iOS 查找cpu占用原因 苹果如何查看cpu占用率_linux

mac 不出现在dock

iOS 查找cpu占用原因 苹果如何查看cpu占用率_mac_02

If you often run processor-intensive apps, it’s good to keep an eye on your Mac’s CPU usage. Luckily, Apple makes it easy to get a quick glance at CPU Usage and CPU History by changing Activity Monitor‘s Dock icon. Here’s how to set it up.

如果您经常运行处理器密集型应用程序,那么请密切注意Mac的CPU使用率。 幸运的是,Apple通过更改Activity Monitor的Dock图标,可以快速浏览CPU使用率和CPU历史记录。 设置方法如下。

First, open “Activity Monitor.” If you don’t know how, Spotlight makes it easy. Click the small “magnifying glass” icon in your menu bar (or press Command+Space). When the “Spotlight Search” bar appears, type “activity monitor” and hit “Return.”

首先,打开“活动监视器”。 如果您不知道如何操作,Spotlight可以轻松实现。 单击菜单栏中的小“放大镜”图标(或按Command + Space)。 当出现“ Spotlight Search”栏时,键入“活动监视器”,然后单击“返回”。

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When Activity Monitor opens, you can close the main window with the red “X” button because you won’t be needing it. (If you’d like to get it back later, select Window > Activity Monitor in the menu bar, or press Command+1.)

当活动监视器打开时,您可以使用红色的“ X”按钮关闭主窗口,因为您不需要它。 (如果您希望以后再找回它,请在菜单栏中选择“窗口”>“活动监视器”,或按Command + 1。)

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Next, right-click Activity Monitor’s icon in the dock, and a menu will pop up. In the menu, select “Dock Icon,” and you will see several options. For now, select “Show CPU Usage.”

接下来,右键单击扩展坞中的活动监视器图标,将弹出一个菜单。 在菜单中,选择“停靠图标”,您将看到几个选项。 现在,选择“显示CPU使用率”。

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With “Show CPU Usage” turned on, Activity Monitor’s dock icon will transform into a 10-segment gauge that lights up, depending on how much CPU activity is taking place. For example, if all 10 segments are lit, you’re using 100% of your CPU capacity.

启用“显示CPU使用情况”后,Activity Monitor的扩展坞图标将转变为一个10段规,该规会根据正在执行的CPU活动量而亮起。 例如,如果所有10个段均点亮,则您正在使用100%的CPU容量。

iOS 查找cpu占用原因 苹果如何查看cpu占用率_python_06

If you right-click Activity Monitor’s dock icon again and select Dock Icon > Show CPU History instead, you will see a black rectangle that charts CPU usage over time. The display flows slowly from right to left, with intense periods of CPU usage adding more height to each column. The red squares represent CPU usage by system processes, and the green squares represent CPU usage by user processes.

如果再次右键单击“活动监视器”的停靠图标,然后改为选择“停靠图标”>“显示CPU历史记录”,您将看到一个黑色的矩形,它绘制了一段时间内CPU使用情况的图表。 显示从右向左缓慢流动,大量的CPU使用时间为每一列增加了更多的高度。 红色方块代表系统进程的CPU使用率,绿色方块代表用户进程的CPU使用率。

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If you’d like to change the Activity Monitor icon back to normal, right-click its “Dock” icon again and select Dock Icon > Show Application Icon. Alternatively, you can also configure Activity Monitor’s Dock icon from the menu bar in the “View” menu. Select the “Dock Icon” option, and you will see a menu similar to the one we used earlier.

如果您想将“活动监视器”图标恢复为正常,请再次右键单击其“停靠”图标,然后选择“停靠图标”>“显示应用程序图标”。 或者,您也可以从“视图”菜单中的菜单栏中配置活动监视器的Dock图标。 选择“停靠图标”选项,您将看到一个类似于我们之前使用的菜单。

iOS 查找cpu占用原因 苹果如何查看cpu占用率_java_08

When you have the Dock icon configured how you like, just leave Activity Monitor running in the background as you perform other tasks. The CPU Usage or CPU History display in the dock will keep updating over time, and you can leave the readout going indefinitely. Activity Monitor must remain running for it to work, however; as soon as you close the app, its Dock icon will revert back to normal. Just like Cinderella’s pumpkin!

当您按照自己的喜好配置了Dock图标后,在执行其他任务时,只需使Activity Monitor在后台运行即可。 扩展坞中的“ CPU使用情况”或“ CPU历史记录”显示将随着时间的推移而不断更新,您可以无限期地继续进行读数。 但是,活动监视器必须保持运行才能正常工作。 关闭应用程序后,其Dock图标将恢复为正常状态。 就像灰姑娘的南瓜一样!


mac 不出现在dock