
1、A project manager suspects there is a quality defect in a recently produced batch of products. However, a test for this defect will be destructive to the products. What should the company do next?项目经理怀疑最近生产的一批产品存在质量缺陷,对这种缺陷的测试将对产品造成破坏。公司接下来要做什么?
A、 Execute a design of experiments on the batch of products. 在批产品上进行实验设计。

B、 Randomly select units from the batch to measure the extent of the defect. 随机从批中选择单元来测量缺陷的程度。

C、 Execute statistical sampling with pre-defined acceptance criteria. 按照预先定义的验收标准执行统计抽样。

D、 Release the current batch to sell at a discounted price. 释放当前批次以折扣价出售



2、A project team must develop new technology for a project which has no previous data available. The project manager wants to determine the cost of developing and prototyping this new technology. What should the project manager use to estimate the project' s costs?项目团队必须为没有可用历史数据的项目开发新技术。项目经理想确定开发和原型化这项新技术的成本。项目经理应该用什么来估算项目的成本?
A、 Expert judgment
B、 Bottom-up

C、 Three point
D、 Analogous



3、A company was acquired by a big company that wanted to focus on its core products and services. The projects in the planning phase are being revised to include the new change management process. The project manager of a project needs continuous high-level input to ensure consistency with the new organizational structure. What should the project manager do to ensure that project changes are managed effectively?一家公司被一家大公司收购,这家大公司希望把重点放在其核心产品和服务上.处于规划阶段的所有项目都正在进行修订,以包含新的变更管理程序.一个项目的项目经理需要持续的高级输入,以确保与新的组织结构保持一致.若要确保项目变更得到有效管理,项目经理应该怎么做?
A、 Reopen the requirements, expand the project to include the new change management process, and designate a team member to take fully responsibility for change management. 重新开放需求,扩展项目以包含新的变更管理程序,并制定一名团队成员全权负责变更管理
B、 Determine which change controls apply to the project, implement only those relevant and valuable change controls, and escalate the changes to management when necessary. 确定哪些变更控制适用于该项目,只实施那些相关且有价值的变更控制,并在必要时将变更升级上报给管理层.
C、 .Ignore the new change management process and notify the new management that the project requirements have been completed and cannot be changed. 忽略新的变更管理过程,并通知新的管理层,项目需求已经完成并且无法进行变更
D、 Implement new change controls and propose the formation of a Change Control Board (CCB) to track and monitor changes and resolve issues and escalate issues in a timely manner. 实施新的变更控制,并提议成立变更控制委员会 (CCB),以跟踪和监控变更,及时解决问题并上报问题。


公司被收购,要入乡随俗,遵守新公司的变更流程.A 选项的变更责任人错误,应该是项目经理;B 选项认为项目经理直接批准和否决变更,错误。
