Ansible Module Develop: Simplifying Automation


Automation is at the heart of modern IT operations. It helps organizations enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and ensure consistency in their systems and processes. Ansible, an open-source automation tool, has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, scalability, and agentless nature. One of the key features that makes Ansible so powerful is its extensive collection of modules. In this article, we will explore the concept of Ansible module development and understand its significance in automating IT infrastructure.

What are Ansible Modules?

Ansible modules are units of code that are executed by Ansible to perform specific tasks on a target system. These tasks can be simple, such as creating a directory, or complex, such as deploying and configuring a multi-tier application. Modules provide a way to abstract the complex details of system management, allowing users to focus on the desired state rather than the procedure to achieve it.

Benefits of Developing Ansible Modules

While the available collection of Ansible modules is comprehensive, there may be situations where a custom module is required to fulfill a specific automation need. Here are a few benefits of developing Ansible modules:

1. Customization: Developing custom modules allows organizations to tailor automation workflows according to their unique requirements. This level of customization ensures that automation aligns perfectly with the organization's infrastructure and processes.

2. Reusability: By developing modules, organizations can create automation solutions that can be easily reused across different projects or environments. This not only saves time but also promotes consistency and standardization within the organization.

3. Bridging Gaps: In complex IT environments, there are often gaps between existing modules and the desired automation outcomes. Developing custom modules helps bridge these gaps and enables organizations to achieve automation goals that are otherwise hard to attain.

Getting Started with Ansible Module Development

To develop Ansible modules, one must have a good understanding of Python, as Ansible modules are written in this language. Here's a step-by-step approach to get started with Ansible module development:

1. Identify the Task: Begin by identifying the specific task or automation requirement that the module should fulfill. Break down the task into smaller, manageable steps.

2. Create the Module Structure: Ansible modules follow a specific structure. Create a new directory with the module name under the appropriate Ansible modules directory. Inside the module directory, create the main module file, typically named ``. This file will contain the module code.

3. Write the Module Code: Write the Python code that will accomplish the automation task. Use Ansible's module development documentation and examples as a reference. Ensure the code is well-documented, follows best practices, and handles error scenarios gracefully.

4. Test the Module: It is crucial to thoroughly test the module before using it in production. Develop test cases that cover a wide range of scenarios and edge cases. Leverage Ansible's unit testing framework and tools like Molecule to automate module testing.

5. Package and Distribute the Module: Once the module is working as expected, package it for distribution. Ensure that all the necessary dependencies are included and provide clear instructions on how to use the module. Publish the module on platforms like Ansible Galaxy for broader availability.


Ansible's module development capability is a game-changer for organizations looking to achieve comprehensive automation. By developing custom modules, organizations gain the ability to tailor automation to their specific needs, promote reusability, and bridge any gaps in existing modules. While module development requires Python skills, the benefits far outweigh the effort invested. With Ansible and custom module development, organizations can simplify IT operations, streamline processes, and scale their automation capabilities effectively. Start exploring Ansible module development today and unlock the true potential of automation.