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Flashing Google’s Factory Images to a Nexus device is a pretty straightforward process, but it can be a little more daunting on Nexus Player since it doesn’t technically have its own display. The good news is that the process isn’t all that different from other Nexus devices.

将Google的Factory Image刷新到Nexus设备是一个非常简单的过程,但是在Nexus Player上,由于它在技术上没有自己的显示屏,因此可能会有些令人生畏。 好消息是,该过程与其他Nexus设备没有什么不同。

While Nexus Player will normally update itself over-the-air, there are times when flashing an image may be necessary: if the unit malfunctions (soft bricks), if you just want to start over, or if you’re too impatient to wait for the update to hit your device. All feasible reasons to opt for the manual method.

尽管Nexus Player通常会通过无线方式进行自我更新,但有时还是有必要闪烁图像:如果设备发生故障(软砖),只是想重新开始,或者急于等待才能将更新发布到您的设备上。 所有可行的理由选择手动方法。

Before we get started, a little prep work is necessary on your PC. You’ll need to install the Android SDK (Software Development Kit), and the most recent version of Platform-Tools, which can be installed directly from the SDK. Once those are installed, you can add adb and fastboot to your Windows System Path if you’d like to streamline the process.

在开始之前,您的PC上需要做一些准备工作。 您需要安装Android SDK (软件开发工具包)和最新版本的Platform-Tools,可以直接从SDK进行安装。 安装这些文件后,如果您想简化此过程,则可以将adb和fastboot添加到Windows系统路径中。

With your PC ready to go, you’ll need to enable USB Debugging in Nexus Player’s Settings menu. From the Settings menu, head into “About” and then click on the Build Number 7 times. This will enable the Developer Options menu.

准备好使用PC时,您需要在Nexus Player的设置菜单中启用USB调试。 从“设置”菜单进入“关于”,然后单击内部版本号7次。 这将启用“开发人员选项”菜单。

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Jump back into the Settings menu and navigate down to the newly-enabled Developer Options menu. Scroll down until you see Debugging, and enable it. The system is now ready for ADB and Fastboot access.

跳回到“设置”菜单并向下导航至新启用的“开发人员选项”菜单。 向下滚动,直到看到“调试”,然后启用它。 系统现在可以进行ADB和Fastboot访问了。

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Go ahead and plug a USB cable into Nexus Player’s microUSB port, then into your computer. (You’ll need to keep it plugged into your TV as well during this process, so it’s probably best to use a laptop.) A USB debugging warning should show up on the Nexus Player when you plug it into your PC, asking if you want to grant debugging access to this computer. Go ahead and click the box, then accept.

继续,然后将USB电缆插入Nexus Player的microUSB端口,然后再插入计算机。 (在此过程中,您还需要将其插入电视中,因此最好使用笔记本电脑。)当您将Nexus Player插入PC时,USB调试警告应显示在Nexus Player上,询问您是否想要授予对此计算机的调试访问权限。 继续并单击该框,然后接受。

Assuming you already have your Nexus Player Factory Image downloaded and extracted, you’re ready to flash it. If you set up adb and fastboot in your Windows system path, go ahead and navigate to where your factory image is installed and Shift+Right Click, then choose “Open command window here.”

假设您已经下载并解压缩了Nexus Player工厂映像 ,就可以对其进行刷新了。 如果您在Windows系统路径中设置adb和fastboot,请继续并导航至工厂映像的安装位置,然后按住Shift +右键单击,然后选择“在此处打开命令窗口”。

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If not, copy and paste adb.exe and fastboot.exe to the folder with the extracted factory image files in it (flash-all.bat,, etc.). Then, shift+right click and choose “Open command window here.”

如果不是,请将adb.exe和fastboot.exe复制并粘贴到其中包含提取的工厂映像文件的文件夹(flash-all.bat,image-fugu-XXXXXXX.zip等)。 然后,按住Shift键并单击鼠标右键,然后选择“在此处打开命令窗口”。

Reboot your Nexus Player into the bootloader with the following command:

使用以下命令将Nexus Player重新启动到引导加载程序中:

adb reboot bootloader

The Nexus Player should reboot into the bootloader, which will take a few minutes. From here, you won’t be able to interface with the device using a remote. If you need to physically interact with the bootloader, you can do so with the button on the bottom of Nexus Player—a quick press will navigate through the menu, a long-press will execute the selected command.

Nexus Player应该重新启动进入引导加载程序,这将需要几分钟。 从这里开始,您将无法使用遥控器与设备连接。 如果您需要与引导加载程序进行物理交互,可以使用Nexus Player底部的按钮进行操作-快速按一下即可浏览菜单,长按即可执行所选命令。

If you haven’t done this before, you’ll need to unlock the device’s bootloader:


fastboot oem unlock

It should fail the first time, asking you to re-send the command. This will format the device, so be aware that you’ll have to start over from scratch when you boot it back up. Considering it’s never a bad idea to wipe the device when flashing a new image, this is probably a good thing anyway.

它应该第一次失败,要求您重新发送命令。 这将格式化设备,因此请注意,重新启动设备时,必须从头开始。 考虑到刷新新图像时擦拭设备绝不是坏主意,无论如何这可能是一件好事。

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With the device unlocked, go back to the folder with the extracted files on your PC and double-click the “flash-all.bat” file. This will essentially automate the flashing process. Thanks, Google!

解锁设备后,返回PC上包含解压缩文件的文件夹,然后双击“ flash-all.bat”文件。 这实际上将使刷新过程自动化。 谢谢,谷歌!

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The device will reboot several times, so don’t stress the first time you hear your computer make that “device disconnected” noise. Just let it do its thing.

设备将重新启动几次,因此,当您第一次听到计算机发出“设备断开连接”的声音时,请不要紧张。 只要让它做它的事。

When the process is finished, the command prompt will give the “Press any key to exit” dialog. If there were no errors during the process (seriously, read the flippin’ log!), then you’re good to go.

该过程完成后,命令提示符将显示“按任意键退出”对话框。 如果在此过程中没有错误(严重,请阅读翻页记录!),那就很好了。

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Occasionally, the flash-all.bat script doesn’t work like it should. And by that, I mean it doesn’t really work at all. If that happens, you’ll have to manually flash the image. Just hit this guide up, then scroll down to the “What to do if the script doesn’t work” section. That should take care of it for you.

有时,flash-all.bat脚本无法正常运行。 那样,我的意思是根本不起作用。 如果发生这种情况,则必须手动刷新图像。 只需按一下该指南 ,然后向下滚动到“如果脚本不起作用该怎么办”部分。 那应该为您解决。

