Style Guide
This is the official style guide for Vue-specific code. If you use Vue in a project, it’s a great reference to avoid errors, bikeshedding, and anti-patterns. However, we don’t believe that any style guide is ideal for all teams or projects, so mindful deviations are encouraged based on past experience, the surrounding tech stack, and personal values.
For the most part, we also avoid suggestions about JavaScript or HTML in general. We don’t mind whether you use semicolons or trailing commas. We don’t mind whether your HTML uses single-quotes or double-quotes for attribute values. Some exceptions will exist however, where we’ve found that a particular pattern is helpful in the context of Vue.
对于其绝大部分,我们也总体上避免就JavaScript或HTML的本身提出建议.我们不介意你是否使用分号或结尾的逗号.我们不介意你在HTML attribute中使用单引号还是双引号.不过当我们发现在Vue的情景下有帮助的特定模式时,也会存在例外.
1. 组件命名规范:
(1). 两种:
①. 大驼峰:
②. 横线:
(2). 当注册组件或prop时命名风格:
①. kebab-case(短横线分隔命名):
a. 最通用的使用约定
②. camelCase(驼峰式命名)
③. PascalCase(单词首字母大写命名):
a. 最通用的声明约定
(3). 命名可遵循以下规则:
①. 有意义的名词、简短、具有可读性
②. 基础组件名以Base、App命名
③. 文件夹命名主要以功能模块代表命名
(4). Vue组件中的方法书写顺序:
- name
- components
- props
- data
- created
- mounted
- activited
- update
- beforeRouteUpdate
- metods
- filter
- computed
- watch