X-AUTH-IP headers so we will be the only one to set it
    # 3. set the X-AUTH-IP header for freeswitch ACLs
    # 4. set the final reply timer to two seconds, so we failover faster
    # 5. arm a logging branch for replies
    # 6. arm a failure branch that will try another one of our media servers when possible



    append_hf("X-AUTH-IP: $si\r\n");

    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|X-AUTH-IP: $si");

    $avp(final_reply_timer) = 2;





    # if the request is from a media server then assume it is going somewhere
    # outside our control and give that equipment longer to respond.
    # Also arm a branch to log the replies

    $avp(final_reply_timer) = 6;




    # try to send the request on its way, if it fails send back a
    # stateless error to the requestor
    if (t_relay())
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|pass|$rd:$rp");
        xlog("L_ERR", "$ci|end|unable to relay message");


    # 1. Contact header field is searched for occurrence of RFC1918 addresses
# if (nat_uac_test("1"))
# {
# xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|contact header field contains a RFC1918 address");
# fix_contact();
# }

    # 2 - the "received" test is used: address in Via is compared against source IP address of signaling
    if (nat_uac_test("2"))
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|address in Via differs from source IP");

        # adds the rport parameter to the first Via header


    # if the request has a body see if it needs NAT corrections as well,
    # this check looks at:
    # 8. SDP is searched for occurrence of RFC1918 addresses
    if (has_body("application/sdp") && nat_uac_test("8"))
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|SDP contains a RFC1918 address");

        # alters the SDP information in order to facilitate NAT traversal.
        # 2. rewrite media IP address (c=) with source IP
        # 8. rewrite IP from origin description (o=) with source IP

    # this branch handles replies that are comming from equipment
    # outside our control

    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|start|recieved external reply $rs $rr");
    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|source $si:$sp");

    # This ensures that if a endpoint recieves a call they can properly
    # transfer that call
    # TODO: this will track calls made to carriers when we start sending carrier
    # traffic through opensips
    # Target: A endpoint answering a call made from one of our media
    # servers should lock that endpoint to the server
    if (t_check_status("200") && is_method("INVITE") && $(fd{ip.isip}) && ds_is_in_list("$fd", "", "1"))
        $var(d) = $(fu{uri.host});

        if ($(fu{uri.port}) == 0)
            $var(p) = 5060;
            $var(p) = $(fu{uri.port});

        if ($ct.fields(uri))
            cache_store("local", "$(ct.fields(uri){uri.user})", "sip:$var(d):$var(p)", 3600);

            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|associated $(ct.fields(uri){uri.user}) with media server sip:$var(d):$var(p)");

        cache_store("local", "$ci", "sip:$var(d):$var(p)", 3600);

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|associated call-id with media server sip:$var(d):$var(p)");

    if (is_method("BYE"))
        # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
        # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
        cache_remove("local", "$ci");

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|cleaned up call id from cache");


    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|pass|$(<request>si):$(<request>sp)");

    # if the reply is not dropped (only provisional replies can be),
    # it will be injected and processed by the transaction engine.

    # this branch handles replies that are comming from our media server
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|start|recieved local internal reply $T_reply_code $rr");
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|start|recieved internal reply $T_reply_code $rr");
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|source $si:$sp");

    # Ensure that if we challenge an endpoint its response is not round-robin'd
    # We have to do it in the reply so we have the correct call id
    # Target: Endpoint intiated a request that was challenged, lock that
    # call id to the challenging server so it recieves the reply
    if (t_check_status("(407)|(401)") && $(si{ip.isip}) && ds_is_in_list("$si", "", "1"))
        cache_store("local", "$ci", "sip:$si:$sp", 3600);

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|associated call-id with media server sip:$si:$sp");

    if (is_method("BYE"))
        # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
        # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
        cache_store("local", "$ci", "sip:$si:$sp", 360);

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|cleaned up call id from cache");

    if ($rs < 300)
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|pass|$(<request>si):$(<request>sp)");

    # if the reply is not dropped (only provisional replies can be),
    # it will be injected and processed by the transaction engine.

    # this branch handles failures (>=300) to our media servers,
    # which we can sometimes overcome by routing to another server

    # if the failure cause was due to the transaction being
    # cancelled then we are complete
    if (t_was_cancelled())
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|transaction was cancelled");

        # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
        # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
        cache_remove("local", "$ci");

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|end|cleaned up call id from cache");


    # if the failure case was soemthing that we should recover
    # from then try to find a new media server
    if (t_check_status("(401)|(407)|(403)"))
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|failure route ignoring auth reply $T_reply_code $rr");
    else if (t_check_status("402"))
        send_reply("486", "More money please");

    else if (t_check_status("(4[0-9][0-9])|(5[0-9][0-9])"))
        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|start|received failure reply $T_reply_code $rr");

        if (cache_fetch("local", "$ci-failure", $avp(55)))
            $avp(55) = $(avp(55){s.int});
            $avp(55) = 0;

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|attempting retry $avp(55) of failed request");

        # try to find a new media server to send the call to
        if($avp(55) < 3 && ds_next_domain())
            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|routing call to next media server $rd:$rp");

            # store the new callid association
            cache_store("local", "$ci", "sip:$rd:$rp", 3600);

            # if the request has a contact and is an INVITE then store the new
            # association
            if ($ct.fields(uri) && is_method("INVITE"))
                cache_store("local", "$(ct.fields(uri){uri.user})", "sip:$rd:$rp", 3600);

                xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|associated contact $(ct.fields(uri){uri.user}) with media server sip:$rd:$rp");

            # reset the final reply timer
            $avp(final_reply_timer) = 2;



            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|pass|$rd:$rp");

            # relay the request to the new media server

            $avp(55) = $avp(55) + 1;

            cache_store("local", "$ci-failure", "$avp(55)", 60);

            cache_remove("local", "$ci-failure");

            xlog("L_ERR", "$ci|log|no other media servers avaliable");
    else if (t_check_status("302"))
        if( $(<reply>hdr(X-Redirect-Server)) && $(<reply>ct.fields(uri)) )
            $var(redirect_host) = $(<reply>hdr(X-Redirect-Server){uri.host});

            $var(redirect_port) = $(<reply>hdr(X-Redirect-Server){uri.port});

            cache_store("local", "$(<reply>ct.fields(uri))", "sip:$var(redirect_host):$var(redirect_port)", 60);

            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|stored redirect mapping for $(<reply>ct.fields(uri)) to sip:$var(redirect_host):$var(redirect_port)");
            xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|stored redirect mapping for $(<reply>ct.fields(uri)) to sip:$var(redirect_host):$var(redirect_port)");

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|failure route ignoring reply $T_reply_code $rr");

    if (!t_check_status("(407)|(401)|(302)"))
        # remove the association between the call-id and the media server (if one)
        # but leave the contact user and server to support transfers
        cache_remove("local", "$ci");

        xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|log|cleaned up call id from cache");

    xlog("L_INFO", "$ci|pass|$(<request>si):$(<request>sp)");

    # if no new branch is generated or no reply is forced over, by default,
    # the winning reply will be sent back to UAC.


#网卡用eth0 端口用5061 可不修改
modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
ext.ip.addr 全部替换成 OpenSIPS 的外网地址
注意这时候要把 FreeSwitch 配置的数据库也换成同一个名为 opensips 的库
opensips -FE


#假设有两个 freeswitch,替换 fs.ext.ip.addr 为你的 freeswitch 地址
opensipsctl dispatcher addgw 1 sip:fs1.ext.ip.addr:5060 "" 0 50 'fs1' 'fs1'
opensipsctl dispatcher addgw 1 sip:fs2.ext.ip.addr:5060 "" 0 50 'fs2' 'fs2'
opensipsctl dispatcher show #查看添加的 freeswitch

用软电话连接测试,mysql 数据库已经有注册用户和通话状态!
一个单节点 SIP代理服务器和环境镜像完成了!


希望大家通过本文能让大家快速使用 OpenSIPS2.4 做 SIP代理服务器并进行简单配置调通。OpenSIPS 的更多详细介绍还是要到官网的模块和路由介绍去一一查看,后面我们将对代理服务器对 FreeSwitch 做负载均衡配置和 OpenSIPS 的多节点高可用做更多介绍,并全部更新到私有化部署版本。后续我会对各电话外呼中心,电话网络基建进行更多的详尽解释,喜欢可以关注我~有问题可以留言或私信我