
参考链接: 示例代码:developer.android.com/guide/topic…





  • Controller + Initiator (默认)
  • Controlee + Responder(默认)
  • Controller + Responder
  • Controlee + Initiator

        控制器决定complex channel(UwbComplexChannel),在两个设备之间共享。一个控制器可以与多个受控端工作,但受控端仅能与一个控制器通信。

通道选择(Channel selection)

        对于测距中的受控端(Controlee),必须识别控制器的local address和complex channel。

        local address提供控制器设备的上下文,而complex channel提供测距会话的上下文(为UWB通信中的实际物理信道,默认为9信道;另外一个参数为UWB前导码的编码,可以理解为虚拟信道,所以在Android的实现中,统一放到了一个类中进行实现)。

/** Complex channel used by UWB ranging. */
public class UwbComplexChannel {

    @FiraParams.UwbChannel private final int mChannel;
    @FiraParams.UwbPreambleCodeIndex private final int mPreambleIndex;




// The coroutineScope responsible for handling uwb ranging.
// This will be initialized when startRanging is called.

var job: Job?

// A code snippet that initiates uwb ranging for a controlee.
suspend fun startRanging() {

    // Get the ranging parameter of a partnering controller using an OOB
    // mechanism of choice.
    val partnerAddress : Pair<UwbAddress, UwbComplexChannel> = listenForPartnersAddress()

    // Create the ranging parameters.
    val partnerParameters = RangingParameters(
        uwbConfigType = UwbRangingParamters.UWB_CONFIG_ID_1,
        // SessionKeyInfo is used to encrypt the ranging session.
        sessionKeyInfo = null,
        complexChannel = partnerAddress.second,
        peerDevices = listOf(UwbDevice.createForAddress(partnerAddress.first)),
        updateRateType = UwbRangingParamters.RANGING_UPDATE_RATE_AUTOMATIC

    // Initiate a session that will be valid for a single ranging session.
    val clientSession = uwbManager.clientSessionScope()

    // Share the localAddress of the current session to the partner device.
    val sessionFlow = clientSession.prepareSession(partnerParameters)
    // Start a coroutine(协程) scope that initiates ranging.
    CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main.immediate).launch {
        sessionFlow.collect {
            when(it) {
                is RangingResultPosition -> doSomethingWithPosition(it.position)
                is RangingResultPeerDisconnected -> peerDisconnected(it)

// A code snippet that cancels uwb ranging.
fun cancelRanging() {
    // Canceling the CoroutineScope will stop the ranging.
    job?.let {


要使用UWB API,需要执行以下步骤:

  1. 确保设备在Android 12或更高版本上运行(当前为Android 13)。
  2. 确保设备支持使用PackageManager#hasSystemFeature("android.hardware.uwb")
  3. 推荐:使用带外(OOB)机制发现支持UWB的对等设备,例如BluetoothScanner用于BLE扫描。
  4. 推荐:使用OOB机制(如`BluetoothGatt` BLE GATT连接)交换本地设备的地址和对等设备的地址和复杂通道以用于会话。
  5. 如果用户想停止会话,取消会话的范围即可(cancel the scope of the session)。